Cottage Cheese in Smoothies...?

MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
I just heard about somebody putting cottage cheese in their smoothies. It's sounds interesting. I'm too poor to take the protein powder route, so a smoothie with cottage cheese could give me some more protein for workout days.

BUT, I really hate cottage cheese. The curdles... the texture, BLEH.

How does it taste in a smoothie? Can you actually taste/feel/notice the cottage cheese? From what I've read it just makes it creamier and richer, but I figured I'd ask my peeps on MFP. :)


  • mwilson57
    mwilson57 Posts: 78 Member
    I love cottage cheese in smoothies! It does make it thicker and creamier. Add a little sweetener and you won't notice the cottage cheese at all! Another user posted a recipe for a strawberry cheesecake smoothie that I love! (The link is below.) I don't use as much sweetener as called for, so adjust to your taste. If you're feeling extra adventurous throw some spinach or kale in your smoothie as well. The spinach won't affect the taste, only the color. If you use kale you may want to use a little more sweetener. Also purple kale is a little less bitter than curly kale and will add a nice purple color to the smoothie.

    Good ahead and try it! If you don't like it, oh well, at least you tried it.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I've never heard of anyone using cottage cheese in them! Super interesting. My broke *kitten* wouldn't be able to afford the actual protien mixes [yay college![...not that i actually own a blender, because i'm also too broke for that...Although I wish I did own one...I plan on trying to buy one soon because i love the idea of having a blender!
  • Chadwick891
    Chadwick891 Posts: 72 Member
    Yes, that's true. Cottage cheese is rich in Casein Protein. This is a slow digesting protein that takes anywhere from 3-6 hours to digest.

    It is most beneficial to take before bed, as the prolonged digestion period forces the body to work through your sleep, which breaks down fat cells and keeps your metabolism burning throughout the early portion of your sleep.

    The best thing about Cottage Cheese is that you can get it with very low fat content!!

    It's a very nice taste too :)
  • Zeldaz51
    Zeldaz51 Posts: 1
    Cottage cheese is wonderful in smoothies, gives them longer-lasting satiety because of the protein. Beware, though, cottage cheese is very high in sodium, so you may want to use the unsalted version.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I didn't taste it, made that cake batter shake that was posted on this forum. It blends up so you don't see or taste the curds. Just make sure you blend the heck outta it, lol.
  • elleden
    elleden Posts: 3
    how about plain non-fat greek yogurt? It's cheap and full of protein. You can get it in the big tubs, so it's less expensive than the little individual servings.
  • TiffanySuscheck
    TiffanySuscheck Posts: 123 Member
    I've never tried cottage cheese, but I've been meaning to.

    I do silken tofu. It gives my smoothies a thick, creamy texture without ice. I'm a HUGE fan!!!
  • bubmaster
    bubmaster Posts: 90
    i like cottage cheese but in a soothie sounds eeww
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    I buy body fortress and six star pro nutrition for walmart $15-20 for them. I also add 2 egg whites to my shakes. I might try cottage cheese or greek yogurt.
  • fitnessgal1318
    I love cottage cheese in smoothies. It really does make them really rich and creamy and while I love cottage cheese, you really can't taste it. My new favorite recipe....1C cottage cheese (1%), 1 cup pineapple, 1/2 banana, 1/2 C almond or coconut milk, 1C ice cubes, can add 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder if you want. Delicious!!!
  • darkchocolate68
    I love cottage cheese plain, but I also use it in my smoothies/protein shakes. You would never know it is in there, but it makes the shakes creamier and thicker.

    Please check out these recipes, they are great!!!

    P.S. You don't have to add the protein powder.
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    I second what has been said- it's great in smoothies- and dashing dish is great!
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    i like cottage cheese but in a soothie sounds eeww

    The squick factor is high, I would have to not look while i'm blending it.
  • LittleLindaField
    For those of you who think you are too broke to buy a blender, try Goodwill. You will find all kinds of kitchen appliances from $5 to $30. My daughter just needed a blender part and she check Goodwilll out for the part and found she could get a whole blender for $5.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Well, hello, 2012!
  • canaussie
    canaussie Posts: 168 Member
    Love, love it in my smoothies. I make one with chocolate pb2. Yum!