Hello! Im new

I have recently turned 18. And the timing could not have been better. Last year I weighted just over 200 pounds with a 39" waist. And being 5ft 8in. Over the year I have passed my goal of 170 and am now at 150 with a 31inch waist! With about ~20 pounds to go until 10% body fat. But I have achieved this all alone experimenting everything I could seeing what worked for me. I became vegan along with other things.
But lately I have stopped losing weight! And I can't figure out why... I know it's not about what the scale says but I have not even seen a difference around my waist. I workout everyday. And now I'm just becoming demotoviated to get these last 20 pounds off. Which is why I came here. I'm in search of a community that will support me and help me for these last 20 pounds that will just not go!


  • missylee117
    missylee117 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, it will happen, don't ya know the saying losing the last ten pounds is the hardest? Don't give up, stay strong and eventually one day it will go away, good luck
  • lorispicer7
    I wish I could give you an answer but Id like to know some of the things that worked for you I am really overweight right now and trying to figure out what to eat to lose weight! Do you exercise a lot?
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    For your age, height and weight you're in the healthy BMI range. Ask yourself why this number on the scale important to you? Why not work on body composition by lifting weights and ignore the number on the scale :flowerforyou:
  • Jrodriguez1234
    I am no professional at this stuff but I will tell you what I did....
    What I found to work best for me was as simple as it sounds it sounds, keeping busy. I found myself like most teenagers and even older people sitting around watching TV and eating. Instead of this I made sure to always be on my feet and working to keep food out of mind. Simple things such as cleaning, going on a walk, going to the gym, exercising, anything really. Just make sure you do get a good daily workout in. A good workout is different for everyone. You don't need to train like a professional athlete right away. Do what you can and work up. When it comes to food I found when I do feel the need to eat that making myself make the food rather then ordering it made me much more cautious of what I ate. And I was better able to regulate how much calories I would consume. But most of all just keep working for it!
  • Jrodriguez1234
    I have been working out more lately and have gained some muscle mass. But I still got fat in areas such as my stomach, neck, love handles(I don't know if there's a more technical term). And it's not so much the numbers what I want. I just want to be Comfortable in my own skin. Once I get rid of the last bit of fat I am hoping to lift weights and stuff. But for now I am trying to maintain and do cardiovascular exercises while continuing to eat right
  • TwinkiesNKetchup
    Hi there congratulations on your success. Do you have any idea what your body fat is? Maybe rather than focusing on a weight number focus on a body fat number as it is a healthier indicator.
  • Jrodriguez1234
    My body fat % is currently ~17% with a goal of 10%