
Hi all!

I was wondering if you can help me find out if I am overtraining. I currently do 3 x 10 sets of about 7 leg exercises on machines plus 20-30 minutes of the elliptical twice a week, and the same thing for arms twice a week. I squat about 170-200 and can leg press 190 (I think years of dance have helped). This has been going on for 4 weeks and I have been feeling awesome until this week. All of a sudden it feels like a burden to walk. I am irritable, my legs feel fatigued and like lead. I was thinking this could also be because I got my period this week, which is early, but I was thinking maybe overtraining could be the cause. Let me know what you think. I am 5' 7", 126 lbs and a female, hoping to lose fat and increase muscle. I always eat protein after my workouts and do not train on Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday. Thank you!


  • ATGsquats
    ATGsquats Posts: 227 Member
    No such thing...

    People think they're overtraining all the time, yet, they have absolutely no idea what it actually takes to over train. There's no such thing as overtraining, there is however UNDER RECOVERY.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    No such thing...

    People think they're overtraining all the time, yet, they have absolutely no idea what it actually takes to over train. There's no such thing as overtraining, there is however UNDER RECOVERY.

    There might not be overtraining, but there is probably inefficient training.
  • ATGsquats
    ATGsquats Posts: 227 Member
    No such thing...

    People think they're overtraining all the time, yet, they have absolutely no idea what it actually takes to over train. There's no such thing as overtraining, there is however UNDER RECOVERY.

    There might not be overtraining, but there is probably inefficient training.

    Probably...due to under recovery.
  • mjl7000
    mjl7000 Posts: 1
    I'm not sure there's such a thing as overtraining so much as under recovering, Training a body part like legs twice a week certainly isn't over doing it to my way of thinking, and if you're just starting out on a new routine and have upped your activity a lot, I'd expect you to be feeling it in your joints and interconnective tissues at around a month into it - not quite what you describe. As a very broad guess, it sounds to me more like you've got some other health issue like a bug of some sort that's just enough to make you feel low and hinder your recovery. Take a week or so off, make sure you get enough sleep, and see how it goes...?
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    Maybe I read it wrong but if you've been doing this same routine of yours for 4 weeks and you're just now having these issues with it, then the chance of it being overtraining is pretty slim. It very well may be related to your TOM (lower iron can contribute to fatigue etc) and as someone else said, you may simply be under-recovered.
  • Coltsforlife
    Coltsforlife Posts: 124
    Maybe try lighter training but , more often
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    How many calories and how much sleep are you getting?
  • azymth99
    azymth99 Posts: 122 Member
    Listen to your body. If it feels like you are overtraining then you are. Fatigue, soreness, lethargy, spasms, muscle weakness etc. are all signs that your body is trying to tell you to stop. Rest periods are just as important as lifting. You don't mention how much weight you're lifting so its hard to say if you're over training, but if you feel tired and fatigued, take a few days off.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Google over training syndrome, you will find a wealth of material. It's something that coaches of elite level athletes deal with frequently, though people at all levels may experience. If one wants to call it under recovery, fine, but that's not what it is called in the medical community. I have several books on training techniques that all devote a chapter or so to over training. But, my info is primarily from within in the endurance community, I have no info from the lifting standpoint. And yes, rest is both the cure and the preventative. A periodized training program is your best friend.
  • dancinrascal
    dancinrascal Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks everyone! It may be TOM. Usually my legs hurt before TOM, not during, but ya never know. I get about 7-9 hours of sleep, sometimes 6. I eat about 1,300 calories, I gain weight if I go over. ????
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Thanks everyone! It may be TOM. Usually my legs hurt before TOM, not during, but ya never know. I get about 7-9 hours of sleep, sometimes 6. I eat about 1,300 calories, I gain weight if I go over. ????

    you are probably undereating.

    how tall are you?
  • dancinrascal
    dancinrascal Posts: 204 Member
    I am 5 ft 7 with a small frame. currently trying to get my body fat down as I tend to accumulate on my stomach