Healthy food for constant snackers..?

Woodsmoke Posts: 360 Member
Until I beat my over-eating once and for all, any ideas for desk-snacks I can keep handy that wont add a million ton of calories to my daily allowance?

It's bad habit and I know I'm asking for the moon here, but any ideas? (Not necessarily all fruit and veg?)


  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    i like crackers with laughing cow cheese, takes a while to eat so keeps me from scarfing them down. if you don't want just fruit and veg, try air popped popcorn. i also like pirate's booty 1/2 oz cheddar puffs, 65 calories a bag.
  • lily_swenson
    lily_swenson Posts: 38 Member
    hmm air poped popcorn,
    pumpkin seeds,
    dessert tea
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    sliced cucumbers or carrots/hummus or cheese
    celery or apple slices/peanut butter
    air popped popcorn w/o butter
  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    I usually take 2 apples sliced thin (one red one green), baby carrots, and cucumber and/or raw broccoli, and divide them into three smallish containers. I then add something with protein and salt like turkey pepperoni or string cheese or salted almonds. I try to keep it to one container a day (though I often eat two) but these are healthy and satisfying things that I can just grab and go and graze on and still feel good about eating.
    Pack your snacks with color and texture mind. I am a fan of anything salty and crunchy so that's what I choose. If you like sweet and chewy, throw in some dates or frozen grapes. Make it look pretty. I get so many compliments on my little snacks it's almost ridiculous. When people ooh and aah over my little box, I'm usually like, chill out people it's apples and carrots. But I have to admit that it does look satisfying even before i take my first bite, and the visual appeal actually makes me more mindful of what I am eating and helps me to savor it a little longer than I would just a simple thing like popcorn which I have a tendency to eat mindlessly.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    seeds, nuts(calorie dense so be cautious), and beef jerky
  • randomworldgirl
    randomworldgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Yoplait Greek 100
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I sometimes chew sugarless gum to keep me from snacking. Also, (since you want something more than veggies and fruits) maybe a really chewy piece of candy, like taffy or carmel or something - they're not too high in calories and it takes a while to finish one. :smile:
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    Peanut butter, protein bars, almonds, 1 cup or 1 piece of fruit, oatmeal, pretzels :)
  • susanlovesfitness
    susanlovesfitness Posts: 25 Member
    Arctic Zero Ice Cream.. 36 calories for one serving, lots of protien, lactose free, fat free and made with monk sugar for sweetness. It is the only thing out there for people wth allergies and with the protien keeeps you full but gives you that fun ice cream eating at night. You could eat the entire bucket of ice cream and it is less then 160 calories.
  • wruper
    wruper Posts: 43 Member
    I like protein snacks: low fat cheese (not more than 2 times a week, left over chicken, turkey, fish, low fat beef (20% fat or under)tuna fish packed in H2O, chicken from Costco packed in water Pick any one 2.5 oz. serving, Fage Yogurt 1/2 c., low fat cheese, 1/2 c.
    I like them because they add necessary protein to my food plan, are realitively low fat and are filling so don't create cravings and satisfy for a couple hours.
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    Dry roasted soy nuts: 1/3 c = 130 cal's

    Roasted chickpeas: 1/2c = 110 cal's

    Kale chips: 2 c = 110 cal's (or other veg/roasted chips)

    no sugar jello

    Nuts are great! they keep you going and if you add in some chopped up me, you will be satisfied with min. calorie's!

    40 pistachios = 160 cal's

    20 almonds = 140 cal's
  • jessical_otoole
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    Grilled chicken, tuna pouches, lots of egg whites, low cal bread (Pepperidge Farm light style ). I make sandwiches with a little mayo, tuna, egg or chicken and tons a lettuce and tomato. Low fat popcorn. Nature valley peanut butter choc Protein bars. All Very low cal and carb. Add to diary before you eat it so you can adjust as you need.