Confused, do I count yesterday's calories at 3AM?



  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Weight Loss Tips - Avoid eating too many carbohydrates later in the day. For example if you go to sleep at 11pm for you dinner eat lower carbohydrates, maybe a chicken salad.
    FREE Ebook Download: How To Lose 5 pounds In A Week Easily!

    :noway: :grumble:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Thank you everyone, for the words of inspiration. I was only confused about the two days calories being put together because I only slept two hours. I should have made that clear. I slept from 1 am to 3 am, then napped in the afternoon. I was worried because 2 hours doesn't seem like enough time to burn off the day before calories :/

    You're burning calories 24/7 if you're're way over-thinking this.
  • whisperwhitley
    I'm sure I am over thinking this! (lol) I'm I obsess very easily. I want to add though that eating protein at dinner kept me full all night! no 3 am wake up:happy:
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Weight Loss Tips - Avoid eating too many carbohydrates later in the day. For example if you go to sleep at 11pm for you dinner eat lower carbohydrates, maybe a chicken salad.
    FREE Ebook Download: How To Lose 5 pounds In A Week Easily!

    :noway: :grumble:

    yeah, I know.

    Bad enough posting spam.

    But to post such drivel in a thread where OP is clearly having anxiety about meal timing is pretty low.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I work nights. I stop my clock every day at 9pm. Anything after that goes on the next days calories under "work" on my days off.

    If you log you snack under today you will not be as under as it appears.:smile:
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    As others have said, meal timing is irrelevant, but if which day to log meals is stressing you out, maybe try focusing on the weekly average rather than the daily intake?

    (Edit to add, I see this has already been suggested, which I missed on my first read-through, but here's how to do it)

    You can really only do this from a device, right now, as it's not an option on the website, but if you have the app, from the main newsfeed/home page, tap the slider bar in the upper left, go to "nutrition," then at the bottom tap "weekly," and then click on the picture of the histogram in the upper right. This lets you look at your average caloric intake for the past week.

    It automatically sets to the past 7 days, but if you want to look at one week, say, Sat-Sun, just change the date range so that it ends on 10/20. I find focusing on the overall weekly average helps me keep things in perspective. I tend to have some low days and some high days depending on how busy I am, and I've realized that it doesn't matter as long as my weekly average is around where it should be.

    ETA: Not eating carbs late at night/before bed is just ridiculous. I pretty much always eat cookies or some sort of treat either right before bed or in the middle of the night if I wake up and want something and it hasn't hindered my weightloss (although my recent couple months of eating family size bags of candy and not logging did :embarassed: Try reading
  • missylou1993
    I'm 5'5 and 114 pounds and I normally go to bed pretty early (like 3-4pm) and I always wake up between 9pm- midnight. And if I do not eat a very filling snack or another meal when I wake up I won't be able to go back to sleep. Most the time it's healthy snacks but I have times when it's unhealthy things like a slice of my boyfriends fattening pizza (lord knows I very rarely eat pizza) or a 450 calorie bowl of cereal with almond milk. Then I knock out as soon as I hit the pillow. I wake up again around 5am and I'm always so confused about that 10pm snack. I normally add it to the next days calories because the previous day I'm already normally at my calorie limit. I limit myself to 1800 calories a day but I'm actually supposed to have well over 2000 to maintain so I guess it doesn't really matter where I log it. By no means am I trying to lose just trying to maintain. I was 19 when I started using myfitnesspal at 220lbs and now I'm 21 at 114. People tell me I need to gain now and you would think with how much I eat everyday I would. But with 30-45 minutes of cardio and a bit of lifting weights 4-5 times a week and a thyroid pill I don't even need anymore(my doctor never bothered taking me off it) so whatever.. I maintain pretty well even if I eat 3,000 calories. But yeah that has always bugged me whether or not to log my late night munching under today or tomorrow, but after reading this I guess it doesn't really matter after all.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Doesn't sound like you're eating enough/the right stuff if you're waking up at 3am after a hard day's work unable to ignore any hunger you may have until breakfast-time. I have a large breakfast, medium lunch and light dinner. I stop eating at 7pm LATEST and don't usually get up to have breakfast until 9am at the earliest, due to my ailments.

    Yeah, 1300 calories and being on your feet all day don't go together. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. Eat more!
  • missemmibelle
    missemmibelle Posts: 100 Member
    I have a newborn, so I'm often up at 12:30pm (although I go to bed sometime around 4 or 5am. Baby is up every three hours so I don't know which way is what anymore LOL

    My rule is 11:59pm is the cutoff. I count calories for the current day if I eat after midnight.

    The exception I've made is if I crashed out early (for example, I went to sleep at 7pm today and slept for 5 hours) and have a stockpile of calories - I'll log it for "yesterday".

    From my understanding, it's week's net and not daily net that really matters.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Log it but don't worry about it. You should log it simply because you ate it, but don't stress, because yes, you most definitely burned it off. You can choose whether you put it in yesterday or add to today, though I would put it with yesterday (since it essentially was your dinner).

    Also, if that's what a general work day is like for you then I hope you have your activity level set appropriately... That's definitely highly active. If that's not a usual work day then log it as exercise. I believe there's a "moving" entry in there- if you're working retail, I'm guessing that was a lot of receiving/organizing inventory, so would track it with that.
  • Jessie24330
    Jessie24330 Posts: 224 Member
    Log it. Always log it. When doesn't really matter though. I usually log until I go to sleep as the same day even if it is 5am when I go to bed. But, sometimes, if I am going to go over on my calories I will log something as the next day. Then the next day I have less available calories and so it evens out. Don't stress too much over where you log it, just make sure you log it. It will all even out in the end.