Going to T25?

IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
Anyone that has done T25 or is currently doing T25, what do you think of it compared to other workout programs you have done? I'm interested in it, as it's 25 minutes and I could perhaps fit in other activities along side it.


  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I love it! I recommend it to anyone that is looking for a good quick workout. I bought mine from a friend but you can get it on eBay or Craigslist for cheap any day of the week.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I agree and it's been out long enough to not pay full price. I got 2 T25 workouts on Ebay with free shipping and one was sealed and seemed brand new.
    I don't only use T25 because I like more cardio variety but it is a nice program. Nothing is perfect but it packs a punch for 25 minutes.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I personally found that Alpha was...annoying is the best word perhaps. It was sold as Insanity in 25 minutes but it isn't. Too many dance moves for me requiring coordination rather than a workout so I quit and did something else. I may give it another chance but I'd probably jump straight to Beta.

    I previously did Insanity and loved it, so I was disappointed not to like T25.
  • jimukjxb
    jimukjxb Posts: 4 Member
    Im on the last week of Alpha, really enjoying it, and have seen improvements. My core has become stronger and just generally feel fitter. I wouldnt class myself as particularly fit but im ok with most of the dvds in Alpha except Total body Circuit which i still struggle with.

    As for the comment about there been too many dance moves, there is only a couple and only on a couple of the dvds. They dont last long and you get used to them. Trust me, iv got no coordination but i stuck with it and now im fine with those exercises.

    I agree it is sold as Insanity in 25 minutes, but its not. At the end of the day, insanity can last 45 mins to over an hour and is difficult, but you do get breaks. T25, there is no breaks but its only 25 mins (which can seem longer trust me). I dont have much free time for exercise so T25 works perfectly for me.

    I did Insanity last year, before my son was born. Really enjoyed it but i think you need a certain level of fitness to even start that one. At the moment, id recommend T25 all day long.
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    JUST STARTED TODAY. With Ab Intervals. It was FUN, so I rested for half an hour, and did another one: Cardio. (It's out of the intended cycle because today's thursday). Cardio was fun; it was like dancing, and honestly, so far I like it better than INSANITY. <3
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I am on week 4 of Alpha....its not as hard as insanity at the moment, but I hear it gets much more intense in Beta. I like it as I can fit it in when short of time, I can squeeze it in before work at lunch time and at night the 25 minutes always makes me get my trainers on if I cant be bothered.

    Even better I am still running and picking up my weights............
  • silverstarrlyte
    silverstarrlyte Posts: 83 Member
    Maybe I need to try this. I did not like P90X at all...
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I think you can easily jump to Beta if you are ready, no need to do Alpha for as long as they indicate if you don't want too.

    I only watched one Insanity DVD, the warm up was intense but then there was a long stretch/yoga segment that seemed to last at least 6 minutes. My friend said her heart rate would drop a lot so she would speed it up some days. Then it was about as long as T25 but you don't get pushed in T25 to go faster, you just can if you want too. The moves are similar in the insanity cardio one I watched but T25 has some that aren't "dance-like" to my 2 left feet, but less athletic moves than Insanity. They both have jogging, jumping jacks, burpee's football feet, etc.
    He does tend to repeat a lot of moves in both, some days boring, some days, a welcome relief not to think about it too much, just get it done.
  • g_o_r_d_o_n
    g_o_r_d_o_n Posts: 1 Member
    This is my second time around. Just finished Gamma and took a week to start again.
    56 years old and only have 3 lbs to hit my goal weight of 165 from 195.
    Each one of these sets builds upon itself so don't be fooled into thinking you can just jump to the beta or gamma.
    I built my legs and calves with the alpha work out.
    I have done P90 twice and started 2 and 3 but did not like them, T25 is just what I needed. It will require diet to make it work.
    I am active at work, train in Martial Arts at least 3 times a week with our class, Self train on my off days and do T25.
    It has improved my foot work, timing, speed and power.
    T25 will give back what you put into it. Its not for everyone but it works perfectly well for me.
    You can not hop and not get your core engaged. There is no way you would not benefit from this work out unless you just are
    not physically able.
    And no, I do not have anything to do with the company, Just love the work out.
  • I absolutely love T25! I've completed it and started it again. I was doing Insanity but found that I was feeling overwhelmed with working full time, taking care of 3 children and keeping the house in order so I went with T25. It is over before I know it and I am able to finish it. I do like Insanity too though
  • gamagem
    gamagem Posts: 87 Member
    I've done Insanity for about 9 months, moved to T25. I liked it alright, but felt that after doing insanity for so long, my fitness level went down a bit. I did like the Beta and the Gamma portion better then the alpha. I did T25 for about 6 months. I'm now using P90X3 and really like it. They have a nice combination of weights and Cardio so I feel like I get a good burn and have been able build some muscle as well. We've gone through the Lean Calendar, then the Classic one. Now we are doing the Elite Calendar. For the amount of time and effort, I prefer the P90x3. I suppose it all depends on what you're goals are as to if T25 is a good workout for you. It's definitely a good calorie burner for such a short workout, but adding muscle mass isn't going to happen as much.
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    I am just heading into week 4 of Alpha for T25 and am down 10 pounds. So far, I really like it. What drew me to it is that it only takes 25 minutes, and even with the cool down, it's 28 and less than a half hour. I had a really expensive gym membership that I wasn't using enough for the cost, and it was far from my house, so being able to be home and have T25 done is 25 minutes is awesome! I am a dancer, and wouldn't call what he does dancing at all. I like his attitude, so he's not annoying, which is super important! Some moves require coordination, but nothing dance-y. I am better at the cardio coordination stuff, and I assume some are better at the Total Body Circuit stuff like the burpees and the push ups. I am definitely sweaty by the end, and my weight is down, so I have no complaints. :)