Big and Young!

shr3k1989 Posts: 8
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all,

I decided to join this site after a few Hospital/Doctors appointments and not really getting any help.

I'll start with the facts:

- I am 21 years old

- I weigh in at 406 lb's

- Most of the weight gained through being innactive and drinking coke

Last visit to the Doctors they told me that if i don't loose the weight by the age of 24 then serious and long term damage will have already been caused and could result in an early death!

So yes that shocked me into wanting to do something but ultimately i've never been happy with my weight. There are alot of things i want to do and can't, (Like play on the wii fit!)

My Goal is to get down to 18 Stone which is a loss of 154lb and i will be attending doctors once a week for a weigh in and to track my progress with them.

Any help, advice, guidance or just making sure i don't quit is awesome, and hopefully in a few years i'll be telling people about my story and how i lost the weight :)

My Goals:

- Loose 42 lb's for Holiday, (Mid April) Target: 364 lb's

- Loose 84 lb's for Birthday, (Mid September) Target 322 lb's

- Loose 154 lb's by April 2012 Target 252 lb's

Thanks and feel free to ask any questions ect, the more i talk about my problem the more people can help and the more i can help myself!




  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    what is a stone? Sry if i sound stupid never heard or seen that word before
  • xabbix
    xabbix Posts: 14
    Hey hun, ive known you for what?? 13years or so.... and we've both always been a bit chunky (lol) but i know you can do it :) and we can make sure we both stick to it cuz i wanna go down 100lb's or so.
    Soooo lets fight this fat and have loads of fun whilst doing it. Im thinking you should come over and use my exercise bike and you could do my workout dvd with me :)
    offers always there hun. xxxxx
  • xabbix
    xabbix Posts: 14
    a stone is 14lb's hun xx
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    I think a stone is 14 lbs.
  • Stina_Marie13
    Stina_Marie13 Posts: 50 Member
    To those of you who are wondering what stone means:
    stone - means a British unit of weight/ equivalent to 14lbs
  • centralvalgal
    centralvalgal Posts: 12 Member
    I think it is 14 pounds to 1 stone...:smile:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This site is a great tool for helping you lose weight. Sounds like you have a great plan - you'll have to be dedicated to lose 6 stone by September, but it's definitely possible. A few nuggets of advice:

    -Your weight loss will likely start out pretty high if you are dramatically changing your diet and/or exercise habits, but a lot of the initial weight loss will be water weight. After the 1st week or two, don't be surprised if your weight loss slows. THis is normal and should not disappoint you!

    -Drink LOTS of water! And don't be afraid to try new (healthy) foods!

    -If you can't do much exercise, start out slow. Just walk. Walk, walk, walk. It can do amazing things for you. Even walking 20-30 minutes a few times a week, when you're not used to regular physical activity can make a HUGE difference.

    -I encourage you to read the links in the 1st post on this thread:

    You CAN do this!
  • jlc2002
    jlc2002 Posts: 20
    you've done the first step! Seeking help is probably one of the hardest things to do! If you want an online buddy, I'm def here for you!
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    It's a British term of weight measurement. A stone is equal to 14 pounds
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    well the first step is done sweety u know what u have to do, so do it and u can do it, remember one day at a time...Good luck
  • I'm bigger than you and play Wii fit. Does it just make you uncomfortable? Are you doing it alone, or around friends? If it makes you uncomfortable, start small. Park far when you go shopping or at school. Carry a basket at the store rather than pushing a cart. Sneaking exercise in at first is a good way to burn a little extra w/o even noticing.

    Focus on being healthy rather than stressing about losing weight. If you focus on moving and eating good foods the rest will follow!
  • Thank you all for the warm welcome and sorry for using Stone, my weight in lb's is 406 at the moment.

    I will edit my first post if i can to make it easier to understand.

    And once again thank you for the warm welcome and hopefully i'll make alot of new friends and loose some weight while having fun!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Thank you all for the warm welcome and sorry for using Stone, my weight in lb's is 406 at the moment.

    I will edit my first post if i can to make it easier to understand.

    And once again thank you for the warm welcome and hopefully i'll make alot of new friends and loose some weight while having fun!

    Thats what we are here for. I myself started MFP @ 315, im down to 301 in just a few weeks, now is when i realyl need to kick up the exercise, as my "water weight" is gone, and weight loss is going to slow. I adjusted my calories down about 200, and i need to increase my exercise. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish. My FINAL goal is 100lbs lost, Im shooting for 25 by april and 50 by august.
  • I'm bigger than you and play Wii fit. Does it just make you uncomfortable? Are you doing it alone, or around friends? If it makes you uncomfortable, start small. Park far when you go shopping or at school. Carry a basket at the store rather than pushing a cart. Sneaking exercise in at first is a good way to burn a little extra w/o even noticing.

    Focus on being healthy rather than stressing about losing weight. If you focus on moving and eating good foods the rest will follow!

    Well i stood on teh board thing and it told me to get off as i was too heavy! So that is one of my first goals :)
  • for_a_mittengrl
    for_a_mittengrl Posts: 93 Member
    Hello! You can do this! You are determined and you already have a min goal - Wii Fit! So I think that is all a good way to start in on it! Feel free to Friend me! :)
  • safetyscott
    safetyscott Posts: 66 Member
    Think of it as a lifestyle change rather then a diet, and picture in your mind constatntly the man you wish to be. Focus on your short term goals first and the big picture last. Do yourself a big favor...drop the coke bottle for good..not even diet coke. I did this and lost 20lb in the first three weeks.

    Keep positive no matter what ! and get mad if you have to.

    You can do this!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I think Wiifit capacity is 250 lbs. You can still do the other activities/games that don't require a board. Try the biggest Loser game it is great! I hear that got the new Zumba dance game out which sounds good as well. My hubby is in the same boat as you, started at 406 exactly (jinx) and he is down to 393 currently. Walk more, no soda (not even diet), smaller portions. At your age, the weight will literally fall of you. Good luck on your journey!
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I know somewhat how you feel. I came into the world 9lbs and 4 oz and it's been down hill from there lol. My best advice is start doing taking a 5 or 10 minute walk, every day. Also make sure that you drink your water. If you don't like it plain add some lemon or lime. Each day is a new chance to be closer to your goal. Good luck to you! :happy:
  • salto
    salto Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome! Right there in your first post I heard some great things that should help to keep you motivated. You just need to keep them in mind when you're feeling weak and when you feel like you want to give up.

    Make a list of your reasons for doing this. They may seem obvious now, but motivation starts to wane, and there will come a time when you'll need the boost.

    #1: Your health: whatever the doctors said to you that made you realize you need to do this
    #2: Wii Fit and the other things you want to be able to do that you can't right now.
    #3: How great it will be to "tell your story" - to be a success story and an inspiration to others

    I think these are some pretty motivational reasons for getting fit. Keep them in mind as your ultimate goals and they'll carry you through.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member

    I started at 340lbs with the same kind of motivation you have, I don't want all those bad things to happen to me!

    Congrats for coming on here and making the first step!! I know how hard it is so well done for getting this far! :smile:

    I bought an exercise bike (don't want to join a gym just yet!, for self concious reasons!) for about £80, one where your arms move as well as your legs. Started with 20 minutes on my first day and they were hell!!, 3 days later I was recovering far quicker, a week later I upped it to 25 mins and a week after that 30...and thats where it is staying for now. I use the bike once a day 6 days a week and keep my calories under 2000 (thats not counting exercise calories).

    Its slow and steady but let me tell you it works!! I have lost 11lbs and can already feel the difference, it really spurs you on, every lbs counts towards your goal and it IS possible, its not easy but nothing worth doing ever is!

    Good Luck Pal,

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