ACAI TRIM Feedback needed!

mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all!!! This is my 2nd run on MFP. I stucxk with it harcore last year & lost 40ish lbs!!! Then i tried to live without it & needless to say here I am again. I unfortuately gained alot of it back. Since then I started a new medication that makes me sooo tired & I have absolutely no energy. I decided to pick up a natural weight loss aide. I grabbed Acai Trim. It is supert concentrated Acai fruit & green tea extract. It is suppose to curb appetite & promote energy production. Has anyone tried these tablets? If so how did they work for you? Feedback would be appreciated!!!


  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    My friend has.
    She says she has lost 2 stone since starting them.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I am actually finishing a bottle of them right now... two pills left. I found that they gave me energy and turned my pee a slight tint of blue... other than that, they really didnt' do anything weightloss wise. but if you like the energy effect then they are a good one to take, however green tea pills give you the same effect and are cheaper!

    It works differently for everyone.

    If you want a natural weightloss supplement that has worked really well for me look up purisalv chia seeds. (I know what you are thinking chia pets and you are exactly right) its the seeds used in chia pets, but when you let them sit in water they turn to a gel form, that you drink. It is mainly fiber so it makes you feel full, it also keeps you hydrated, and is jammed packed full of anti oxidants and nutrients. You can also sprinkle the seeds in your food if you prefer to do it that way.

    they are known to help extend your work out. (they dont make you feel as fatigued, and they speed up recovery process) and they also trap some of the food that breaks down quickly like sugar and carbs, causing it to break down slower and pass through your body...(its the same concept as hoodia)

    check it out!
  • doyoumeangreen
    doyoumeangreen Posts: 32 Member
    This kind of stuff is a scam. Nothing is a magical cure and a fruit isn't going to take your problems away.

    If it *does* make you lose weight, when you go back to regular eating, you will gain it back and then some.

    Try a meal replacement shake if you're looking for quick weight loss, and substitute fruit and veggies for "chewing" sensations throughout the day. The weight will come off just as quick and you'll feel better, but you'll be doing your body a service of becoming healthier, rather than a disservice of using a "magic cure" and then shocking it back into overweight-ness later.

    The diet cycle is a vicious one. Check out blogs from superwmn on here (Charmagne). Her story is amazing. Once you learn to love yourself and your body at any size, you will finally break the cycle and get committed to whatever it is that you need to do. Loving yourself helps in relationships, professionally, every aspect of life.
  • For weight loss, try, CLA and L- carnitine for natural. Sub -Q for chemical.
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    This kind of stuff is a scam. Nothing is a magical cure and a fruit isn't going to take your problems away.

    If it *does* make you lose weight, when you go back to regular eating, you will gain it back and then some.

    Try a meal replacement shake if you're looking for quick weight loss, and substitute fruit and veggies for "chewing" sensations throughout the day. The weight will come off just as quick and you'll feel better, but you'll be doing your body a service of becoming healthier, rather than a disservice of using a "magic cure" and then shocking it back into overweight-ness later.

    The diet cycle is a vicious one. Check out blogs from superwmn on here (Charmagne). Her story is amazing. Once you learn to love yourself and your body at any size, you will finally break the cycle and get committed to whatever it is that you need to do. Loving yourself helps in relationships, professionally, every aspect of life.

    I'm not looking for a magic cure to loose weight, Iknow I can do that & it takes time. I need help with the energy loss & fatigue due to my medication.
  • doyoumeangreen
    doyoumeangreen Posts: 32 Member
    I'm so glad that you know that. If you're looking for energy, have a few cups of green tea during the day, and increase your B Complex vitamins. B Complex fights stress and gives you more energy. Not only one B vitamin works independently of the rest; so bulk up on a good complex. I'd recommend Shaklee but not sure if that's available where you are, more than likely GNC will have what you want.
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm so glad that you know that. If you're looking for energy, have a few cups of green tea during the day, and increase your B Complex vitamins. B Complex fights stress and gives you more energy. Not only one B vitamin works independently of the rest; so bulk up on a good complex. I'd recommend Shaklee but not sure if that's available where you are, more than likely GNC will have what you want.

    Great, Thanks!!:wink:
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