On a Mission, Trying to Stay Positive

Hi All: I just joined a week and a half ago. I was so positive when I first started and have even lost about 8 pounds. My problem is that I get so down on myself for letting myself gain so much weight (60 pounds in the last 2 years) that it can seem like a lost cause. I have almost 100 pounds to lose. Feels a bit daunting. I don't want to get in the way of myself this time. When I get down, I eat (case in point going through a divorce the last 2 years). I don't want to do do that any more. I know I can't control all things in my life, and sometimes I'll just have bad days. But I need a solid, healthy body to deal with life during those hard times. I really want to conquer that part of my over eating. Does anyone else ever feel this way?


  • bellanic
    I have felt that way my whole life. First, it was 20lbs sounded like a lot, the 40lbs sounded like a lot, then 100lbs and now I have to lose 158lbs to be at my goal weight. If I knew then what I knew now, I would go back and kick my butt in to gear all those years ago. I see pics and am disgusted with the way I look, and this year is the year I have decided to change everything. You just have to realize that it is going to take a lot of work, but you have friends that will help you through it. Stay positive and try to keep the negative things out. I had the biggest meltdown this morning because I have to take some math class for school and I haven't taken a math class is 14 years. I have tried this class several times and always drop it for some reason. I started crying when my professor stated that he is the hardest teacher I will ever have and that if I haven't had math in 5+ years he recommends dropping the class. I dropped and felt ashamed, I called my mom crying and was a total basket case. My mom told me to skip it for now and not let it keep me down. She said "why do anything right now, when you are trying so hard to get healthy and stay positive, that is going to bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself?" I know that I will eventually have to take this class, but online is probably not the best decision for someone that hasn't taken a math class in years. Therefore, I am taking my other classes, working on a promotion at work, organizing my house and really my entire life and I am just focusing on getting healthy and staying positive. A divorce is so stressful, but now that you are done with that you can take the relief from the drama and move on, in a positive path to overall happiness with your life. Do things that make YOU happy. It's not selfish. (as cheesy as it sounds) Only you can make yourself happy with who you are and you deserve to be happy.
  • Pandaschaefer
    I feel that way constantly! I've got quite a bit to lose myself and yes, it does seem so daunting sometimes...that I almost feel like giving up. Then think to myself, that's what I've done so much of already and I'm kinda sick of it! You're right...there are gonna be hard days and days when it doesn't seem like you can go on, but the truth is...you're stronger than that! One thing that I know is going to be hard...cause I'm doing the same thing...you've gotta stop beating yourself up for the past. Look at it this way, you are aware of your problems now and you're doing your very best to change that. And you know what...that's totally awesome! So keep your head up and I'm sure that I and several other people on here will be here to cheer you on! You rock it!
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    One upon a time, I had more than 60 pounds to lose. Now I've got just a little more than 5. It took me a really long time, but that was largely because I was trying without a lot of support (I have a wonderful family, but none of them struggle with weight ... they're either natural calorie roasters, or they don't mind being a bit overweight so they don't think about it!).

    You are in exactly the right place to win this thing once and for all. Look for the challenges that people post every now and then, and join one. I joined one in late December and wound up losing over Christmas for the first time EVER (okay, just two tenths of a pound, but still!).

    You'll have down days. Don't let them turn into down weeks ... months ... etc. But do expect them and plan now how to shake them off.
  • Gracey150
    What lovely words from you all. I feel better already! Thank you.:heart::heart: :heart: