put weight on gutted

lost 2 lb first week then got weighed today , and put 2 back on exercised every day aerobics and kept in my calories . i have to say i did lose 2 percent fat though . i am all bloated this morning and fingers face all swollen could it be that i don't know . but i am trying my hardest to not jump off wagon today .


  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    It could be anything, water retention, bloatedness for some reason, what did you eat yesterday? I'm sure if you drink lots of water and keep at it, next week when you weigh in you'll have lost more than 2lbs. Don't give up! Congratulations on losing body fat, now THAT is what really matters! :flowerforyou:
  • NicolaGoodyear
    Oh i have had that happen hun,Drives you insane dosnt it!..i know what you mean you staright away think sod it..i might as well eat...but try not too...cos next week you will probably get a bigger loss..might just be water etc dont worry hun your doing great and still take it slow! .... Nicola x x x
  • Fat_girl_gonna_be_slim
    I feel a bit like that at the moment I weigh myself everyday and Ive put on half a pound and yet been relatively good.. it could be TOM just stick with it, my thinking is its a battle and the bulge aint winning :)

  • StaceG1986
    Basically what mimi said :flowerforyou: Just keep at it, it will come off, believe me, I know! LOL

  • davidmsheppard
    Worth trying some of the other measures as well as weight. If you have been training a lot, you could have put on some muscle, which is all good stuff...
  • pilling79
    Don't jump off the wagon and give yourself a wee break here. If you are doing the exercise and eating properly you know its going to pay off in the long run. Set yourself a goal every morning for the next few days and make sure you accomplish it. Do this until you get over the feeling of jumping off the wagon. Good Luck!
  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    thank you for all your support and good answers i will not let this affect me today and keep at it :smile:
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If your exercise level increased last week then your muscles are retaining the fluids to help fuel further workouts...fat loss is the biggie and yours went in the right direction. Well done
  • PaulaAvery
    PaulaAvery Posts: 28 Member
    am so feeling your pain! have stuck rigidly to calories, exercised every day and after losing 2kgs in first week or so, have put .3kg back on :angry:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Congratulations on losing body fat, now THAT is what really matters! :flowerforyou:

    Hell yeah. If I had lost 2% of my BF in a single week I would be jumping up and down with joy and doing cartwheels in the street. It means losing ugly, lumpy fat and replacing it with beautiful, smooth lean mass ESPECIALLY if your scale weight goes up. That is the Holy Grail of a fitness routine if you want to look good at the end of the journey.

    The numbers on the scale tell you next to nothing about your body composition in isolation. To put this is context your scale weight on the moon would be 16.5% of what it is on Earth due to the affects of gravity. In other words you would lose "weight" instantly by 83.5% if gravity was less meaning the numbers on the scale would shoot downwards. Would you look any different? No. Would you be healthier? No.

    This is a monumental success. Don't be gutted. Be elated!
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Its such a bummer when that happens, I'd ahve a look at your sodium intake and drink more water, see if you can flush it out of your syste. Sodium is grim!
    Keep going - you're doing absolutely the right things so it will come off!!!
  • littlemissgreedy
    littlemissgreedy Posts: 14 Member
    I know how you feel. I was attending a diet class, sticking to it rigidly and exercising every day and didn't lose a single pound for 6 weeks. I did however lose 12 inches off various places on my body, dropped a dress size, had loads of energy and felt fab - so stick with it, it will come! Make sure you use a tape measure - that is such an accurate gage of how you are doing and seeing those numbers going down is a huge boost! It's still depressing when it doesn't show on the scales though - but keep going and you'll get there!
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Its so hard cos we all get on the scales every week (or day sometimes) and want the numbers to go down. But focus on the 2% body fat. Thats amazing!!!!!
    Drink water, drink drink drink. It flushes the bad out. and do take measurements. Its a grim process at the start but seeing the difference makes you feel good. Even when the scale hasn't moved.]

    Stick with it. Drink drink drink x
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    >> To put this is context your scale weight on the moon would be 16.5% of what it is on Earth due to the affects of gravity. In other words you would lose "weight" instantly by 83.5% if gravity was less meaning the numbers on the scale would shoot downwards. Would you look any different? No. Would you be healthier? No.>>

    hehee I love that reply. You also weigh about 1% less at the top of a 10,000ft mountain, should you care to slog up there with your scales :happy: .....