Freaking starving and frustrated!

I've been with MFP for 2 1/2 months and had relatively little difficulty sticking to the calorie goals. Maybe one day is hard but the next is okay. Obviously it's not easy, or we would all be thin and there would be no reason for MFP. :wink: For the last week or ten days, I feel like I am ravenous all the time. I want nothing but high calorie, high fat foods that will make me feel all warm and snuggly and loved. Hmmmm...what's happening emotionally in my life? Nothing off the top of my head, but writing out my complaints makes me feel like it might not be my body telling me it's in starvation mode but that I may need to examine myself. I don't know. I've been doing some high intensity workouts daily, and although I know it is a topic of much debate, I usually do eat my exercise calories. Often I'm exercising to earn something more than salad for dinner. I'm perhaps on a plateau with my weight, but I'm not particularly worried yet. I've feel like I've been building crazy muscle the last few weeks. I just wish I weren't so hungry! I'm fighting desperately to maintain my head and not binge like a truly deranged person. For days at a time! :noway: And although my amazing wife is very supportive, she is also not familiar with disordered eating. So thank you all for listening, and being my supportive shoulder to whine on.


  • padsi1975
    Shame - I hate feeling hungry, it makes me want to throw in the towel.

    I went to a bikram yoga class last night to burn calories (and to earn myself the right to eat a bit more) and to my horror I STILL went over my daily allowance as I was at a client meeting and ate the lunch they provided. I tried to go for the healthiest option which was not healthy at all. If I'm going to blow my daily allowance I'd at least like to have fun, rather than accidentally blowing it with a crappy sandwich that I don't even like!


    Good luck.
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    LOL It's ok to let it out. That's what this place is for. I understand how you feel . I've been in your shoes also. I was wondering about your workouts. You have been doing this for 2.5 months. I was wondering if you have been doing the same wok outs as well. What happens a lot of times is your body gets used to the work outs and doesn't use as much energy to do the same thing. You might want to change what you do or work out longer if you can.
    As far as your cravings. That happened to me a year ago when I was trying to diet and didn't know about this sight. I found if I have a cheat day once maybe twice a month I don't have them as much. Plus because I've been eating right and my stomach is smaller I still don't at as much.
    I wish you the best. Good luck and don't give up.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I have several workouts that I use. Walk or jog, Pilates, Shred, Hip Hop Abs, a fat-burning cardio DVD, hiking. I rarely do the same thing more than twice a week. I get bored easily.
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    I noticed you do mostly cardio. that's good and you do have a wide range of workouts. One thing I don't see a lot of upper body workouts. You might want to put in some push-ups some weight training if you can.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Shred with weights, Pilates with resistance bands and the shake weight a couple times a week. My arms are getting rockin'.
    HI, I know all about disordered eating and starving yourself to the point of frustration is serious. Someone on the site gave me some very good advice he said that I should not deny myself the foods that I like but eat them in moderation because the more you deny the more you want. I do cardio along with strength training because strength traing burns more calories. Hope this helps and good luck:happy:
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    Yes you shouldn't stop eating what you want. I have a cheat day. Once or twice a month. I really good dinner. It's great and then I get back on the grind again the next day.