Just Wondering!

So i was just curious to see how much everyone loses in a weeks time! Im afraid im not losing enough or i could be losing more!


  • stephaniepill
    I'm a firm believer in slow & steady wins the race! 1-2 lbs per week, or more importantly, if you're losing inches (noting & tracking your measurements is key! (chest, waist, hips, arm, thigh), then you're on the right track!
  • Sweepee2
    Hi there! To lose the weight in a healthy way, you should be losing 1-2 lbs a week.
  • Lacigirl11
    Lacigirl11 Posts: 21 Member
    Well i havent been on my steady diet for a week yet so can i lose that the first week or does it take awhile?
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    Agreed that slow is best. Though if you're heavier, as a general rule, you tend to lose weight faster; and as you get closer to your goal weight, you'll slow down.

    For what it's worth, I've lost 3lbs since I started tracking with MFP near the beginning of December, so about 40 days.

    And remember, ANY loss is a loss that puts you closer to your goal!

    As for how long it takes to start losing weight, everyone is different. Some people lose a bunch of weight right away because they lose water weight; others take longer to start losing. If you don't lose anything your first week, don't get discouraged. It sometimes takes a while for your body to adjust.
  • Shamrock40
    I lost 4.5 lbs my first week, but I'm pretty heavy and I agree the heavier you are, the faster you generally shed pounds at first. And I also agree that everybody is different, especially when comparing women and men. I swear, it seems like men lose weight faster! Just remember, you didn't put all your weight on overnight, so don't expect it to go away overnight. And don't expect any unhealthy eating/exercise habits to go away over night. Don't get discouraged. It is definitely a process. And you want to do things in a manner that will allow you to keep the weight off long term.