Iron deficiency?

Hi all,
Everyday, after a full day of eating and logging what I eat, I notice that my iron intake never goes above about 35%. I'm kind of struggling with this bc I really want to hit the recommended amount, but I can only eat so much.. I was reading up on symptoms of iron deficiency that included pale skin, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, tiredness, headaches-- I kind of have all of these symptoms. I had a blood test done years ago and I know I am not anemic, but I wonder now if these symptoms are bc I am consistently just not meeting my iron intake. I wanted to try taking a small iron supplement (10 mg) and wanted to know if anyone here (preferably women) takes supplements. I do want to see my doctor about this, but I figured taking a small amount of iron couldn't hurt.


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    I've read that it is best not to take iron supplements unless you know for sure whether there is a deficiency or not.

    The issues you are experiencing could also be other things, such as thyroid issues...
  • monica_621
    monica_621 Posts: 22 Member
    I've had my thyroid checked as well, that came up perfectly fine as well, which makes me wonder.
  • I agree with the above respond. You need to see your doctor before taking an iron supplement because getting too much iron in your system is just as bad as too little iron.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I had a blood test done years ago and I know I am not anemic,

    If it's been years, then you very well could be anemic. It can happen very quickly.

    Red blood cells depend on iron, and if you aren't getting enough of the mineral, you won't be able to carry much oxygen in your blood. That's all anemia is. It's a simple blood test (usually just a finger prick) to diagnose, but worth the time to go in and get it done. Then you can discuss with the doctor how to best treat your symptoms. Because if it's not anemia and you start taking iron, you aren't treating the issue ... and who knows, you could even make it worse.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Have your Dr run another blood test, just to be sure.

    Iron is hard to get. It's something I'm concentrating on, too, at the moment. Here are a few food items that will boost your iron intake:

    - molasses (1 tbsp. = 15% of daily intake)
    - shreddies cereal (1 cup = 50% daily intake)
    - rye bread (2 slices = 12% daily intake ....this probably varies a bit, depending upon your rye bread variety)
    - beans (iron intake varies with bean variety but they are all fairly high)
    - spinach (100 gr = 15%)
    - Lindt - Excellence Ecuador 75% Cacao Dark (1 square = 10%)

    I'm just starting to find foods that are high in iron. Keep looking. They are out there.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Have your Dr run another blood test, just to be sure.

    Iron is hard to get. It's something I'm concentrating on, too, at the moment. Here are a few food items that will boost your iron intake:

    - molasses (1 tbsp. = 15% of daily intake)
    - shreddies cereal (1 cup = 50% daily intake)
    - rye bread (2 slices = 12% daily intake ....this probably varies a bit, depending upon your rye bread variety)
    - beans (iron intake varies with bean variety but they are all fairly high)
    - spinach (100 gr = 15%)
    - Lindt - Excellence Ecuador 75% Cacao Dark (1 square = 10%)

    I'm just starting to find foods that are high in iron. Keep looking. They are out there.

    In general, it is soooo much better to get your iron from foods!

    Don't overlook red meat. It's a great source of iron, and probably more bio-available that just about anything else. :wink: (assuming you're not vegetarian)
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    Well I'm male, thought I was eating good. Had lost 100 pounds or and suffered from low energy etc for awhile went to dr they did full work up, everything looked good except I was anemic. Told me to take daily multi with iron and come back in three months to get checked again. Anyways, it still affecting me 8 weeks later. Good idea to go see dr, anemia builds over time and gets worse, once there takes time to recover.