New to this site

Hello guys, I am new to this site and I must say I love it. ALL of my previous life changes methods have bombed because I did not stick with them. Prayerfully learning to count my calories will work. I found out that I am not hungry like I thought that I would be. It's all about portion control and exercise. Wish me luck !:flowerforyou:


  • chrish1981
    Good luck!

    I have been at it faithfully for a week now, and I've already seen small results, most importantly the fact that I have more energy.

    I have to say: eating healthy and controlling what goes in my mouth is REALLY not as hard or bad as I thought it would be. I make a game out of's actually kind of fun!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    Welcome! :) You can do it!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Good luck! I can work if you make it work. this site is the best tool I have ever found. Add me if you need friends for motivation!
  • webkaiser
    Good Luck and Welcome to the MFP Family!
  • LorrieM40
    Hi there! I've only been using this site for 5 days but I really do love it. I've had the same struggle but can't give up!
  • dittlebear
    I'm a new starter too and this site really does seem great for supporting people. Good Luck :smile: xxx
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi and welcome! This is so great for me too! I now have a conscious about what I eat and the support is amazing! Good luck to you!
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    I have been on this site for 50 days, so far and I have met and I have a great support for my weight loss progess. I have not lost a lot of weight, but the inches are melting off. So stick with it, I'm weight watcher, Jenny Craig, nutirsystems, all of the fad diets, drop out . But South Beach did work and I kept that weight off, but it's not something that I can stick with for you life. I eat clean and healthly as possible, As much I love me some fried chicken, fish and pork chops,.... I have to stopped and be very careful for my triggers points. So you can do this for you, welcome!