Hitting the Wall, Bonking

acpgee Posts: 7,706 Member
I'm curious about other people's experiences with hitting the wall or bonking.

I've onty experienced it once during an ultra distance speed skating event in Holland (140 km of inline skating with 6 hours of skating and 4 food breaks of 15 minutes each). Because they had motorcycles holding back traffic at intersections, you had to keep up with the pack doing a steady 23 km per hour paced by bicycles with speedometers. If you couldn't stay with the pack you were required to get into the first aid vehicle.

I was only a half hour away from the finish when I hit the wall. I suddenly got very confused, and found it impossible to coordinate. In retrospect it really brought home the saying that your muscles can run on fat, but your brain can only run on carbs. One of the cyclists from the organization saw me struggling behind the pack and handed me a hotel serving satchet of jam. He bit off a corner and told me to suck on it. Amazing. After a couple of sips of jam, my mind suddenly cleared and I could finish the event.


  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    Oh well, that was not at all what I thought this thread was about! So disappointed :cry:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Near the end of a 4hr cycle ride when I had run low on fluids and completely out of food.

    Very sudden switch from feeling a little dry and tired to suddenly massively fatigued, every road seemed uphill, with a strong headwind and flat tyres! Also very slow mentally - almost toppled over at a couple of junctions through a mixture of forgetting to unclip and poor co-ordination.

    Wasn't far from home but it seemed to take ages - initial recovery was very quick as soon as I got some sports drink and sugary food in me. Did leave me feeling pretty flat for a couple of days.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Oh well, that was not at all what I thought this thread was about! So disappointed :cry:

    Lol, bonking must mean something quite different in the uk
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,706 Member
    Bump. No runners?
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I'm just bumping this for you. I think some people are confusing bonking and boinking. :wink:
  • Atrocity108
    Atrocity108 Posts: 328 Member
    I did that to myself on a 6 mile run when I was just starting to run. At about mile 4, my body starting feeling ill and I couldnt get my speed back. I stooped at Kroger and got an energy bar and felt all better.
  • Kirstyjem
    Kirstyjem Posts: 66 Member
    Oh well, that was not at all what I thought this thread was about! So disappointed :cry:

    Lol, bonking must mean something quite different in the uk

    Well it means something different NZ. And it's better than running :wink:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Bonking means something different in Australia... :laugh:
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    Oh well, that was not at all what I thought this thread was about! So disappointed :cry:

    I disappoint. Thought we were discussing something much different.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    It happened to me on the 20th mile of a 22 mile training run. I was only a mile from home and so out of it that I forgot I had my phone and could call for help. I walked home and laid on my shower floor for 45 minutes shaking and vomiting the recovery drink I was trying to get down. It was one of the worst feelings I've ever experienced.

    I think it happened to me because I didn't eat enough carbs during the week prior to the run.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,706 Member
    Bump for more stories please.
  • bunnypanther
    bunnypanther Posts: 110
    Oh well, that was not at all what I thought this thread was about! So disappointed :cry:

    Lol, bonking must mean something quite different in the uk

    Well it means something different NZ. And it's better than running :wink:

    Yep! I also thought this could be a rather different thread!

    But bonking does burn calories and could therefore be counted as an exercise!!
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Oh well, that was not at all what I thought this thread was about! So disappointed :cry:

    Lol, bonking must mean something quite different in the uk

    And Australia :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Oh well, that was not at all what I thought this thread was about! So disappointed :cry:


    I don't think OP thinks bonking means what I think bonking means.
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Oh well, that was not at all what I thought this thread was about! So disappointed :cry:

    Easy tiger... :laugh:
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Bump. No runners?

    I was out riding offroad once, after about 5 hours I suddenly found I could barely move. Even a couple of gels and water didn't help. Fortunately I was only a couple of km from home, but that too me nearly 40 minutes, rather than 5. I then slept for most of the day.

    It's not happened to me running.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Bonking against the wall sounds like a really great idea :bigsmile:

    Oh I see someone else has already picked up on the alternative UK meaning :wink:
  • Kazzam33
    Kazzam33 Posts: 210
    Hehehe she said bonking! :blushing:

  • jan3h
    jan3h Posts: 55 Member
    After hiking for about 3 hours down high steep steps, my quad muscles were so fatigued I could barely make my knees work, and I was pretty stuffed ( another way of saying this would be "I was rooted!" .... Go on, laugh all you Aussies & Kiwis reading this post). Anyway, I ate a slice of sweetened dried mango and this cheered me up immensely. I was still in pain and could hardly walk but my mind was back under my control. Wish I'd had another bit to eat about an hour later .............
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm just bumping this for you. I think some people are confusing bonking and boinking. :wink:

    where I'm from bonking has a risque meaning. I've heard of boinking as well (same meaning), I think it may be a dialectual difference.