Feeling nauseous when running

albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
I am not elite runner but I do run quite often, usually 4-5 miles daily, with empty stomach

This morning, I felt something abnormal...after 7 miles, I felt a bit nauseous...and had to slow down...I had done longer running than this before like 14 miles without feeling anything too strange...

Did I "hit the wall"? I did have carb load last night...


  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    and something to add, 2 hours later, I still feel a bit nauseous...I had some nuts but didn't feel like eating anything else...
  • sltovey
    sltovey Posts: 7 Member
    Was it extra hot outside? That can make a moderate run feel like you're gonna die (if you're like me). A seven-miler in the summer is harder for me than a 12-miler in the winter, and I've just had to accept that and plan accordingly.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Was it extra hot outside? That can make a moderate run feel like you're gonna die (if you're like me). A seven-miler in the summer is harder for me than a 12-miler in the winter, and I've just had to accept that and plan accordingly.

    Not really hot, like 60s cloudy...at the end the sun came out but it didnt feel super hot...

    Yes I did 14 miles in colder time...
  • O_v_O
    O_v_O Posts: 8
    Eat 2 - 3 hours before running, drink coffee an hour before and sip on Gatorade
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    I cannot even fathom running on an empty stomach. Why would you do such a thing?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Eat 2 - 3 hours before running, drink coffee an hour before and sip on Gatorade

    I always have coffee before starting every morning...I thought I could handle running without eating...in fact, with food in stomach, I feel very heavy...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I cannot even fathom running on an empty stomach. Why would you do such a thing?

    I always run on empty stomach. :) it's not a new thing to me...but feeling nauseious is first time...
  • O_v_O
    O_v_O Posts: 8
    Eat 2 - 3 hours before running, drink coffee an hour before and sip on Gatorade

    I always have coffee before starting every morning...I thought I could handle running without eating...in fact, with food in stomach, I feel very heavy...

    Drinking coffee on empty stomach is whats making you feel nauseous
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    Can you define the "carb load" you had last night and how many hours prior to the run today?
    It could have been sitting in your stomach waiting for fluids to help digest it, and the jostling of the run may have upset you. Were you running easy or fast? Hills and turns or mostly straight and flat?

    When I run mornings (80% of the time that's when I run), I always run empty. The only exceptions are a) if I'm doing a race, I'll have eaten specific food the day before consisting of hot wings and pizza, or b) if I'm doing a long run over 10 miles I may have something 30-60 minutes before, and then carry fuel with me.

    I'm a big coffee drinker, but never have I tried it before a run. If this is a new experience for you then maybe the coffee and your stomach contents last night didn't mix so well.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Eat 2 - 3 hours before running, drink coffee an hour before and sip on Gatorade

    I always have coffee before starting every morning...I thought I could handle running without eating...in fact, with food in stomach, I feel very heavy...

    Drinking coffee on empty stomach is whats making you feel nauseous

    oh...I see...I thought I have been doing it this way for years so it was ok...

    Anyway, thank you everyone for responding. I just wanted to vent a bit that's all. :)
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I run on an empty stomach also and last night i ate a bunch of junk…i was spiking my calories and this morning i felt like i was gonna get sick at about mile 5….i just ran through it and thought to myself i put junk in i get junk out =( I honestly think it was the extra grease and sugar =/
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    It's unlikely that you hit the wall unless you've been eating very few carbohydrates for a couple of days. Most people who exercise regularly can do 2-3 hours of moderate aerobic exercise before exhausting glycogen stores. I've never hit the wall running (my longest run was 16 miles), and I've only bonked twice on the bike, once after 40 fairly challenging miles and a second time around mile 60 of an 80-mile ride, when I hadn't eaten enough at the lunch stop.

    Your nausea could be completely unrelated to the running; maybe it's a mild illness of some sort. Or it could be you pushed yourself harder than you realized, which can make you feel nauseous. My advice is to note it in your running log, and don't worry about it unless it happens again.

    Carrieous: many of us like to exercise before eating. I usually exercise in the afternoon, but there are times when I'll get up, bike 14 miles to a café for breakfast, then bike back home.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Can you define the "carb load" you had last night and how many hours prior to the run today?
    It could have been sitting in your stomach waiting for fluids to help digest it, and the jostling of the run may have upset you. Were you running easy or fast? Hills and turns or mostly straight and flat?

    When I run mornings (80% of the time that's when I run), I always run empty. The only exceptions are a) if I'm doing a race, I'll have eaten specific food the day before consisting of hot wings and pizza, or b) if I'm doing a long run over 10 miles I may have something 30-60 minutes before, and then carry fuel with me.

    I'm a big coffee drinker, but never have I tried it before a run. If this is a new experience for you then maybe the coffee and your stomach contents last night didn't mix so well.

    I had carbs last night around 10 o'clocks then fell asleep, LOL maybe it's the culprit here...I ran this morning around 8 o'clock.

    I think you could be right about not mixing well with my morning coffee...I will watch more to see if there's a pattern.

    thank you~:flowerforyou:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    It's unlikely that you hit the wall unless you've been eating very few carbohydrates for a couple of days. Most people who exercise regularly can do 2-3 hours of moderate aerobic exercise before exhausting glycogen stores. I've never hit the wall running (my longest run was 16 miles), and I've only bonked twice on the bike, once after 40 fairly challenging miles and a second time around mile 60 of an 80-mile ride, when I hadn't eaten enough at the lunch stop.

    Your nausea could be completely unrelated to the running; maybe it's a mild illness of some sort. Or it could be you pushed yourself harder than you realized, which can make you feel nauseous. My advice is to note it in your running log, and don't worry about it unless it happens again.

    Carrieous: many of us like to exercise before eating. I usually exercise in the afternoon, but there are times when I'll get up, bike 14 miles to a café for breakfast, then bike back home.

    advice noted. thank you~:flowerforyou:
  • sugarcubes27
    sugarcubes27 Posts: 1 Member
    This has happened to me a few times, especially in the summer. You might be dehydrated and need electrolytes, or something sweet. I always feel better after drinking Gatorade or orange juice. Your blood sugar may be low.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I run on an empty stomach also and last night i ate a bunch of junk…i was spiking my calories and this morning i felt like i was gonna get sick at about mile 5….i just ran through it and thought to myself i put junk in i get junk out =( I honestly think it was the extra grease and sugar =/

    junks in junks out...this is funny...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    This has happened to me a few times, especially in the summer. You might be dehydrated and need electrolytes, or something sweet. I always feel better after drinking Gatorade or orange juice. Your blood sugar may be low.

    oh....I haven't had "low blood sugar" symptoms for a while...I used to get shaky and sweaty when that hit....
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    could be a fluke. or just something you ate last night not mixing well with your coffee pre-run. i wouldn't worry too much about it. on occasion, depending on what i've eaten the night before, i'll get a little crampy or nauseous on the next morning's run. no big deal.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Every time a co-worker complains of a stomach ache we always ask if they are pregnant. It is a long running joke
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Every time a co-worker complains of a stomach ache we always ask if they are pregnant. It is a long running joke

    and it doesn't get old? LOL