Need Help Losing 120 pounds!

Hi, my name is breanna and I currently weigh 310 pounds. My goal is to lose 120 pounds at a healthy pace. Ideally, I'd like to lose as much as possible by the end of April 2015 (10 months from now). I'd like advice and support from other people who have lost a significant amount of weight like this, or who are attempting to do so as well. I'd like advice on things like how long it took you to lose the weight, or what your goals are, what work out routines are best etc. Thanks. Advice from all appreciated :)


  • Aubsy07
    Aubsy07 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Breanna it is possible, but its something you need to be committed to for long term, i run challenge groups and motivational groups on Facebook please feel free to add me if you would like more info.
  • PaulaKac
    PaulaKac Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Breanna,
    On May 28th I started my Journey with MFP at a weight of 400 pounds so I'm here for a long time. I log everyday. Not all days are perfect but 'm getting better.

    If you need a friend, feel free to add me.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    You can do this!

    Build a good network of friends here. Search out those whose profiles resonate with you or who make helpful comments in the message boards (stay away from negative or ... umm... anyone who is not rational.... )

    To begin with, I had good luck with logging every single bite. No cheating.
    Then I decided I wanted to eat more. So then I decided to start exercising more. I hated exercise. Always.

    But, I did it for a few weeks and realized how much it does for me; I feel better, I have built muscle, and I can eat and drink more!

    I have been alternating walking and Jillian Michaels DVDs and have had really good luck.

    Then I downloaded Map My Walk and I could quantify my pace and distance walking... so now I can complete with myself, and that is getting addictive. More than chocolate. God, did I just say that????? But it is true.

    Best of luck to you! Friend me if you'd like!
  • venus_blue
    venus_blue Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Breanna! I started out at 296 pounds and have lost about 30 so far, about 25 of that since I came back to MFP. I'm setting a very slow goal for myself (around .5 to 1 pound per week) because I am looking at this as a lifestyle change and overhauling my entire life. Also, with a lot of weight to lose I'm worried about my skin regaining some of its tone as I lose. And I know myself, if I set too low a calorie limit, I WILL get far off track very quickly.

    There's a lot of great advice offered here. Two bits from me:

    Read as much as you can here on MFP. There are some amazing posts in the forums if you take the time to search, by people who have been where we are and succeeded. Almost every question you have can be answered by a search. If not, reach out - there are some great people here who are eager to lend a helping hand. and I have found that the more involved I am with folks here, the more motivated I am.

    Be kind to yourself and expect to occasionally slip up. It's ok as long as you learn and grow from it and don't stay stuck there. Challenge yourself, push yourself - it's what moves your forward. But don't set goals or have expectations of yourself that set you up for failure. It's ok to be realistic, it doesn't mean you're not trying, it means you're trying to SUCCEED.

    I log everyday and will be around for the long haul. Feel free to add me if you like. I love sharing motivation and support!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Set small goals so you can break the job up in chunks. For some of them, reward yourself with something not food related. New clothes, music, shoes, a movie night out, whatever you want.

    Even if you can only do a few minutes of exercise at a time, start there. Increase a little every week. I found walking to be very helpful when I started out, even if the absolute most I could do at first was 20 minutes. Make some of your goals fitness related. A longer walk, a faster pace, a few seconds running. Exercise can feel great and it helps you realize you aren't just losing weight to see a number on a scale, you're doing it to feel good and healthy.

    Don't let a bad day lead to the day you quit. Just move on and put it behind you and keep going.

    Edit: Don't let my ticker fool you. My highest every weight was over 245.
  • meyowtime
    meyowtime Posts: 42 Member
    Breanna, I'm looking to lose close to that much. Feel free to friend me. I'm only a few weeks into using MFP, but it does really help a lot. :-) Best of luck!
  • yesterdayusaid2morrow
    Hi Brianna! My highest weight was 310 as well! :) I've lost 96 lbs so far, believe in yourself, if I can do this anyone can! I used to feel it was a hopelessly long journey but now I feel so close and so much more capable of reaching my goal. Feel free to add me if you want to see how/what I eat and am working out. Below I'll just list a few tips that have others have shared with me that have helped me out. They may not be for everyone, but they have helped me significantly.

    1. I eat whatever I want, just not as much as I want. :) Just today I drank a small margarita and ate birthday cake for example, deprivation tends not to be sustainable for me so I plan ahead. If I know I'm gong to a bbq for dinner, I'll have a nice salad for lunch and a few egg whites on light bread for breakfast. Logging my meals keeps me aware and accountable. I was a very, shall we say, prodigious, over-eater (1/2 a cake, a medium pizza, and several 24 oz beers prodigious), moderation has been a practice...I still don't always get it right, but I don't rail on myself anymore for slip-ups, I accept that to err is human, and make a healthy meal plan for the following day as soon as possible.

    2. Just get out and move in a way you enjoy or are challenged by. No fancy gyms, trainers, or equipment required. When I started I was pretty sedentary, I could hardly walk briskly for a minute or two without losing breath control. Meet yourself where you are at physically, set incremental goals, and keep at it. Forgive yourself if you skip a day or two, don't slip into the "I'm not capable of this" mindset...nobody is perfect, just get right up and go for a long walk. C25K is a great program to get started jogging if you have dreams of running a 5K (and beyond!). Biking has been my personal saving grace. What do YOU enjoy? Dancing? Hiking maybe?

    3. Make a list, make a plan. I wrote, and still re-write, lists of my motivations for wanting to lose weight. Do you have children? a spouse? A HS reunion coming up? Whatever inspires you, write it down, read it often, then head out for a walk/jog/hike. :) It's been helpful for me to plan meals a few days in advance when possible, including indulgent's useful to avoid slipping into what I refer to as "fock it mode", mindlessly eating whatever is available or fast for days on end.

    4. Stick around MFP, look into the 3fatchicks forum, the fat nutritionist blog, inspiring weight loss stories, whatever motivates you and brings you fresh information to try out.

    5. Stick with it. Weight loss is very rarely linear, and that's alright. It's a learning process. Don't get down on yourself if you don't lose Xlbs in X months, just keep getting right back on the horse. Try new things, step out of your comfort zone, gain a walking/workout buddy if you can. Whatever keeps you going and feels sustainable, go for it! :)

    I know it's so cliche to say, but you CAN do this if you set your mind to it. I felt so hopeless for years over my weight (was big since elementary school), but with each healthy choice I make I build a little faith in myself. I wish you success in your journey! Best of luck!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Hi, my name is breanna and I currently weigh 310 pounds. My goal is to lose 120 pounds at a healthy pace. Ideally, I'd like to lose as much as possible by the end of April 2015 (10 months from now). I'd like advice and support from other people who have lost a significant amount of weight like this, or who are attempting to do so as well. I'd like advice on things like how long it took you to lose the weight, or what your goals are, what work out routines are best etc. Thanks. Advice from all appreciated :)

    #1 Find MFP friends that have lost your goal weight or close to it, and ask them and copy them
    #2 - Don't worry about the 120 lbs just worry about 1 lbs
  • kd924
    kd924 Posts: 2
    Hello all!! I need to lose 100+ pounds as well. I looking for all advice and encouragement I can receive from everyone. I'm 29 and a mother of 2. Please add me.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    I lose 125 lbs over the course of 2012. Feel free to add me, I love encouraging people who are just starting out.
  • Gabryka
    Gabryka Posts: 21 Member
    I'm looking to lose 100+ pounds as well. Just started last month.

    A few things I do...

    I eat things I crave, like ice cream for example. I just only eat what I can fit into my calorie counts for the day.

    I started with the food first. I felt tired for a couple weeks after so drastically cutting my calories. After a couple weeks, I started adding in some walking a few days per week. This week, I'm adding more cardio to my routine, some form of cardio kickboxing most likely. Choose an exercise that you like, no matter what it is. Something that you can see yourself doing for a while. Eventually you will want to add more variety and you will actually WANT to.

    Try to sleep 7-8 hours per night... too much or too little always messes with my appetite.

    Keep good people as your friends on here. I can't tell you how motivating it is to see people liking and commenting on things I've done. It really does help :)

    If you'd like another friend, or anyone on here for that matter, go ahead and add me :D.
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    One day at a time.

    Plan the work, work the plan.

    My personal opinion is that 12 lbs a months every single month for 10 months is a pretty high bar to set.

    Not saying it can't or hasn't been done, however, I would just focus on an eating plan and modest exercise, the results will take care of themselves.

    Good luck!
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    I'm working on a 122 pound loss myself. I'm currently down 7 so I'm feeling pretty good about things so far. I've been here, done that, before with a 75 pound loss but gained it all back and then some over the past 2 years. Loosing it is only half the battle. Some important things to keep in mind, a lot of repeats from other people though.

    1. Work with your doctor or a dietician to make sure what your attempting is what you should be doing. MFP is awesome but its based on computer generated goals and you really need the personal input of a doctor or dietician.

    2. LOG LOG LOG. If it goes in your mouth, enter it into your log.

    3. Be honest with your logging. Relates to #2 but if your not honest with your logging it will come back to bite you.

    4. Measure everything you can so your accurate.

    5. Keep a selection of individual frozen veggies in the freezer for an easy substitution for something that others are eating. I'll even admit to keeping a couple of tv dinners.

    6. If you want to eat something, do so. Just make sure it's within your goals and don't sacrifice dinner just to eat a ton of ice cream.

    7. Make friends on here and use them for motivation and support. Feel free to add me.

    Good luck to you!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have lost 92lbs since 5th January, I have done this by being honest with what I am logging and exercising a lot, by a lot I mean I started off by walking about a mile each day and admit at the start I really struggled with this as I could barely walk a few hundred yards without being out of breath but now I'm at the stage where I am running 3-4 miles every other day. Pay close attention to everything you are eating, use scales to weigh your food and put your trust in MFP if you rigorously stick to the calorie goals it sets you will lose weight, get fitter and have more confidence. Add me if you feel I can be of any help.
  • jnico48
    jnico48 Posts: 9 Member
    I have 100 pounds to loose and like most people here Im looking to be realistic and set achievable goals, any support that helps me to achieve this will be invaluable.

    Add me if you feel I can support you, I know I need all the encouragement I can get.