Confused vegetarian!



  • you know it really doesn't matter vegetarian ,vegan, pescatarian,what ever..the fact of the matter is losing weight is losing weight no matter how you look at it....Im 42 I dropped 20 pounds not by dieting but by eating right and watching what i eat that fuels the body....end of story cant argue with results period...and retained muscle not lost muscle and lowered bmi and weight is cheap pics dont lie
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Personally, I do not care how people want to define their intake. I lost 22 pounds by eating a deficit, less then 2 of it fat. Most people have no idea how much muscle they lose because they do not consistently measure their LBM and BF.
  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    Are you weighing every bite of food you put in your mouth and double checking the nutrition info with other databases? MFP isn't always accurate.

    before I bought a scale and was just using cups and tbs and tsp I was still measuring my food wrong (overscooping). It is pretty easy to eat over the TDEE. This might be your problem.

    As well as, MFP does not have the proper nutrition info. I figured that one out with the cinnamon bread I was going to gorge on. It was also wrong for peanut butter.

    Be smart.
  • true
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    Hi, I'm a vegetarian (meaning I don't eat any animals, fish included but I do eat eggs and dairy) and needed to lose 20 lbs. Got there by having a daily calorie deficiency of 500. I mostly walk for exercise (although I keep telling myself that I will start resistance again) and it took me less than three months (I'm 52. I suspect it would have come off even faster a few years ago) to lose the weight. It is as easy as calories in calories out. No matter what a trainer says if you are burning 2000 calories but eat 3000 you will gain.

    I burn between 2000 and 3000 calories a day (depending on my activity level) and eat accordingly to keep my weight (some days I eat more while others I eat under). I don't completely trust my (or MFP's) calorie calculations so I always try to be "under" (although not by a lot) to make sure I'm no overdoing it.

    Good luck with your training and weight loss program.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    of course if you have a metabolism of an 18 year old so before you speak you might want to check out nutritional values of the foods you eat a restaurant....have you lately???????????????

    What was this in reference to?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    of course if you have a metabolism of an 18 year old so before you speak you might want to check out nutritional values of the foods you eat a restaurant....have you lately???????????????

    What was this in reference to?

    Probably in reference to me saying that sodium and fat aren't evil. That I wasn't advocating eating out every day/every meal, but there's no reason to avoid restaurants.

    Which I do eat out occasionally. I also eat pizza, gelato, etc and am still losing weight.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    OMG you go to restaurants?!? Noooo!! Kidding of course.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    OMG you go to restaurants?!? Noooo!! Kidding of course.

    I know! The horror!!! The horror!!!
  • jeljohns
    jeljohns Posts: 4
    Ok wow....haven't posted yet because I was at a family reunion all day. I now realize this forum is NOT the place to come to for help.

    To answer the questions of some who were trying to be helpful:

    My gym uses the Eat to Perform calculator, which states for 175 pounds I need 170-200 grams of protein.
    I was a vegetarian until starting CF, when I needed to add protein I added local eggs and fish. Am I thrilled about it? No, and will most likely go back to 100% vegetarian if I can get protein figured out. I'm not even going to go off about labels, animal welfare, ect. because that is NOT what I was seeking advice about.

    Yes, that is a VEGETARIAN corn dog in the picture. Our state fair has them. Not sure how my picture has anything to do with seeking advice on a forum.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Here's a link that may help.

    I add a lot of protein powders into things...I add it to coffee, it can be added to almond milk, oatmeal, quinoa.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    My gym uses the Eat to Perform calculator, which states for 175 pounds I need 170-200 grams of protein.
    I was a vegetarian until starting CF, when I needed to add protein I added local eggs and fish. Am I thrilled about it? No, and will most likely go back to 100% vegetarian if I can get protein figured out.
    Why spend your calories on food you don't even like?

    The US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention recommend 46g protein per day:

    MFP recommends you get 20% of your calories from protein. You do not need 200g of protein to lose weight. Read the Sexypants post:

    Edited to add that 200g protein is 800 calories. That means you're trying to get 50% of your calories from protein. Please consult a doctor—that could cause serious problems.
  • jeljohns
    jeljohns Posts: 4
    I eat 1600 calories net. Yesterday I ate 2100 calories (holiday) but burned 750 calories in exercise (CrossFit, running, plus walked four miles). Obviously yesterday is not a typical day calorie or activity wise.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    My gym uses the Eat to Perform calculator, which states for 175 pounds I need 170-200 grams of protein.
    I was a vegetarian until starting CF, when I needed to add protein I added local eggs and fish. Am I thrilled about it? No, and will most likely go back to 100% vegetarian if I can get protein figured out.
    Why spend your calories on food you don't even like?

    The US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention recommend 46g protein per day:

    MFP recommends you get 20% of your calories from protein. You do not need 200g of protein to lose weight. Read the Sexypants post:

    Edited to add that 200g protein is 800 calories. How many calories are you eating per day?

    I read a paper once about sugar sweetened cereals. Prior to these becoming common, people preferred unsweetened cereal. After they became common, people wanted sweetened.

    To me that says give your tastes a chance to change from what you are used to.
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    The very definition of vegetarian is abstaining from the consumption of meat. So personally, pescetarian is not vegetarian. Not in any form of the definition. People may now associate it, doesn't mean it's right.

    Which, really, is the main issue with people calling themselves vegetarian when they still eat, say, fish. It promotes an idea that ALL "vegetarians" eat fish, making it a bit more of a pain for actual vegetarians when they go to restaurants, events, dinner parties, etc. (And yes, I've actually seen fish dishes on restaurant menus under the "Vegetarian" section!)

    It reminds me of that scene from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" when the mom finds out the guy is a vegetarian and, after a long awkward pause, confidently says "that's okay... I'll make lamb!" :happy:

    Which is not at all an attack on the OP or meant to discourage her in any way. She can eat what she wants and call herself whatever. I'm just pointing out that, apart from the goofy stuff like people getting "offended" or getting their pedantic panties in a wad, there's actually a GOOD reason to try to be careful with certain labels, since it can needlessly further misunderstandings about the vegetarian diet.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I eat 1600 calories net. Yesterday I ate 2100 calories (holiday) but burned 750 calories in exercise (CrossFit, running, plus walked four miles). Obviously yesterday is not a typical day calorie or activity wise.

    So your original post indicate you have lost no weight, no measurement changes, no change in BF, and your at 1,600 calories a day. And you run twice a week and do CF 3x's weekly. What were you doing 3 months ago?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    On the protein issue, no matter how much I try I only hit 100 grams a day (should be double that). I've added eggs, fish, and protein shakes to try to up it and I just can't break 100!

    Cool, but that's not veggie. That's omni. Welcome back.

    Get a VO2 and RMR test from your doc.

    Lacking that, you could take two months and be pretty militant about intake, measure everything, shoot for 2k, see what happens, then, reduce to a lower number and see what happens. Track, analyze, adjust.

    The triangle of success.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Ok wow....haven't posted yet because I was at a family reunion all day. I now realize this forum is NOT the place to come to for help.

    To answer the questions of some who were trying to be helpful:

    My gym uses the Eat to Perform calculator, which states for 175 pounds I need 170-200 grams of protein.
    I was a vegetarian until starting CF, when I needed to add protein I added local eggs and fish. Am I thrilled about it? No, and will most likely go back to 100% vegetarian if I can get protein figured out. I'm not even going to go off about labels, animal welfare, ect. because that is NOT what I was seeking advice about.

    Yes, that is a VEGETARIAN corn dog in the picture. Our state fair has them. Not sure how my picture has anything to do with seeking advice on a forum.

    You can add protein bars or shakes but you dont need 200g of protein a day nore do you need to eat fish. Im not sure of you reasons for going veg, but it also sounds like you arent eating carbs. Carbs are going to help you during workouts. Try black beans. 15 grams of protein in a cup. Pair with brown rice orbin a burrito. Id also stay around from nut butters if you are counting cals they have alot of calories ans little protein. You are better off hving a bar or shake for that 200 calories.