Have you had success losing weight while on birth control?



  • skinnyEmilijah
    skinnyEmilijah Posts: 61 Member
    I had a bad experience with the patch making me gain weight, but I'm on Yaz now and things are fine. (I've also been on the nuva ring with no problems)
  • swaggityswagbag
    swaggityswagbag Posts: 78 Member
    In because I really, really want to go on the pill (of all the times to get pregnant, being barely-employed and trying to have my best body ever is NOT one of them haha), but I'm really, really worried about weight gain. Now, I quit smoking in March (which is a big source of gains for a lot of people) and have been losing steadily since, but that's more self-control than anything - I was not going to allow myself to gain, basically :tongue: - that self-control won't go away if I take the pill, but there is the whole hormonal component, which worries me. So, following this thread to see everyone's experience.

    Edit: Did anyone go on the pill DURING a weight loss journey? A lot of you seemed to have been on it already, or switched kinds, or whatever. I'm 25 and have never been on it. (And it would have to be the pill, I definitely can't afford an IUD or any other method right now)

    I started birth control while losing weight. Hasn't slowed down or stopped me. People gain on birth control because they underestimate how many calories they eat and have bigger appetites, nothing more. Since I'm already logging, I can't accidentally overeat.
  • WatchJenShrink
    WatchJenShrink Posts: 18 Member
    I've been on BCP for several years and have PCOS. I've lost 30 lbs since Mid-May of this year. No problem here.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I reckon Its an excuse used by over eating females ....birth control is used by all females. Some just pig out more than others... I blame my eating habits not the type of Birth control I use.

    That's a bit of an over-generalization. Especially assuming that all females use BC??
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    re: financials: I have the generic Sprintec BC and it runs me $9/month. No unwarranted weight gain, for me it led to less appetite, firmer breasts, quicker hair growth, less painful and shorter periods. It has been an absolute God send and I could see myself struggling to get off of it even if I wanted a baby because it has been so great. Like, if I intended on never getting nasty even, I'd still buy my $9 pills. I. Love. Sprintec.

    Edit: I'm posting from my phone, ****ed up the quotes but this was aimed at the mystical unicorn
  • deanabailey
    deanabailey Posts: 124 Member
    I am on Lo Loestrin Fe and have had weight loss. My daughter was on another birth control and gained 20 lbs in 3 months. Pulled her off of that one and put her on the Lo Loestrin Fe and the weight immediately disappeared.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Yup been on the pill forever and never had problems