what have you given up and what have you added



  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Honestly, the most important think I've given up is treating myself like I'm worthless.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Sodas about 14 years ago.
    Added sugars (for the most part) about 12 years ago

    Otherwise, I would say I didn't "give up" foods, but rather I made some reasonable (for me) substitutions about 12 years ago: 100%whole grain breads (tortillas, pizza crust) for enriched bleached white. Brown rice and quinoa for white rice. Sweet potatoes for regular potatoes. Leaner cuts of meat for fattier ones, etc.
    And I cut beer down to a holiday treat.
    I cut way back on chips and other calorically dense/nutritionally light snacks.

    What I added: a crap ton of vegetables, and many, many new foods. Best thing ever.
  • smashy_smashy
    smashy_smashy Posts: 23 Member
    I've only been doing this for 5 days so far, so time will tell haha. So far, I've majorly cut back on my intake of sugar, which seemed to be the bulk of my caloric intake previously. Also, moderation with everything! Because I now weigh out my foods according to the actual recommended portion sizes, I can see that previously I was consuming at least double (if not more) the amount that I should have been. Right now, I'm trying to get myself accustomed to eating smaller portions and having that be enough.

    I haven't really added anything, but I've substituted some things for other commonly scarfed-down foods. For instance, yesterday I had half a sandwich for lunch and instead of having potato chips, I had 2 full cups of raw broccoli, carrots and snow peas with a little jalapeno ranch to dip them in (still was reasonable for calories). Yay!

    I can tell that the sugar thing will be an issue, at least for a few more days until the cravings subside. I'm craving one of the homemade ice cream sandwiches that are in my freezer, even though I know they'd set me back like 360 calories and would not fill me up whatsoever.

    Right now, I'm not incorporating any additional exercise to my day, but I hope to soon. Living in Phoenix in the summer makes it hard to want to go for a run!
  • mackmama11
    mackmama11 Posts: 15 Member
    I have recently started using MFP. I am slowly losing about a pound a week. I am starting to learn a lot about portion sizes and measuring. I really miss getting really full though.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    given up: Nothing really. I made no unilateral "no this, that or the other" changes to my diet. I have found that by educating myself about the value of food, I don't have to deny myself ANYTHING; I have however found that I tend to make much better food choices. And when I want to indulge myself, I do, without guilt.

    added: More activity, more veggies, more real dairy (whole milk, butter, cottage cheese), avocados, couscous, tofu.

    gained: increasing self-confidence and appreciation of me and how much potential I have.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    I rarely eat hamburger or pork these days, it's mostly chicken breast, No chips/chocolate bars/soda

    Other than that basically the same diet.
  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    Gave up fast food and soda.

    Added greek yogurt!
  • smashy_smashy
    smashy_smashy Posts: 23 Member
    I have recently started using MFP. I am slowly losing about a pound a week. I am starting to learn a lot about portion sizes and measuring. I really miss getting really full though.

    I so know what you mean! I'm not really hungry with my new caloric intake, but because I was so used to overeating in the past, I feel like I haven't had enough unless my stomach feels uncomfortably full. :( Hang in there, it'll get easier!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I've given up nothing in connection with the current weight loss efforts, except for comfort/stress eating. Like others, I've reduced my consumption of many things--for example, I used to do delivery for dinner pretty often and almost never do now, I pay a lot more attention to my meals being overall healthy and keeping treats as treats, not the centerpiece. I've also changed the way I eat, or more accurately, gone back to the way I used to eat and preferred--I try to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, like to eat seasonally when possible, and try to mostly cook from whole foods, although I still go out once or twice a week. I just don't treat that as a license to ignore calories anymore. I try to have protein and vegetables at every meal, although I'm not rigid about it.

    All of these changes I intend to be permanent ones. I've always enjoyed eating this way and it's pure laziness plus the comfort/stress stuff that led to my bad habits.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I wouldn't say I've given anything up entirely, but I have much reduced the wine and frequent desserts (although lately I've been enjoying strawberry rhubarb pie, which is something I would never pass up when there are fresh strawberries and fresh rhubarb to cook with).

    I added Greek yogurt and whey protein powder. I realized how little protein I was getting last summer when I started using MFP, and since I was hiking a mountain several times a week for work, I started using protein powder. The extra protein from that, and from eating a bit more meat, seemed to enable me to gain really nice muscles. I'm not hiking a mountain all the time for work now, but I'm hoping to regain that muscle (and none of the pudge) this summer by being careful with protein again and lifting.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Honestly, the most important think I've given up is treating myself like I'm worthless.

    Good answer.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I've given up cake (was never very big in my diet). Everything else I still eat but less of it.

    I've added peanut butter. I would never eat peanut butter due to it's high calorie count. I now eat it with crackers when I'm hungry at night and I have a huge calorie deficit due to a big workout.
  • PhiloPray
    PhiloPray Posts: 36 Member
    i gave up fast food and sodas and most processed food. thats about it really. added in more veggies.
  • Fentyman
    Fentyman Posts: 58 Member
    I haven't giving up anything. I flat-out refuse. What I have added is exercise everyday for a least an hour.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    So as we all either change our lifestyle or diet I am curious what has been given up and will you ever eat it again or drink it. What have you added. And do you plan on a lifetime like this or just till you lose your weight?

    Myself-I have given up Soda and flavored water with artificial sweeteners. I do not plan on ever having that again. 30 days of water and 1 ice tea a day.So I find it duable.

    Pork products-as I got gout last year. I do occasionally still a slice of bacon at work-But at home I eat turkey bacon.

    Red meat-Bow here I cheat and eat a once every now and again-We go to a buffet on saturdays and I get 2 bites of prime rib. I love ribeyes but Choose not to eat it.

    Gluten in most items-this is due to my Hubby has celiacs and I rather eat and cook one time so I have to be careful of gluten in products

    Processed foods-I do not purchase ready to eat or boxed items anymore-and hopefully never will again

    My additions have been fresh fruit and veges-Grill alot of veges-And eat fruits I do not like-I do cheat and blend them.

    I hope my lifestyle will be a permanent thing. I have never felt so good.

    I'm not sure how long you're doing this, but what you describe here is not sustainable. Unless you have extreme willpower, you probably won't succeed (sorry to be so blunt :frown: ). Instead, cut out one thing at a time, stick to it for a few weeks and try the next thing.

    If you prove me wrong, good for you :smile:
  • Coltsforlife
    Coltsforlife Posts: 124
    Beer and more Beer!! I will only drink it again on a vacation. Hopefully I can keep it like that !:drinker:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I've given up some of my computer/Netflix time, and added gym time instead. I've also given up driving my car for short distances, and added walking instead.
  • feralkitten1010
    feralkitten1010 Posts: 219 Member
    I haven't really given up anything either. I try to eat as few GMOs as reasonably possible, but that's just a personal preference. Not so much a losing weight thing. I added bacon into my diet for breakfast to add a bit more protein. (I really don't like eggs.)
  • SammiC86
    SammiC86 Posts: 10 Member
    I've given up coffee, pop, alcohol, simple carbs, stress eating & eating out of boredom. I've added more protein, water, & upped the intensity of my workouts. So far so good!
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    I have given up refined/added sugar and wheat - and when I do occasionally indulge, I get so bloated that it really has to be a special treat to be worth the discomfort after.

    I've added Greek yoghurt, kale and increased my use of sweet potato a whole lot.