mfp friends

Looking for some MFP buddies to help guide and motivate me through my healthy - life changing- journey! I have tried MFP in the past briefly but for one reason or another it did not stick. I struggle with diets and I desperately need to lose weight. At leat 50 lbs would be great but I would be happy with 20! I have naturally thin children and thin husband and they do not share the same motivation that I do for a healthy overhaul of our kitchen. It is horrible to feel alone when you need that extra push to get yourself up off the couch and out the door.. or to help out with an easy recipe that won't have me spending hours in the kitchen. I need kid friendly -husband friendly meals, that would be my goal! lol! I work full time, go to school and have three children...I feel overwhelmed and tired most day's and if this is going to stick I will need ALL the support I can get!


  • cdealtry
    cdealtry Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, enjoy the journey, MFP has certainly helped me along the way, available to add as a friend :-)
  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    Hows that song go " you've got a friend in me". Feel free to add me if you like.:drinker:
  • sjconner8
    sjconner8 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! I can relate to working and going to school AND finding meals that I can eat as well as my daughter. Would be happy to share some recipes!
  • kathym617
    kathym617 Posts: 32 Member
    Me too, for much of this. Three kids, a full time job, and no one else who is really working on their weight (my husband would like to lose a few - like 4-5 pounds! - and my eldest should probably not gain much before his next growth spurt). And my kids (aside from the baby, who has no opinions) are picky eaters. I'd like to lose 40 and think that's realistic for me. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ThinningKB2014
    Welcome! Feel free to add me! Friends on this site are fantastic for support!