It's all about calories...

Just wanted to supply new MFPer's with a little information... from my own opinion. If you're looking to lose weight, it's all about calories. MFP goes as far as tracking sodium, sugars, protein, etc., but it's not necessary. You do realize people have been dieting for... well, since forever!? Do you think your mother or grandparents had access to a website like MFP? No. They took a journal and tracked calories. I'd be extremely surprised to see proof that anybody dieting with just a plain 'ol journal, writes down anything else but calories... and maybe fat. MFP goes a little overboard with its options, but don't let it get to you. Don't get discouraged if you go over anything else but calories. It DOESN'T matter as far as weight loss is concerned. There are some here who claim that going over on sodium makes them bloat or retain water... And you don't think that fast food combo meal you ate everyday made you go over on recommended sodium intake too? You only start noticing bloating when you start obsessing over tracking sodium. It may as well be all in your head. And, I'm pretty sure anybody here who eats an orange for breakfast will be over MFP's sugar recommendation. Don't worry about it.

Even MFP gives a subtle hint that calories are all you need:


Notice how many things you can track with MFP, but which one is the only one required?


  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Preach it girl!....not obsessing over sodium to much but want to make sure it stay within limits.
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for sharing - I need this reminder sometimes.

    I think other things absolutely CAN have an effect on your progress, especially if you have special circumstances. Like for me, I am mildly hypoglycemic, so I have even more of an insulin spike and crash from simple carbs than many people do. So I like to be able to keep an eye on that, focus on my protein intake and try to keep carbs low. That said, it really does come down to calories in calories out, for the most part. I just find that for me it's easy to keep the calories in lower if more of them are from protein or fat, because I get less hungry.

    On the other hand, there are definitely other factors... last week I lost 3 lbs but only had a total deficit in calories that should have amounted to 0.75 lbs. But calories are the most reliable, easiest to control, so I need reminders like this to just stick to counting calories and I will do fine.
  • blackchick85
    So is this pretty mcuch how you lost your weight?
  • alyssa83202
    Thanks for Sharing! It seems to have worked out pretty well for you so there has to be at least some merit to it! It is easy to start to obsess over every little thing sometimes!
  • Tallbrunette1980
    I agree!!
  • rrslj
    rrslj Posts: 3
    Obviously you have it figured out because it's worked for you. Thanks for sharing.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My grandparents never counted calories, even. If they put on a little weight, they cut out the desserts for a while and got some extra exercise until the pounds were gone. They didn't wait until they were a full size (or 5 sizes) larger to do so either, they started the minute that waistband got a little snug. By the way, my grandparents didn't own a scale either. It was how they looked and felt, as well as how their clothes fit.
  • Rissa1428
    Your train of thought is correct if you are looking to just lose weight, but not if you are trying to get healthy. By what you are saying I can eat a big mac, large fry, and hot fudge sundae everyday and still lose weight which is true, but I will be far from healthy. And I am sure when my grandparents needed to lose weight they did just count calories....of course they had their own garden and prepared their own foods. They did not have fast foods, take out, and premade frozen meals which are normally (key word normally because I don't want a debate about this) not good for you. So for me I will stick to watching my calories and macros :smile:
  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    Only if you're eating sensibly anyway. It's possible to meet your calorie goal eating nothing but nutritionally bankrupt and potentially harmful foods (twinkies, chips, pop, etc). You may still lose weight, but it won't be good for you and it won't be maintainable.

    I understand what you're getting at about obsessing over little things, but it does matter where your calories come from. Don't sweat going over a little on one of your macro-nutrients, but know what they are and roughly the balance they should have. Especially anyone trying to build muscle or run a marathon.
  • jkjeyakumar
    jkjeyakumar Posts: 1 Member