First Weigh In Since Starting MyFitnessPal...

So pumped today!!! I started training and recording my calories on here about a month ago. I have a friend who is a Muay Thai champion and a personal trainer kicking my *kitten* 4-5 days a week and have been watching what I eat. Cutting out or back on sugar and carbs and increasing the amount of veggies and protein.

My goal is to lose the weight and build lots of awesome lean muscle. I've also cut out processed foods and increased my water consumption.

I've always struggled with my weight. It totally Yo Yo's. I've been as heavy as 210 and as low as 135. Weight loss for me is not easy. I am very much an emotional eater and I LOVE food!!!! Plus in the last year I've had 2 brain surgeries and a broken ankle which prevented me from exercising much at all for the better part of that year.

Anyways, when my trainer weighed me on June 26th I said I didn't want to see the number figuring if it was worse than I thought I would get discouraged. We were already almost 2 weeks in and I was scared. Today she wanted to weigh me. Well, I decided I wanted to know how much I'd lost since I started. Eek! I was expecting the worst. She told me gone from 202 to 192. 10 pounds in 11 days!!!! And I'd lost about 5 before that. I screamed and jumped in the air! lol

I see improvements every time I go. I'm stronger faster and able to do more. People are starting to notice and I feel so great. :) I know my weight loss is faster than recommended but I have def not been starving myself just eating smarter and when I'm hungry not when I'm emotional and of course I'm moving more.

I just had to share! Discipline and hard work do pay off.


  • That's awesome! Keep up the good work! You're a fighter and i know you will reach your goal!
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    Whoo-hoo! Good for you!
  • CynNSinCity
    CynNSinCity Posts: 47 Member
    That's awesome! Also don't worry about dropping so much to begin with it's pretty normal I would say since you changed your eating habits also probably your drinking (soda) habits. A few of those pounds could be from soda alone also. I dropped 5lbs just from cutting out my soda addiction within a few weeks and with exercising it dropped a few more pounds.

    Keep it up!
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