Have you noticed that MFP groups tend to fizzle out?

I'm just curious about this because I joined up with a group just over two weeks ago, maybe 90 members. Some of us were doing daily weigh-ins, 10 days ago about 7 did them, today is the third day in a row where I've been the only poster on the daily weigh-in thread. I'm not exactly sure why this is, the group is for people with not much to lose, so you'd think it would be reasonably active.

People lose interest in weight loss, I get that, but have you noticed a pattern?


  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Plus it's a holiday weekend. That probably has a lot to do with it along with what MrM27 said.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Yep back when I was in weight loss last year in the fall. There was a challenge for 30 lbs in 30 weeks group. Even the leader of the group quit and it went from like 100 people to like 3 who completed. *shrugs* it's the nature of the beast. People try to eat too little, exercise too much believe that's the only way, burn out and relapse too often. Or, they don't log very often, give up. It's a mental battle. Some people just aren't ready. That's why you gotta focus on you. You be that person who doesn't give up, even when nothing seems to be happening.
  • Bambi8137
    Bambi8137 Posts: 43 Member
    I would love to join!
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I would love to join!

    Ha ha. Classic.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I would love to join!

    Ha ha. Classic.

    Classic is right. I think many people want to believe that just the act of joining a group and signing up for a 30-day challenge is sufficient for weight loss. What they don't realize (or don't want to admit) is that real effort is necessary for success. It takes more than just signing up, it requires so much more.
  • Bambi8137
    Bambi8137 Posts: 43 Member
    So saying I want to join mean I won't be successful in weight loss.. No wonder everybody left the group.. Probably because people made remarks like this..
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Maybe you are choosing the wrong groups? I have come and gone, and the one I group I am with is always full of chatty ladies. Lots of new and lots that were on when I originally started. To me the group is a place to check in and stay focused.
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    So saying I want to join mean I won't be successful in weight loss.. No wonder everybody left the group.. Probably because people made remarks like this..
    ^ This.

    No need to try to shoot the girl down for showing a little enthusiasm, geez. We all know weight loss takes a lot of time, patience, and research. Nothing wrong with showing some interest and support.
  • Bambi8137
    Bambi8137 Posts: 43 Member
    I promise everytime I write something someone comes down my throat! It's becoming rediculous.. I didn't know saying I want to join a weight loss group means i think that's the way out. I just think when people have similar goals it's easier to stay with it because you have people around you who are POSITIVE! Tuh... I'll continue to be a ghost follower
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I promise everytime I write something someone comes down my throat! It's becoming rediculous.. I didn't know saying I want to join a weight loss group means i think that's the way out. I just think when people have similar goals it's easier to stay with it because you have people around you who are POSITIVE! Tuh... I'll continue to be a ghost follower

    Actually, the only direct response to you was "haha Classic". Your post is actually a bit off topic which made it funny. The OP was just saying that in general, groups tend to fizzle out after a few weeks. She was not extending an invitation to any groups in particular. If you click to the main forums web site listing out all the MFP forums, you should be able to find the listing for groups. I'm sure you'll find one or several you like and they'll be thrilled to have you! Good luck with all your goals.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I thought I saw a rule somewhere that all challenges should be on groups? That doesn't sound right but it was close. If people form groups rather than make a quick post, it makes sense to me that a group starter may not be all that motivated to keep a group going; s/he may just be someone who may have preferred starting a post
  • Bambi8137
    Bambi8137 Posts: 43 Member
    How was my post off topic? She was talking about how weight loss groups normally don't last, and I just said I would like to join.. It seems it's the same type of people on this site who have the worst attitudes! You guys need to take a chill pill seriously. You guys are too cranky for me. And by the way I don't see anything funny from what I said...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I browse between this forum and another one. The pattern I notice is always when a season begins..people are more excited and responsive, like New Yer, Spring (lose for summer in bikini), then kinda die down for the rest of the year until the new cycle starts again...

    Our local gyms are the same way. In January you can hardly find parking or have to wait for your turn on the treadmill....3 weeks later, everything is back to "normal".
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    How was my post off topic? She was talking about how weight loss groups normally don't last, and I just said I would like to join.. It seems it's the same type of people on this site who have the worst attitudes! You guys need to take a chill pill seriously. You guys are too cranky for me. And by the way I don't see anything funny from what I said...

    Okay. We have tons of groups on the forums. I could literally start one right now. Which one would you like to join? The group in the OP could literally be the pee drinking group, we wouldn't know because she wasn't all that specific about what the group is and does. Her topic was about why people in any groups tend to fizzle out in their commitment level after a few days. What are your thoughts on this topic?
  • Bambi8137
    Bambi8137 Posts: 43 Member
    Lady, leave me alone!! It clearly says theyhave WEEKLY WEIGH INS!! And people lose intrest in weight loss!!You need to go back and re read the whole paragraph then go have your evening snack because your snapping at the wrong person my dear!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I would love to join!

    Ha ha. Classic.

    Classic is right. I think many people want to believe that just the act of joining a group and signing up for a 30-day challenge is sufficient for weight loss. What they don't realize (or don't want to admit) is that real effort is necessary for success. It takes more than just signing up, it requires so much more.

    what you said might be true for some people. but it's also true there are people who just need a bit more "peer pressure" or "group challenge" to get them going. I don't see anything wrong with that. as for group fizzling out, that's the nature of a group...unless there's someone like a leader who tries really hard to stick people together and motivate them all the time...
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    OP is male, ladies. :smile:
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Lady, leave me alone!! It clearly says theyhave WEEKLY WEIGH INS!! And people lose intrest in weight loss!!You need to go back and re read the whole paragraph then go have your evening snack because your snapping at the wrong person my dear!

    Let me guess, between the two of us, I'm the cranky one?

    If you don't want to see my post, click the little triangle beside my name and click ignore user. And don't forget to take your own advise about attitude adjustment. This is a public forum and I'll reply to whatever the hell I want. Follow me?

    I just had a snack. Sliced apples sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. Then baked. It was delicious.

    Typically you'd need to read the description of a group to get the full idea of it. Are they doing specific exercises? Keeping under certain goals? Have other rules?

    Well here's another possible reason groups fizzle out: people just join without bothering to learn what is expected of them

    And another one that is unrelated to this strange exchange and to help me avoid making another post: newer members without proven logging records may be joining the groups as they are certainly welcome to. It's just like on a friend list, the ones that drop off and stop logging in tend to be newer members. I would be curious how many of the 90 original members had more than a 30 day streak, for example. Or even just consistent for over a month or two and maybe lost their streak for any number of reasons
  • Bambi8137
    Bambi8137 Posts: 43 Member