P90X - Scared



  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Sorry - I didn't know people had posted more. :)

    Glad to know others are feeling like I am - with the 3000 cals. I have a meeting with my coach on Friday to do my fit test and take measurements etc. I'll find out then. After talking with several people, I'm not comfortable with 3000. So I need to address that with her. I'll update you all!
  • djprice_69
    djprice_69 Posts: 115 Member
    It is an excellent program. 3k calories might seem high, but you'll be burning a LOT during those workouts. You might try eating fewer than 3000 calories, but your body will tell you during the workouts if you're eating enough. One of the big focus points of P90X that most people skip out on are the specific nutritional information covered in the program. It is pretty easy to eat 3k calories when you're eating junk. If you're following good nutritional advice, it might be difficult to eat 3k calories due to being so full with such good food.
    Nontheless, I started this program weighing nearly 280 lbs. Good coaching will assure that you scale the workouts accordingly. The first week may be miserable, but I can tell you first-hand that you'll really start feeling better in no time after that.
    I wish you the best of luck! Though with enough hard work & dedication in this program, you simply won't need any luck :-)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    VKDarling...I start on July 7th. I'd love to have a buddy!

    Not sure which version she has me doing. I think she said it's 30 minute workouts because she knew I have limited time. I'm a single mom.

    And yes. She did say we'd work on modifying the without. Just every time I tell someone in doing it, I get the blank stare and then they say "Good luck with that." So they're freaking me out. LOL

    Since I'm in a test program and she's a Beachbody coach, she'd like me to start with 3000 cals a day and try that out for a bit. She did say if it didn't work we'd adjust. I know 1700 cals if I'm doing this type of program is not a good thing. I'd be starving myself of calories. Just didn't expect 3000.

    3000 cals doing p90x3? What are your stats?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm on my second round of P90X3, starting month 2 - I skipped the last week of the first month. I mostly follow the program, although I have subbed a few workouts from later in the program for workouts that I hate. Seriously, The Warrior can kiss my behind, there's a reason that sucker doesn't appear throughout the program. And I don't hate CVX but I'd rather just do cardio than cardio with a weight, that's just a recipe for disaster for my clumsy self. I would recommend following the schedule if you're doing the program for the first time.

    I would also recommend watching the workouts before you do them to get a sense of how the moves are done. Tony is kind of hit or miss with how well he explains the moves and sometimes won't give tips until you've already done 8 reps, plus the workouts can move pretty quickly. He also thinks he's the funniest person he knows and tends to get distracted, which means he misses cues. And yes, that Tracy Morrow chick is some kind of robot. A bouncy, chipper robot. It's ok to want to punch her.

    3000 cals sounds like a lot to me for this program. Unless your niece has some training in nutrition, I would run your TDEE to find out how many calories you need. Yes, you'll burn calories, but it's a 30 min workout and none of the workouts are steady-state, you're taking breaks or pauses between movements the entire video. I'm not saying you won't get a workout, I wouldn't waste my time with another round if I didn't feel like I was getting a decent workout, but 3000 seems high.
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! Love hearing everyone's suggestions.

    kgeyser - I just did my TDEE - it says about 2600--2700 cals a day.

    djprice_69 - I am hoping maybe my niece will be ok with me attempting to do maybe 2500 cals a day IF I agree to eat if I am feeling weak. I don't want to skimp and if I do a workout and I'm feeling shaky or anything, I'll promise to eat something good for me and full of protein.

    TavistockToad - although I hate to admit it - I'm about 230, 5'7 and 37.
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Just found out if I fail my fit test on Friday, I won't be allowed to do the P90X3. :( My coach has a backup plan - but I have been pumping myself up for weeks. I'm going to be crushed.
  • ericzanetti
    ericzanetti Posts: 41 Member
    Just found out if I fail my fit test on Friday, I won't be allowed to do the P90X3. :( My coach has a backup plan - but I have been pumping myself up for weeks. I'm going to be crushed.

    Don't worry, there are other introductory programs that are a bit easier than P90X3. You'll still see results but the workouts will be geared towards your current fitness level.
  • Giribaldi
    Giribaldi Posts: 10
    I would say do what you can. Even if you cant do as many reps as the people on the videos you're still going to get a great workout and over time you will improve
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just found out if I fail my fit test on Friday, I won't be allowed to do the P90X3. :( My coach has a backup plan - but I have been pumping myself up for weeks. I'm going to be crushed.

    I failed some of the fit test.... I still did the programme and have lost a load of bodyfat.... it's a dvd programme that you do at home, so noone can stop you doing it!
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Well - today was Day One and I feel DEFEATED. Seriously down. :brokenheart:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well - today was Day One and I feel DEFEATED. Seriously down. :brokenheart:

  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Crawly Plyo Push Ups and Boat to Plow - things like this, my body PHYSICALLY could not do. Just couldn't. Even pushing myself. I just feel desperate and sad.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Crawly Plyo Push Ups and Boat to Plow - things like this, my body PHYSICALLY could not do. Just couldn't. Even pushing myself. I just feel desperate and sad.

    If you could do everything the first time there would be no point doing the programme! It's supposed to be hard!
  • The_WoIverine
    The_WoIverine Posts: 367 Member
    She probably picked everyone who filled the form. That's what coaches do, they say I have 2 spaces left, I need two people, but the reality is they get everyone that reach out to the coach.

    With that said, don't feel bad. First, because you're not the only one who has done this. Second, because you're not the only one terrified of P90X. Third, because as hard as it might be, it will get you out and beyond of your comfort zone and that's what causes changes. I'm not saying other form of exercises don't cause changes in our bodies, but many times we just don't push harder because we have a mental limit that won't allow us to to see how much more we can do.

    Now, about 3000 calories, I personally believe that is WAY too much. I've done P90X in the past (two and half times), I've done P90X+ and P90X2, and even when I was using it to bulk up a little, my highest calorie intake was around to 2,800 calories. A factor to take into consideration, I am a man. I was burning fat and gaining muscle mass. So even though the P90X calculator was suggesting me to eat around 3000, 2800 was what worked for me.

    The coach I was talking to at that time would always say that you would need to eat just a little bit less than what the calculator suggested. I learned that you would need to check every week or two how your body was being affected and start making adjustments based on that.

    1700 calories would probably be too little, but 3000 calories is way too much. BeachBody coaches are just regular people who have done P90X with some level of success, and they just use that to make some money with other people, whether they really care that others get healthier or not. They are NOT nutritionists and they are not certified personal trainers. They just tell you what have worked for them and have been told by their coaches.

    P90X works, but you need to pay a lot of attention to your meals/calories.

    And about not being fit enough, just to as much as you can. Tony Horton says it, don't get disappointed if you can't finish a workout, just do your best and forget the rest. Next week look at what you need the previous week and try to do a little bit more. That's how it works.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    don't be discouraged if there are moves you have trouble with or you simply can not do.

    if you can not think of a way to make them easier and approximate the same movement, just keep doing what you can, you will get there. there was a move in p90x that was 'bow to boat'. some times i can do it , sometimes i cant.

    did they straighten out the 3000 cals thing? where did they come up with that? in the original p90x plan, i think 2800 was the highest they recomended and you would have to be a large man to fall into this catagory.

    you would gain weight on 3000 (maybe not much though). i am 5'8'' i ate between 2100 and 2400 while on the program. felt like enough most of the time and i was happy with the results
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    The cals thing is straightened out. Books says I should be at about 2400 - but she said if I needed to go a little lower, that would be fine. So we agreed on 2100-2400 cals. I feel like I'm eating SO much. I've been non-stop munching since I woke up. LOL I'm a bit nervous that it'll still be too many - but I'll give it a shot!

    I know what I would say to someone in my shoes - exactly what you all are saying. Tough taking your own advice. Ha! So thank you everyone - hearing it from other people does help. :smile:

    Tomorrow is a new day and a new workout. So I'll just try again! Can't give up on day 1! LOL
  • 50Fit
    50Fit Posts: 4 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Like Tony Horton says, just keep showing up and pushing play. You will improve. The Wolverine gave you some great advice. Modify, modify, modify - just keep moving. If you can't do a particular push up move, just do regular old push-ups. There is no shame in doing push-ups on your knees or holding the plank position for as long as you can keep good form. You will get better.

    I have done P90X approximately four times, got P90X certified, have done P90X Plus, P90X2 and P90X3. I am not even going to mention all of the other Beachbody programs I have done. When I first started I thought I was going to die. I thought it was too hard for me and that I would never be able to get the moves down, let alone keep up with the DVD's. I am doing things now I could not imagine being able to do when I first started and I am an "old" lady. Hang in there and you will one day amaze yourself at how far you have come.
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks SO much! :happy:
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    Dont be scared...Look at it for the opportunity that it is!! Good luck and I cant wait to hear about your results!!
  • ateare1
    ateare1 Posts: 1 Member
    I started P90X on Monday too! (I read the original post but not all the comments, so I hope you are doing it)

    I feel like my arms are going to fall off at any moment...

    I am not counting calories yet. It is hard for me, since I have food allergies and make 90% of what I eat from scratch.

    Looking for a buddy, to help keep me encouraged! Hope your plyo workout today was good. My quads just started hurting, but it is bed time, so tylenol and I are going to be good friends the next few weeks.