Juicing is working for me



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    C'mon, just the name of even ONE toxin that is eliminated from the body by consuming nothing but juice that isn't otherwise eliminated???

    (And then we can discuss other points like:
    It IS, however, like injecting pure micro nutrients directly into your veins and there can't be anything wrong with that
    ...but if I had to choose which I'd rather resolve, it's definitely the toxin name.)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Has anyone who is criticizing juicing here actually TRIED doing it for more than a day? If you do the research for and against and also enjoy the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and/or watch any of Joe's followup interviews on news stations, etc...AND/or read the advice on his website from nutritionists and dietitions, etc and yes I realise those particular ones work for him. I'm not naive.... you'd see that even for himself, his juice fast was to detox his body so that he could heal from his illness plus a jumpstart to changing from a very unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one.
    I watched the show, and I saw something else at the end: it was pretty obvious he lost a buttload of muscle. I don't see how months of juicing constitutes a "jump start" considering the alternative would have one months ahead of the juicer by the time they switched back to solid food. Nor do I see how creating a feature-length infomercial for juicers makes one an expert at either nutrition or fitness.

    I read some of the advice on his site from deiticians and was unimpressed with their insistence at removing caffeine from one's diet.

    And what does the pH of your food have to do with anything?
  • deemszmli
    deemszmli Posts: 15
    Yeah, that's it。I agree
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    C'mon, just the name of even ONE toxin that is eliminated from the body by consuming nothing but juice that isn't otherwise eliminated???

    (And then we can discuss other points like:
    It IS, however, like injecting pure micro nutrients directly into your veins and there can't be anything wrong with that
    ...but if I had to choose which I'd rather resolve, it's definitely the toxin name.)

    i wanted to know how you know if you have got toxins in your body, and then how you know when they are gone please
    BEVERLYSTEEN Posts: 106 Member
    I occasionally use the Nutri Bullet which liquifies vegetables, fruit and I add some protein. I do this because I don't like some of the vegetables if eaten with a regular meal, i.e. Brussels sprouts, Kale, spinach, etc., but I can tolerate them in a morning drink. In the past I would forgo breakfast altogether so I feel I am at least getting in some of my greens.

    Lastly, some of the medication I take make it a little more difficult for bowl movement which this helps me with. I am not saying what I do is right or wrong but it works for me, everyone needs to judge for themselves what is best and should always consult their physician if questions arise. ;)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    C'mon, just the name of even ONE toxin that is eliminated from the body by consuming nothing but juice that isn't otherwise eliminated???

    (And then we can discuss other points like:
    It IS, however, like injecting pure micro nutrients directly into your veins and there can't be anything wrong with that
    ...but if I had to choose which I'd rather resolve, it's definitely the toxin name.)

    i wanted to know how you know if you have got toxins in your body, and then how you know when they are gone please

    Hey! Get in line...I asked first.

    I want to know the name of even *one* toxin eliminated by drinking juice that isn't otherwise eliminated from the body.

    And then these follow-up questions about how you know when you have it and when it's gone would be nice to know too.

    Seriously, how can you pro-detoxers keep saying this stuff when you don't know the name of even one???
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    I tried juicing and yea; lost 10 lbs real fast. Problem is, juicing is not sustainable. You cant live off low calorie high carb liquefied veggies forever. So as soon as i stopped the weight came back.

    Don't do any food plan that is temporary in nature. We all need to eat and exercise properly every day for the rest of our lives. That IS the simple answer. I much prefer to eat my fruit and veggies rather than grinding them up.

    And for those who say it is a xx day "purge", or xx day "toxin clean-out". That is ridiculous. What are you purging? Mostly water from my experience. We don't need purged or detoxified. We just need to eat properly. Everyone wants a magic solution. There is one and Everybody knows it. Just few want to do it.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    C'mon, just the name of even ONE toxin that is eliminated from the body by consuming nothing but juice that isn't otherwise eliminated???

    (And then we can discuss other points like:
    It IS, however, like injecting pure micro nutrients directly into your veins and there can't be anything wrong with that
    ...but if I had to choose which I'd rather resolve, it's definitely the toxin name.)

    i wanted to know how you know if you have got toxins in your body, and then how you know when they are gone please

    Hey! Get in line...I asked first.

    I want to know the name of even *one* toxin eliminated by drinking juice that isn't otherwise eliminated from the body.

    And then these follow-up questions about how you know when you have it and when it's gone would be nice to know too.

    Seriously, how can you pro-detoxers keep saying this stuff when you don't know the name of even one???

    lol hopefully someone will answer both our questions at the same time. I am now scared I have got a toxin that I need to get rid of.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    What about those of us who'll drink juices/smoothies because we actually just like the taste? I don't necessarily do it as a meal replacement, I just like the energy I get after drinking them and actually find them enjoyable. Could I be eating something 'better'? Maybe. But isn't it about what's doing sustainable and right for you as an individual?
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    To all the people who have made comments about having 'accidents when sneezing' 'sh*tting their pants' etc obviously don't know what juicing does. Juicing actually removes the fiber from the fruit and veggies and after 3-5 days of fasting most people actually have to start taking flax or fiber suppliment to even be able to take a poop. This, along with a very low amount of protein intake is what makes juice fasts dangerous in my opinion. I love my juicer...have juice about every other day and think there are many health benefits but to have ONLY juice of an extended period of time is not sustainable and also can do damage to your digestive system.
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    I personally don't believe that juicing is a long term solution. Whatever happened to hard work and eating right? People feel the need to do something special to lose weight and you don't. Its fad dieting in a pure(e) form ;) I think I would miss chewing my food and I am to young to be on a liquids only diet.
  • reachrenhere
    reachrenhere Posts: 30 Member
    I too would not want to live on a liquid only diet indefinitely. I'm not even sure that I would do so for a month or two as some people have chosen to do. I like food too much. I also wouldn't go on any extended fast without adding in a protein shake. But that's just me. i definitely would and do add juices and smoothies to my diet.

    As for toxins, I think I mentioned in my post that I've been researching. I suggest you do the same if you want to have a better idea of where my statement came from. And as for "how would we know when they are eliminated?" it's the same answer. I know that most people who detox whether it's through a boxed cleanse or whether a long water fast (scares me) or a juice fast, etc. experience breakouts and body odour and breath odour and many other symptoms while getting rid of whatever chemicals and crap that we have ingested after years of eating processed foods or just what's in our environment. When they come out the other side those symptoms seem to subside so I imagine it's all to do with the individual as to when the detoxing is "finished." If we are still eating the meat that's pumped full of hormones and antibiotics or GMOs or veggies that haven't been cleansed of their pesticides and herbicides, it could be a neverending battle but doing some sort of cleanse or fast could take some of the burden off our livers for a bit.

    Disclaimer- I LOVE a huge juicy steak. I'm sure that juicy steaks and burgers make up most of what's currently my *kitten* ;-) The thought of becoming a vegetarian or vegan appeals to me on a moral level but I highly doubt that I could or would have the willpower to go off meat entirely. I just like it too much.

    The opinions that I expressed here are my own. If you can't take the time to do the research on the pros and cons of doing any types of cleansing or juicing, etc. then I can't take the time to give you a full answer. Actually you wouldn't need one from me if you checked things out. Joe Cross was not my inspiration for the concept of juicing or raw foods, etc. I've had a juicer for 10 years.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I too would not want to live on a liquid only diet indefinitely. I'm not even sure that I would do so for a month or two as some people have chosen to do. I like food too much. I also wouldn't go on any extended fast without adding in a protein shake. But that's just me. i definitely would and do add juices and smoothies to my diet.

    As for toxins, I think I mentioned in my post that I've been researching. I suggest you do the same if you want to have a better idea of where my statement came from. And as for "how would we know when they are eliminated?" it's the same answer. I know that most people who detox whether it's through a boxed cleanse or whether a long water fast (scares me) or a juice fast, etc. experience breakouts and body odour and breath odour and many other symptoms while getting rid of whatever chemicals and crap that we have ingested after years of eating processed foods or just what's in our environment. When they come out the other side those symptoms seem to subside so I imagine it's all to do with the individual as to when the detoxing is "finished." If we are still eating the meat that's pumped full of hormones and antibiotics or GMOs or veggies that haven't been cleansed of their pesticides and herbicides, it could be a neverending battle but doing some sort of cleanse or fast could take some of the burden off our livers for a bit.

    Disclaimer- I LOVE a huge juicy steak. I'm sure that juicy steaks and burgers make up most of what's currently my *kitten* ;-) The thought of becoming a vegetarian or vegan appeals to me on a moral level but I highly doubt that I could or would have the willpower to go off meat entirely. I just like it too much.

    The opinions that I expressed here are my own. If you can't take the time to do the research on the pros and cons of doing any types of cleansing or juicing, etc. then I can't take the time to give you a full answer. Actually you wouldn't need one from me if you checked things out. Joe Cross was not my inspiration for the concept of juicing or raw foods, etc. I've had a juicer for 10 years.

    Please name one. Just one. Please.

    ETA: And I *have* researched it. Actual research. I have not yet found the name of even one toxin that is eliminated from our bodies with a diet of juice that wouldn't otherwise be eliminated from our bodies. I suspect that neither have you, and yet you continue to use the "do your own research" deflection instead of admitting it. Fascinating, really.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I think people leave negative comments because they don't have the will power to do it themselves. Who wouldn't want to feel healthy & lose weight quickly. Good for you.

    Yeah, that's it. Forgot to mention we're jealous of liquid poop and depleted lean mass. I'd rather "be" healthy than "feel" healthy and I'd rather have lost weight in a slow and sustainable manner rather than a quick fix. Will the juicebots maintain this diet for the rest of their lives? I highly doubt it.
    I'm not going to lie but i will say that juice fast is not the best way to lose weight fast but its excellent when it comes to curing man made DISEASES

  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    If it works for you keep it up!!

    I've thought about digging out my juicer and juicing 1 drink per day. Last summer I did a fast and lowered my bp and glucose immediately and had lots of energy. Unfortunately, I stopped completely, which was foolish. Having 1 glass a day would be beneficial to me.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I too would not want to live on a liquid only diet indefinitely. I'm not even sure that I would do so for a month or two as some people have chosen to do. I like food too much. I also wouldn't go on any extended fast without adding in a protein shake. But that's just me. i definitely would and do add juices and smoothies to my diet.

    As for toxins, I think I mentioned in my post that I've been researching. I suggest you do the same if you want to have a better idea of where my statement came from. And as for "how would we know when they are eliminated?" it's the same answer. I know that most people who detox whether it's through a boxed cleanse or whether a long water fast (scares me) or a juice fast, etc. experience breakouts and body odour and breath odour and many other symptoms while getting rid of whatever chemicals and crap that we have ingested after years of eating processed foods or just what's in our environment. When they come out the other side those symptoms seem to subside so I imagine it's all to do with the individual as to when the detoxing is "finished." If we are still eating the meat that's pumped full of hormones and antibiotics or GMOs or veggies that haven't been cleansed of their pesticides and herbicides, it could be a neverending battle but doing some sort of cleanse or fast could take some of the burden off our livers for a bit.

    Disclaimer- I LOVE a huge juicy steak. I'm sure that juicy steaks and burgers make up most of what's currently my *kitten* ;-) The thought of becoming a vegetarian or vegan appeals to me on a moral level but I highly doubt that I could or would have the willpower to go off meat entirely. I just like it too much.

    The opinions that I expressed here are my own. If you can't take the time to do the research on the pros and cons of doing any types of cleansing or juicing, etc. then I can't take the time to give you a full answer. Actually you wouldn't need one from me if you checked things out. Joe Cross was not my inspiration for the concept of juicing or raw foods, etc. I've had a juicer for 10 years.

    Nope. YOU brought up detoxing and the burden of proof is on you. If you've done all this research and still cannot name ONE toxin that is eliminated by a cleanse/detox, then it's quite obvious that cleanses and detoxes are bogus.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I think people leave negative comments because they don't have the will power to do it themselves. Who wouldn't want to feel healthy & lose weight quickly. Good for you.

    Yeah, that's it. Forgot to mention we're jealous of liquid poop and depleted lean mass. I'd rather "be" healthy than "feel" healthy and I'd rather have lost weight in a slow and sustainable manner rather than a quick fix. Will the juicebots maintain this diet for the rest of their lives? I highly doubt it.
    I'm not going to lie but i will say that juice fast is not the best way to lose weight fast but its excellent when it comes to curing man made DISEASES


    Yup...we're still waiting to find out what those man made diseases are...
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    See what I mean? Mention juicing and all the haters come out. I don't juice fruits, but everyone says I'm getting too much sugar. I eat a wonderful, healthy meal every day and people say my live is boring. Is eating bacon and eggs and pop tarts everyday for breakfast exiting and fun? Then they start talking about diarrhea, which I don't have. Then they talk about the disgusting taste, and I think it tastes fine.

    You eat diarrhea?
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