Is this a good eating habit to maintain my weight?

I've been trying to maintain my weight that I've been trying so hard to achieve as of now.I'm currently 109-110lbs at 5"6 and I've never felt so good about myself.Thing is,I really want to maintain my weight for as long as I can,by eating ONLY healthy food.This is what I have for breakfast today :
2 slices of 100% whole grain toast (146 cal)
One tablespoon greek yogurt spread on both sides
One tablespoon of red beans on each side
And tons of raw veggies,all sandwiched between the bread.I don't like butter or mayonnaise or jam so I opted for greek yogurt.
I'll have a big cup of mixed fruits as an evening snack and half a block of tofu for dinner,with a side of raw veggies.
I do alternate my breakfast with greek yogurt & all bran,or sometimes just an oat bran drink.
I sip on green tea throughout the day and drink plain black coffee along with my breakfast everyday.
Is this healthy to maintain my weight?I don't like eating meat,so I only eat them occasionally if I have to.
Snacks,if I'm really hungry,would be mainly a pack of 7 plain crackers from Meiji or a handful of split peas.


  • paultucker1007
    paultucker1007 Posts: 37 Member
    Can you see yourself eating that way for the next 20 years? If not, then the answer to your question is no.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    "Eating ONLY healthy food" doesn't determine whether or not you'll maintain your weight. To maintain your weight, you need to determine how many calories you expend and then take in the same number of calories. As a teenager, your body is still growing even if you're no longer getting taller, so your caloric needs are likely to be higher than what you'll see on most online calculators.

    Aside, it may not be "healthy" to maintain your current weight at all... your BMI puts you in the "underweight" category. Have you discussed your plans with your doctor?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Your body is going to fight against being underweight and underfat, it'll be a battle. Merely guessing there on underweight classification.

    You'll get a bad body re-compensation, depending on the level of activity or exercise with that low of eating and protein intake.

    Meaning body naturally breaks down muscle all the time anyway, without adequate protein or need to build it back up, it doesn't, and uses the amino acids for other needed things the body must do, like grow hair, nails, skin, ect.

    With less muscle burning calories in your daily activity, you'll find you have to eat even less to maintain weight.

    With such a low eating level, it means any vacation or treat meals or days is going to be over maintenance and gaining fat.
    Terrible lifestyle you'll probably live to regret.

    Just ask many in the forums that are in 50-60's how they feel about yo-yo dieting their lives away having a terrible relationship with food and their bodies.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You will maintain your weight that way if you keep it up, but it's not healthy and your body will hopefully rebel against it.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Think I'd rather die over weight and HAPPY
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Your next birthday party is going to be a miserable affair. :D
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 5'6, 120 lbs and people say I'm too skinny. I eat between 1800 and 3000 calories on any given day (depending on my activity) and would eat more if it wasn't for not wanting to gain weight. If I ate like you I would cry myself to sleep every night. Eating is one of the greatest pleasures out there. How do you think so many people get overweight? You need to learn to eat like a normal human being while still maintaining a normal weight.

    How long have you been this weight? Not long? I will tell you what to expect (I have a cousin going through what you are): You will stop menstruating, your hair will start falling, your bone density will suffer and the bones will become frail, you will have kidney problems. I could go on and on. Is being underweight (which you are) worth that?
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    Basic answer to your question is - Hell No

    There is nothing good about eating so little & nothing good going to come of eating so little.

    Based on your height & current weight you should be eating 1663 calories a day to maintain your weight (and this is if you sit at a desk all day and do NO exercise) if you have an active job and/or do any form of exercise you'd need to be eating even more than that (anything from 1905 to 2633 calories a day depending on how much work/exercise you do)
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Eating is meant to be one of life's joys, not one of life's stresses. You can afford much better variety than that and will be less likely to miss out on specific nutrients if you keep things varied.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Very amusing. Do they not feed you at the hostel?
  • michaeljacksonfan333
    michaeljacksonfan333 Posts: 56 Member
    110lbs for someone who is 5'6 is underweight. Even celebrities don't weigh that little at 5'6!
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 127 and I wonder some days if I weigh too little. I can't imagine getting to that point. Please take care of yourself.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Yoo-u are probably 20 pounds underweight and you will mot be able to maintain your weight in the real world with your approach.

    Make an appointment with a dietician and learn how to eat healthily.
  • mjtackett2006
    mjtackett2006 Posts: 6 Member
    What about lunch?

    If you eat like this every day, you will likely get bored with the lack of variety. I think a trip to a dietician to add variety to your diet would be a good thing. Since you don't care for meat, request a vegetarian diet. That will help you get all the nutrients you need in a way you find agreeable.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    your diet sucks and you are underweight.

    Please get help from a mental health professional.
    This. 100%.
  • Leighsters
    Leighsters Posts: 33 Member
    I was this weight at one time. I lost my period and developed a binge eating behavior because my body was starving all the time. I'm not trying to scare you but all the laws of nature are against you. You may be able to maintain for a little bit but don't expect to be hat weight forever. I'm really being sincerely honest with you because I've been where you are. You will gain some weight and when it happens, you need to love yourself enough to know that your happiness and serenity dont lie in your waistline. You are a beautiful girl and still very young. I really hope that you work on your relationship with food body and mind so that you will be ok if you gain a little weight to be healthy.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 150lb, I eat 1600 a day for weight loss and for maintainence I would be eating 2000.

    Entering your numbers into a calc for sedentary:
    BMR = 1360
    MAINTAIN = >> 1632 <<

    To maintain your 110lb you would have to eat 1632 if you lived a sedentary lifestyle. It seems like you are only eating about 1000 or less (just a guess, as I can't see your diary). You might need to rethink your diet or seek additional help from a doctor or dietician.