Kettlebells......Who uses them?

So how often do you use them? What weight do you use? How much do you burn in your typical workout??


  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I got a 10 lb kettlebell with instructional DVD for Christmas, but I haven't used it yet. Have been working on cardio for the moment. I have worked with them before though, and I was doing a lot of squats using different arm movements with the kettlebell. I have also done ab work with a 25 lb bell and a fitness ball. I have no idea though how many calories I burned.
  • kwise127
    what kettlebell dvd did you get if you don't mind me asking? I was thinking about adding kettlebells to my routine.

  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Twice a week for 30 minutes. I typically write down 2 circuits of 5 exercises which 10 or 20 reps each. I repeat these 2 circuits 3 times with 1 min break between each circuit, then finish off with some ab exercises. I've got two 8kg kettlebells and one 4kg, I use the 8kg for the circuits and the 4kg for ab exercises. I used my HRM last week to measure calorie burn and burned approx 300 calories in 30 minutes.

    Have you worked out with kettlebells before or are you just starting out? I definitely recommend to have a few sessions with a personal trainer when you start to learn the exercises correctly as you could hurt your back quite badly if you don't do the exercises properly. Have fun!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    what kettlebell dvd did you get if you don't mind me asking? I was thinking about adding kettlebells to my routine.


    It is a Danskin kettlebell and DVD. I am not sure where it was purchased, but I can find out if you'd like!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I've been doing kettlebell routines for over a year now. I work out 4 days a week for about 30-50 minutes. I use Lorna Kleidman's book, Body Sculpting for Women, I use a 20 and 25lb kettlebell. I've recently started P90X and use my kettlebells on the back and bicep days now.

    I started with 10 minutes solutions Kettlebell DVD, and then also like Amy Bento Kettlebells, advanced.

    I haven't specifically figured out my calories burned as I just got a HRM. I know that my friends immediately notice definition in my back and shoulders as soon as I started kettlebells. I do think that it's lacking in the leg routines, not much in the way of leg exercises in any of these routines. But I was marathon training too, so that helped there.

    I wear wrist wraps, and frequenly have funny bruises in odd places, like my shoulders. My downstairs with a cement floor has a low ceiling and I've thrown my kettlebell into my ceiling on more than one occassion.

    I've never had a personal trainer and though just common sense worked for me on no injury. Lorna Kleidman does a super job at making certain that the small details in the book are told to avoid injury. It's great for you abs too. I was sore for the first three weeks :)
  • jaybaileys
    I've been using kettlebells for about 9 months. Im a 140#, 5'9", male and they recommend you begin with a 35#. After learning the swing, clean and press, snatches, and get ups. I did the Rite of Passage workout in the "Enter the Kettlebell" book and DVD from Dragon Door. I also have a 44# now. I am currently doing a routine called Kettlebell Burn 2.0. Its a 4 month program where you do 3 workouts per week and they last about 45 minutes. Ive never worn my hr monitor afraid Id break it if the bell hit it the wrong way. I would get that bood and dvd and see if there is a Dragon door RKC in your area and possibly get a lesson. I have not been able to, but have taken my time and love the workouts.
  • jaybaileys

    Try some of Dragon Door's videos. The program Im doing has plenty of leg stuff. Squats and rev lunges come to mind right away.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I was reading that Enter the Kettlebell was a fantastic book. I'm an athletic trainer and have been wanting to toss in some kettlebell stuff into my routine and for my athletes as well. I did get the Amy Bento DVD but I haven't checked it out yet. I'm gonna try a 15 pounder first to see how that goes. Luckily I have cathedral ceilings so not too worried about tossing them into my roof! :laugh:
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Hi guys... I posted this on a different kettlebell thread on MFP but didn't get any feedback.... :happy:

    I just bought a set this past weekend - it has 5lb, 15lb and 25lb... which I understand may be a bit light, but the whole set was $30.

    It came with an instructional DVD (that I haven't checked out yet) but it sounds like after you learn the techniques that you don't really need a true "exercise video" to use them... ??
  • kwise127
    Even though this wasn't my thread, thanks for all the info on kettlebells... looks like I have some research to do. Lucky for me I have high ceilings...

    Happy Day Happy Day
  • Trailgypsy
    Trailgypsy Posts: 9 Member
    Which moves are best for ab workouts with the kettlebell?
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    For calorie burn, you have to look at what kinds of exercises you do with them.

    There was one article recently that claimed "up to 24 calories per minute", but of course they provided no details. Although the person doing the study comes from reputable program, the number on it's own is absurd, so I would have to know more about the context from which it was derived.

    For a steady-state type of movement (e.g. continuous swings), the one good study that I read indicated that, for this movement, the calorie burn was modest. As I would have predicted, the study showed that kettlebell swings, like any movement that involves a substantial portion of upper body lifting above the shoulders, heart rate response is exaggerated, and thus the HR/VO2 relationship is skewed. In this study, during 12 min of kettlebell swings (15kg for women, 20kg for men) average heart rate was 85%+ of HRmax. Normally that would correspond to at least 70% VO2max. However, measured VO2 was only about 62% of max.

    In this case, assuming the HRM was set up correctly with the most accurate profile data, using a good HRM during kettlebell swings would overestimate calorie burn by 10%-15%.
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    A friend has been using a 20# weight and uses a heart rate monitor, she shared that she has been burning about 360 or so in a 45 minute session.

    I am sure it will depend on many variables, like the weight you're using, And of course what types of circuts you're doing. I was told that the reason it is not found anywhere is because there are too many individual factors to consider.

    A HRM will help with this.

    I did a Search and found a similar post:
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    usually 4 or 5 days a week for about 20 minutes or so.
    i did the whole 6 weeks of kettleworx with a 10 lbs kettlebell.
    i did a second round of 3 weeks with a 15 lb kettlebell.

    i just found jillian michael's shred it with weights.
  • Jartexas
    Jartexas Posts: 59 Member
    I am a AFAA CPT and I agree with percy, be very careful, KBs should not be used without proper training. Huge possiblity of injury.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I got a set of kettlebells for my birthday.........5 pd, 10 pd and 15 pd. It came with an instructional guide on how to use them properly but not a workout dvd so I ordered one that Bob Harper has out and one Jillian has out..........can't wait for them to come! I need a little variety in my workout!!! I tend to get bored too quickly!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    My wife has an 8 kg (17.6 lb) and a 12 kg (26.4 lb). I have a 16, 20, 24 kg (35, 44, 53 lb). I try to incorporate some exercises into a mix with dumbbells and bodyweight exercises. Maybe it's just me, but the KB exercises seem to attack more muscle groups simultaneously. Azdak, do you think it proper (or wise) to use KBs in this way, or are you a proponent of a more methodical approach? I appreciate you input.
  • jaybaileys
    As far as the ab question goes, I think most of the excercises work your abs. Swings, Get Ups, Snatches, Cleans and Presses. In all of these moves your core needs to be tight or you will get hurt. A program I am doing is called Kettlebell Burn 2.0. Its a 4 month program that has 3 forty-five minute workouts per week. That is it and believe me it works. Im am pretty lean already and dropped 5 lbs the first month! So I started eating more so I wouldn't lose any more weight. Kettlebells are extremely good for burning fat all over your body.