Not loosing weight:( help


I have been trying to loose weight for a few months but only joined this group yesterday.

I can't understand why I am not loosing weight when I am being very careful. Any suggestions?


  • DanceswithWow

    saw your question..

    but you didnt list what it is you are doing to know what or where to take corrective steps..

    Do you have your protein number calculated(Pn#)? its the baseline biometric of your metabolic need and Mother Natures metabolic Master Key which gives you access to your hormone control roon
    Do you know the food frequency you need to advance a metabolic shift..?
    You are perhasp sticking to a diary but have you created a food energy plan?

    My name is Dances with Wow/

    I can see you are missing many pieces of life force

    If help is truly on your document of three wishes..

    friend me..

    lets see if there is magic coming your way.
  • lorispicer7
    Im wanting to know the best food ideas for taste and protein without too many calories I would love some suggestions I am having a hard time giving up food! But I am so incredibly overweight. I have to change
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    A few years ago I lost 60 lbs and kept it off for two years, then gained 40 of it back when I developed a medical problem. I didn't have myfitnesspal back then, but *the thing I found most effective in losing the weight was accurately recording everything I ate*. You'll find a ton of people on this site who will say the same thing--the biggest success tool is keeping a record.

    Back then I had to look everything up by hand, and do my own math keeping up with how many carbs I had eaten and how many I had left for the day's budget. (low carb diets work better for me than straight calorie counting, but everyone is different on that score). I also couldn't easily estimate how many calories my exercise routine was burning, so although I exercised it was hard to know what role exercise was playing.

    If you don't have a food scale, get one, it's really helpful and worth the cost.

    My suggestion is you just track what you eat without changing any habits for a week. That will give you a handle on what areas of your diet might be easily targeted for cuts. Read some diet books and choose a diet approach that you think will work for you and that is compatible with any medical issues you might have (eg: diabetes, PCOS) --calorie counting, low fat, low carb, vegan...

    I find carb restriction works well for me. Apparently *my* body has a hard time detecting 'full' using sugars, but detects "full" easily from fats. So when I eat low carb, unrestricted (but not high) fat, I spontaneously eat less without feeling hungry. When I try a low-fat diet I'm ravenous all the time and can't stay on it because it requires too much will-power. Some people feel full on sugars. Some feel full on fiber. Fat works for me. You'll have to experiment to find what works best for you.

    Regarding exercise: aerobic exercise will burn fat. Weight training will build muscle mass which helps you burn fat even at rest, and also gives your body a good shape so when the fat comes off you look sexy not starved. Both of them can be logged here.

    If you have a smart phone, there are several free applications that will talk to myfitnesspal that use the GPS in your phone to track your walking, running, or hiking exercises, without the need to buy any additional stuff. This gives you more calories to eat within your day's calorie budget, and using an ap to track it gives better accuracy than if you try to estimate it yourself. Once you authorize the app to communicate with myfitnesspal, your record at myfitnesspal will automatically update when you do something using the other app. Make sure to log all your exercise to get 'credit' for the calories you've burned.

    I use runkeeper to track my aerobic exercise. There are several others, but I found some (Nike, for example) with overly aggressive privacy policies that too readily sell your personal info.

    Use target heart rate to gauge the intensity of your aerobic exercise. You don't have to buy anything to use target heart rate--all you need is a watch and you can take your heart rate manually. Gizmos are more convenient thoughl. If you don't know what "target heart rate" is, web search "target heart rate".

    I bought a heart rate monitor from Wahoo but am having trouble with the signal strength and data dropout, so may return it if I can't sort it out. Might just be a bad unit not the product in general. The heart-rate monitor talks to runkeeper and to the wahoo app. The apps then talk to myfitnesspal and automatically update the exercise record here.

    The Wahoo company website has an excellent set of articles on target heart rate that are not annoyingly 'salesy' for their products and are detailed enough to be useful even if you are not using a heart rate monitor and are tracking heart rate manually.

    Summary: When in doubt, record it.

    1. track what you do now so you can identify what has to change
    2. buy a food scale
    3. pick a diet approach (calories, carbs, fats...)
    4. track your food intake
    5. use target heart rate to gauge your aerobic exercise intensity
    6. track your exercise, both aerobic and weight training.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Joanne, given that you just joined this site, we cannot really give you any advice on why you are not losing weight.

    For now, you should have MFP set to 0.5 to 1.0 pounds loss a week MAX. Should focus more towards 0.5 pounds.

    When MFP asks for activity level, make sure that level is your normal day to day activity, NOT your exercise.

    From there, log religiously and accurately, eating back only half your exercise calories.

    Try that out for a month and then assess your situation again.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    Joanne, given that you just joined this site, we cannot really give you any advice on why you are not losing weight.

    For now, you should have MFP set to 0.5 to 1.0 pounds loss a week MAX. Should focus more towards 0.5 pounds.

    When MFP asks for activity level, make sure that level is your normal day to day activity, NOT your exercise.

    From there, log religiously and accurately, eating back only half your exercise calories.

    Try that out for a month and then assess your situation again.

  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Im wanting to know the best food ideas for taste and protein without too many calories I would love some suggestions I am having a hard time giving up food! But I am so incredibly overweight. I have to change

    Protein sources have few calories. A 6oz lean steak with 2 cups of broccoli and 5 bowls of raw spinach comes in under 500 calories easily.

    If you want some specific suggestions, make a thread in the food section of the forums.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Have a look at this. This may help you Also if you give some more specific information about what you're doing calories, goals etc and if we could see your diary we could give more specific advice. The link below is a good start
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    Im wanting to know the best food ideas for taste and protein without too many calories I would love some suggestions I am having a hard time giving up food! But I am so incredibly overweight. I have to change
    You say you are incredibly overweight but on your profile it says you want to lose 20lbs. Is this a short term/interim goal or the total amount you need to lose? There are plenty of recipes for healthy, low cal dishes, it all depends on your tastes. I'm 22lbs into an almost 140lb journey and have no intention of giving up food and haven't so far.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Joanne, given that you just joined this site, we cannot really give you any advice on why you are not losing weight.

    For now, you should have MFP set to 0.5 to 1.0 pounds loss a week MAX. Should focus more towards 0.5 pounds.

    When MFP asks for activity level, make sure that level is your normal day to day activity, NOT your exercise.

    From there, log religiously and accurately, eating back only half your exercise calories.

    Try that out for a month and then assess your situation again.

    I second this advice.

    If you are not happy with the calorie range MFP recommends, you could have your basal metabolic rate measured to see which category is best for you. Some gyms offer basal metabolic rate measurements for a fee. Mine measures at around 1800 calories a day. So I picked the target category that includes teachers rather than office workers--this gives me a baseline calorie allowance of around 1500--which is 15-20% below my measured metabolism--the range recommended for calorie-cutting based on metabolic rate.
  • DanceswithWow
    Im wanting to know the best food ideas for taste and protein without too many calories I would love some suggestions I am having a hard time giving up food! But I am so incredibly overweight. I have to change

    Hello My name is Dances with Wow..

    best food ideas for tastes.. comes with practice preparing recipes routinely and taking notice of what great recipes that are out there in which case there are bazillion..

    If you would like a sheet that breaks foods up in to nutrient densities as well as into categories that create a learning relationship with your hormones..

    friend me..and I can be sure you receive resources that will fuel indomitable life force..
    Your entire task wth weight loss is to teach your body how to deweaponize hormones that trigger unwanted body fat.

    The hormone in particular is lipolytic enzymes.. these are the only hormone agents of the body that communicates with body fat, translates for unwanted body fat and that can give the order for unwanted body fat with out contempt to stand down..

    The information you need I have

    will look forward to being a friend

    Do not think for a second that counting your calories can beat back this hormonal, genetically imprinted vividly biological fact..

    M name is Dances with wow
    and I deliver an indispensable volume of indomitable life force through fitness
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Have a look at this. This may help you Also if you give some more specific information about what you're doing calories, goals etc and if we could see your diary we could give more specific advice. The link below is a good start

    Okay kiddo - read the link FD posted. All that stuff about 'missing pieces of your life force' that the other dude is selling - is to rope you into his business site.

    All you need to lose weight and get healthy - is right here on MFP FOR FREE. As a matter of fact - it's inside YOU right now, you just have to find it and use it.

    One last thought - it's really not about giving up foods. It's all about learning the self control you need to learn to eat correct portions and not flip out and binge. It takes practice - lots of practice, but once you do that, you can accomplish anything.
  • indianlarry11
    indianlarry11 Posts: 32 Member
    What have you been doing to lose weight?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member

    My name is SonicDeathMonkey and I see you have a problem.

    When trying to lose weight, you must weigh your foods and eat at a calorie deficit.

    An indomitable battering of protein should do the trick.

    And use the Force that is within you to log all foods accurately.

    Take cautious strides not to over-count your exercise.

    I am SonicDeathMonkey, and your wish is granted.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member

    My name is SonicDeathMonkey and I see you have a problem.

    When trying to lose weight, you must weigh your foods and eat at a calorie deficit.

    An indomitable battering of protein should do the trick.

    And use the Force that is within you to log all foods accurately.

    Take cautious strides not to over-count your exercise.

    I am SonicDeathMonkey, and your wish is granted.


  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    <edited for brevity>

    Okay kiddo - read the link FD posted. All that stuff about 'missing pieces of your life force' that the other dude is selling - is to rope you into his business site.

    All you need to lose weight and get healthy - is right here on MFP FOR FREE. As a matter of fact - it's inside YOU right now, you just have to find it and use it.


    I agree. The one expense I think is a *need* rather than just "nice to have" would be a kitchen scale so you are accurate about portion size.
  • DanceswithWow

    My name is SonicDeathMonkey and I see you have a problem.

    When trying to lose weight, you must weigh your foods and eat at a calorie deficit.

    An indomitable battering of protein should do the trick.

    And use the Force that is within you to log all foods accurately.

    Take cautious strides not to over-count your exercise.

    I am SonicDeathMonkey, and your wish is granted.



    this is Awesome....

    I love this..

    I wish i had a business website to rope some one in.. This demonstrates my point exactly..

    Those who are using the basic calorie counting teter totter and possess contained discipline ..Thank goodness your lipolytic enzymes cooperate with recording, counting food deficits and having unleashed barbarian at the gate egos..


    Regretably.. the hard pill to you can only back your way up by telling some else how hard they have to work.. by using weakness in the end user to convey that you are some how stromg and smart.

    The human spirit is strong in guile but weak when it comes dealing with new ways of achieving better.

    I am on this forum not to rope a thing.. I am already well past working 9 to 5 hoping that some day my twilight years will be healthy..and full of comfort and joy..

    I created my own prosperity and earned through fitness what others can only dream of..

    I am here on this forum to complete my work to stare the status quo right in the face an know that..the existing system was from the beginning il conceived, il defined and is not contemporary enough for todays lifestyles..

    No body ahs the time or the extra anything to sit around counting every thing put into there mouth hoping for transformation or becoming a slave to the process. The evolution of calories in has not evolved with how humans really work emotionally, how metabolic hormones really work - this is where the counting crowd really screws up - they want to play GOD by thinking if you just count what you eat.. yeah right.., discipline is either contained or uncontained.. its doesnt just get broken in a like a wild mustang.

    each of use has a different hierarchy of need calorie counting simply cannot tap. .

    Discipline is not a universal trait.. and the egg heads telling people who are in search of it much less those who do care about fitness one stitch, to just stick with it, are simply so in love with themselves they are out just of touch with reality..

    So thank you.

    I have a message.. and the more the resistance to the obvious.. The stronger I am able to become - thats life force my friend..
    I love his graphic..

    can I use my speaking gigs..?

    it speaks volumes about what needs to be heard..
    Two systems to fight unwanted body fat..the one that fails most people doesnt wnat to even consider that theirs cannot stand up to all scrutiny.

    Love it..
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    My name is SonicDeathMonkey and I see you have a problem.

    When trying to lose weight, you must weigh your foods and eat at a calorie deficit.

    An indomitable battering of protein should do the trick.

    And use the Force that is within you to log all foods accurately.

    Take cautious strides not to over-count your exercise.

    I am SonicDeathMonkey, and your wish is granted.



    this is Awesome....

    I love this..

    I wish i had a business website to rope some one in.. This demonstrates my point exactly..

    Those who are using the basic calorie counting teter totter and possess contained discipline ..Thank goodness your lipolytic enzymes cooperate with recording, counting food deficits and having unleashed barbarian at the gate egos..


    Regretably.. the hard pill to you can only back your way up by telling some else how hard they have to work.. by using weakness in the end user to convey that you are some how stromg and smart.

    The human spirit is strong in guile but weak when it comes dealing with new ways of achieving better.

    I am on this forum not to rope a thing.. I am already well past working 9 to 5 hoping that some day my twilight years will be healthy..and full of comfort and joy..

    I created my own prosperity and earned through fitness what others can only dream of..

    I am here on this forum to complete my work to stare the status quo right in the face an know that..the existing system was from the beginning il conceived, il defined and is not contemporary enough for todays lifestyles..

    No body ahs the time or the extra anything to sit around counting every thing put into there mouth hoping for transformation or becoming a slave to the process. The evolution of calories in has not evolved with how humans really work emotionally, how metabolic hormones really work - this is where the counting crowd really screws up - they want to play GOD by thinking if you just count what you eat.. yeah right.., discipline is either contained or uncontained.. its doesnt just get broken in a like a wild mustang.

    each of use has a different hierarchy of need calorie counting simply cannot tap. .

    Discipline is not a universal trait.. and the egg heads telling people who are in search of it much less those who do care about fitness one stitch, to just stick with it, are simply so in love with themselves they are out just of touch with reality..

    So thank you.

    I have a message.. and the more the resistance to the obvious.. The stronger I am able to become - thats life force my friend..
    I love his graphic..

    can I use my speaking gigs..?

    it speaks volumes about what needs to be heard..
    Two systems to fight unwanted body fat..the one that fails most people doesnt wnat to even consider that theirs cannot stand up to all scrutiny.

    Love it..

    Fairly certain Disney will sue you if you try to use that in your "speaking gigs".

    Not sure where you get all your information but it's actually pretty easy for people to log what they eat. I do it practically every day. Doesn't take long and I log every single thing I eat. I am not a slave to the process, I want to know what I am eating.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member

    My name is SonicDeathMonkey and I see you have a problem.

    When trying to lose weight, you must weigh your foods and eat at a calorie deficit.

    An indomitable battering of protein should do the trick.

    And use the Force that is within you to log all foods accurately.

    Take cautious strides not to over-count your exercise.

    I am SonicDeathMonkey, and your wish is granted.



    this is Awesome....

    I love this..

    I wish i had a business website to rope some one in.. This demonstrates my point exactly..

    Those who are using the basic calorie counting teter totter and possess contained discipline ..Thank goodness your lipolytic enzymes cooperate with recording, counting food deficits and having unleashed barbarian at the gate egos..


    Regretably.. the hard pill to you can only back your way up by telling some else how hard they have to work.. by using weakness in the end user to convey that you are some how stromg and smart.

    The human spirit is strong in guile but weak when it comes dealing with new ways of achieving better.

    I am on this forum not to rope a thing.. I am already well past working 9 to 5 hoping that some day my twilight years will be healthy..and full of comfort and joy..

    I created my own prosperity and earned through fitness what others can only dream of..

    I am here on this forum to complete my work to stare the status quo right in the face an know that..the existing system was from the beginning il conceived, il defined and is not contemporary enough for todays lifestyles..

    No body ahs the time or the extra anything to sit around counting every thing put into there mouth hoping for transformation or becoming a slave to the process. The evolution of calories in has not evolved with how humans really work emotionally, how metabolic hormones really work - this is where the counting crowd really screws up - they want to play GOD by thinking if you just count what you eat.. yeah right.., discipline is either contained or uncontained.. its doesnt just get broken in a like a wild mustang.

    each of use has a different hierarchy of need calorie counting simply cannot tap. .

    Discipline is not a universal trait.. and the egg heads telling people who are in search of it much less those who do care about fitness one stitch, to just stick with it, are simply so in love with themselves they are out just of touch with reality..

    So thank you.

    I have a message.. and the more the resistance to the obvious.. The stronger I am able to become - thats life force my friend..
    I love his graphic..

    can I use my speaking gigs..?

    it speaks volumes about what needs to be heard..
    Two systems to fight unwanted body fat..the one that fails most people doesnt wnat to even consider that theirs cannot stand up to all scrutiny.

    Love it..

    I'm really not sure what you are trying to say. However, I do not own this gif, so I have no interest in whether you use it or not. That would be a question for your attorney.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    You took the right step signing on here. Be honest with your tracking. It will help you fine tune your diet and exercise and get things moving. When I started I noticed that my sodium was way high and my protein was way low. Also I ate very few fruits and veggies. Start looking at your intact everyday. It's a big help with MFP.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I didn't give up food. I just shifted my food to healthier items. Although yesterday was full on "4th of July" ahead.