23 pound down and look just the same :(

Took front and side shots today.. and compared them to front and side before fotos.. omg they still look identical. No freaking change at all! Still a tub of fat!! I just wanna curl up and die!! No wonder no-one has commented!! :cry: :sad:

Why is that?? Please explain if you can.. feeling so down right now .. just want to eat till I explode..


  • skiextrm
    skiextrm Posts: 144 Member
    Step AWAY from the fridge!! 23 pounds is such great process! It's probably just coming off in an even layer right now all over and will be more noticeable soon. Just think- you have lost a large turkey!! Keep it up. You've doing great!
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    Read through some of the forum posts here... many people go through this! In fact, I'm down over 50 and no one other than my immediate family can tell the difference! I know I've lost weight. I'm down 2 pants sizes.

    Hang in there. Pictures don't tell the whole story. You've made GREAT progress!
  • eena56
    eena56 Posts: 1,456 Member
    23 is awesome! Well done! If the pictures don't show progress, they will soon. Don't give up! You worked hard for those 23lb. Keep on going! The end result will be awesome, you know it.
  • I am down 30lbs and it is only recently people have noticed. Keep it up1 Also, you should measure your waist, hips, biceps and thighs. Then measure them again when you have lost another 10lbs. Repeat until you get to your goal weight. Even if the pictures don't show it, the measurements will tell you it's real.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I totally understand, but stay with it!!! Others will notice as well!!! Keep drinking your water!!
  • laurahadenough
    laurahadenough Posts: 28 Member
    I know I know.. but still.. how damn frustrating!! It would sure show if I gained 23.. ffs .. feeling sorry for myself.. sipping my stupid water .. :angry:
  • amos481
    amos481 Posts: 92 Member
    I know I know.. but still.. how damn frustrating!! It would sure show if I gained 23.. ffs .. feeling sorry for myself.. sipping my stupid water .. :angry:

    Cute - "sipping my stupid water"
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Try some of your wardrobe on. I feel the same way and did just that last night.
  • JasonPC2
    JasonPC2 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey, you there. Go grab a pair of jeans with a belt. Try it on.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Did you do it for comments from other people or did you do it for yourself?

    You have done something wonderful for yourself. Keep it up. This game requires lots of patience and you can handle that.
  • Samson20011
    Samson20011 Posts: 36 Member
    t will take time, don't get down or all of your good work will be undone. Forge ahead and when you have lost another 10-20 pounds you will see amazing results and people you haven't seen for a while will really notice.
  • xraymdabm
    xraymdabm Posts: 7 Member
    Out of curiosity, how long have you been at it to have lost 23 lbs? That is about my goal weight loss. I agree with everyone else who says that even if you do not see the change now, there is definitely a change that will become visible to you soon and that your measurements may tell you more than the photos.

    You are not hefting 2 sacks of potatoes anymore - that represents the 23 lbs gone, and visible to you or not, your heart and your joints are all thanking you immensely. Way to go! HOORAY!
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    im down 8 pant sizes this year alone and i still cant tell the dam difference, except im getting into old clothes, but its really psychological from what ive heard, ur smaller, eventually youll notice
  • OhhNiff
    OhhNiff Posts: 1,397 Member
    They say it takes a 30 pound loss for others to notice and a lifetime for you.

    Pay attention to how your clothes fit and how you feel and keep at it.
  • Sierra_christine89
    Sierra_christine89 Posts: 156 Member
    I don't know what you're doing to lose weight, but 23 pounds should show a bit of a difference in your appearance? If you weren't going about it the right way you could have lost muscle, instead of fat and that could be the reason you aren't seeing much of a difference?
    Pictures do help you see the difference, but if that isn't working for you, along with seeing the numbers on the scale (not what you should look at in my opinion), from here on out write down your measurements, and compare those next time you hold your little comparison session. :) Numbers on a scale don't always indicate that you have lost the weight you wanted to lose.

    Also, you may have just lost weight all over your body, and just because you aren't seeing it in your side pictures (I'm assuming you're looking at your stomach in those) doesn't mean you didn't lose fat, that was just a suggestion, a lot of people store fat in their stomachs and its the last part of the body that loses the fat just because the majority of the fat was there..if that makes sense? Wherever you are pin pointing that you don't see the difference yet, don't give up, it may be that last part of your body that loses the fat. Keep going, you'll see a difference soon! :)
  • nelsjez
    nelsjez Posts: 3
    23 pounds is awesome. I am SURE you look different - you're just your own worst critic! And as for being a "tub of fat" - 23 lbs less in that tub :)

    Keep going - you got this.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    this whole thing for me has been about changing my thinking.... like. instead of looking in the mirror and looking at my fat, i look for the little changes... like tonight i noticed some loose skin (sounds gross i know but i let myself get pretty large) where there wasnt any before... and i tried to picture that as an area that will shrink and tighten up... and envision that change. for the FUTURE. maybe not today. but i try to visualize my future. not just my now.

    when i feel like i cant do it... i do two things. i either can do something to change like step up my routines.... or sometimes i just need to lighten up. and its important to be healthy... but being overweight does not mean you are hideous...maybe try to spend some time focusing on all the great things about yourself that have nothing to do with how you look. write down what you love about yourself :) .it may sound cheesy but self affirmation... you are good enough, smart enough, and doggonnit, people like you.
  • cokefloat1
    cokefloat1 Posts: 86 Member
    Like others have said maybe the weight is coming off areas you can't really see that well in a picture or mirror.

    Sounds stupid but I'm thrilled as I'm getting my armpits back and the fat around my collar bone is disappearing. Not the most usual place to be happy with but hey ho! I figure if it goes from there I'll eventually start losing from my waist at some point!

    Keep up the good work!!!!!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Scale and measuring tape are your friends. They look at you objectively. They don't shy off in case it's a sensitive topic for you. They rarely lie to you. They won't look at you through a misformed self image caused by years of being overweight. Just don't worry about what others see (or even yourself), you have a more objective approach to gauge your weight loss progress.

    A side note: it took me losing 50 something lb before people started noticing.
  • TurquoisWater
    TurquoisWater Posts: 26 Member
    Don't be discouraged, there are a variety or reasons for this. People are often fat on the inside as well, so much of what you may have lost may have come off your organs, for example (fat, which is much more dangerous than that on your hips), or like others have said, it is coming off evenly so you are not noticing it.
    I've lost 18lb and look the same. I mean, my shape has not changed, but I'm a bit smaller. My pants are loose.
    Also, as others have mentioned, your body has noticed. I'm sure you're also feeling better. Try this exercise: Got to the gym and pick up the equivalent of 23lb in weights and carry them around or hold them for a few minutes. You will be overjoyed to put them back down and proud of what you've lost. Congrats and keep going!