Dissapointing Loss...Have I build muscle?

This week I have managed to lose a whole.....0.4lb....I have done everything right, been under on cals and burnt about 1500 cals exercising.

However I just used the tape measure and I have lost 3.5 inches from my body (all over, not from one place!).

I'm really down on myself because of the poor loss...does it sound like I may have gained muscle?

(I hope so :( )


  • naughtydoguk
    Ups and downs are part of the game - you may not be eating enough!! It is easy to get into starvation mode - you must eat some of those exerciuse calorioes as well. I aim for at least 50%
  • StaceG1986
    ^I agree^

    When I first started I wasn't eating my exercise calories and only losing half a lb a week., then I started eating them and started losing more!

    You just have to keep changing it up until you find what works for you, as everyone is different really :flowerforyou:
  • judithlang
    Hang in there - it's great that you lost inches :flowerforyou: - remember with exercise there is muscle building and muscle weighs more that fat BUT it burns more calories !!! So keep going but do eat your exercise calories ( I eat about 60 % of mine) It took us time to put the weight on and its going to take time to get it off. You can do it !!
  • dmmsquared
    There's a lot of factors involved in what the scale says, so don't just go by that... stress, sodium intake (makes you retain water). I started tracking my sodium in the food log and couldn't believe how much sodium I was actually eating. Been working on keeping that down.

    Make sure you're taking your weight at the same time each week and completely naked, if possible.

    Also, make sure you eat at least 1,200 calories per day and drink your water.

    Since you are seeing a difference in your measurements, you're headed in the right direction.

    For me, last week I lost 1 lb.... this week 3.6 lbs. It's gonna go like that. But at least if you see improvements (even slight), don't get discouraged. Taking the weight off slowly is the way to go. That way you'll keep it off.

    Focus on eating good, healthy, balanced foods, exercising and just being happy. This needs to be a lifestyle change, not just a "diet".

    You can do it!
  • neonshock
    neonshock Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks guys, I think perhaps I need to start eating my excersize cals to be honest...I already track my sodium, weigh naked, drink plenty...

    Thanks, you've made me feel alot better!
  • raf46
    raf46 Posts: 9
    If you measure daily you'll get a much better sense of what's going on. As a rule I check each morning after exercise. You really needn't think about starvation mode - that is a long way off. The key is that you must look better - the measurements tell you that.
  • neonshock
    neonshock Posts: 23 Member
    I usually weigh daily so I can see how Im doing but....my bf has taken the scales away since I was getting obsessed!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    The scales may only show a small loss, but if you are losing inches then you are doing great!! :-)

    There are many factors that effect your weight at certain points of the day than can sometimes change, water retention and bowl movements are the main factors. I use weight, measurement and body fat to monitor mine, and if 1 of them has gone down that week, I'm happy!

    Don't let it get to you as by the sounds of it you are going strong!


    (weigh yourself once a week at the most! I know you want to see if your losing but sometimes its not always the best option, that's my opinion anyway)
  • neonshock
    neonshock Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for your tips Ben! Its so hard not to weigh all the time, Im really strict with myself when it comes to food and exercise so I like to see whats happening. Its been so difficult this week.

    My bf has agreed to let me weigh myself again tomorrow incase its water etc. So we will see.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Tuesday is my weigh in day and I do get tempted to weigh myself most mornings but if you leave it 7 days its a lot more rewarding I think. Plus you don't get as many of those omg!!! moments where you have magically put 3lbs on overnight (like me at xmas!) I just laughed it off because to put on 3lbs overnight I would of had to consume 13000+ calories!! needless to say when I weighed myself the tuesday after, it had gone! :wink:

    Try every Saturday then for you weigh in if you are doing it tomorrow....I dare you! :laugh:
