Video: The most important factor for long-term success

This July I hit my 10 year anniversary of losing 100llbs! I created a video talking about what I believe the most important factor for long-term success is...mindset!
Obviously losing weight is a direct response to eating right and proper exercise but you won't get there if your mind isn't in the right place. My diet trick was Spiking. Sure it benefited my metabolism and hormones but what Spiking did for my mindset is the real reason I lost weight and kept it off for 10+ years.

This was a non-rehearsed and non-scripted rant about long-term success so please be kind :)


  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Yeah I have a book, but just like the last time I was active on MFP I offer free advice to anyone that wants it. Just send me an IM or post here and I will help the best I can.
  • pantherxiii
    Russ, I've read your new book off amazon. You don't seem to stress avoiding carbs till later in afternoon like I remember in the first book. Do you still suggest the low carb till late afternoon? (I haven't read through like I should yet, so I may have missed) Spiker for life!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Russ, I've read your new book off amazon. You don't seem to stress avoiding carbs till later in afternoon like I remember in the first book. Do you still suggest the low carb till late afternoon? (I haven't read through like I should yet, so I may have missed) Spiker for life!

    With the new book I focus more on individual choices so people can customize the plan to best fit the way the like to eat. Personally I still eat over 90% of my daily carbs after 7pm and I probably will for life. I do believe there's a benefit physically and it fits exactly how I prefer to eat.

    I've learned that these "benefits" are not as important as mindset, and people need to learn to listen to their bodies and eat when they are hungry and wait when they are not. The days of eating every 2-3 hours because your supposed to are obsolete and honestly pretty ridiculous.

    For those like you Panther who are amazingly fit and being ripped is now just a "way of life" are different than the majority who struggle with weight and dieting. I don't want those people to feel like they have to eat the way we do daily to lose weight, because the truth is, they don't.

    By the way brother you are in amazing-amazing shape! Someday I would love to be your level of ripped!
  • pantherxiii
    I owe it to you Russ. Post spike workout days are a beast for me, and honestly the following 2 days feel stellar. By the 4th day after my spike I am ready to chisel the strength workouts the next couple days then spike sat and Sunday. My mother in law started spiking with me, she doesn't workout nearly as much as I do but still is having great success and is loving the guiltless spike days! If you have the nine to five job, this diet is perfect. Low carb snacks and low cal eating while at work then a hearty dinner when I get off work.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    Russ, As you know I'm back to running a classic spike program. I tend to keep my calories on the lower side during the week so I can go a little higher on spike day. Thus far, everything is moving the right direction. Thanks for getting back to the community!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Russ, As you know I'm back to running a classic spike program. I tend to keep my calories on the lower side during the week so I can go a little higher on spike day. Thus far, everything is moving the right direction. Thanks for getting back to the community!

    Bruce, your transformation is amazing. It was your hard work but i'am proud of what you accomplished!

    I am back and back to stay. My hiatus was all about self-pity but I know my story isn't about a book tour, it's about helping people, even if it's one person at a time.

    I am so proud to see long-term Spikers like you that not only lose weight but consistently get in better and better shape. This lifestyle is a gift from God and it needs to be shared for those who will listen.