2 years of commitment, and I gained!!!


Hey guys! I know I've been gone for so long. I was able to maintain and lose without MFP and I thought that was a true success! It's been 2 years since I started this weight loss journey. Didn't reach my goal weight yet. But I was still losing weight and toning up very nicely. I went down from 233 lbs to 145 lbs. I was aiming at 135 lbs. But yesterday, only one day after my 2nd weight loss anniversary, I was diagnosed with an over-active parathyroid gland. One of the symptoms was weight gain unfortunately. I gained in the past two months and now I'm at 164 lbs. So I'm back here. I'm afraid that I'll over eat with the meds and gain even more. So I thought I better start counting my calories again. For someone who's highly athletic, I lost hope because I'm gaining now. i'm very disappointed! And I really need friends to keep me motivated! ????
