Been lurking, should make an official hello.

Hello everyone! I started this site on my Samsung Vibrant phone, and immediately fell in love with the ease of it. I started really getting serious about it after I put a battery in my digital scale and the number produced the highest weight I have ever been, 216 pounds (15 stones, 6lbs for the people that go by that measure).

I can't even remember at time that I was below 150 lbs during my teenage years. In a sense, I was used to it though because everybody in my family was heavy set.

When I was 21 my mom moved out and left my sister and I the apartment. I was ecstatic to finally be out on my own and do my own thing. I started being vegetarian at about 17 years old and after that I finally felt I could have a grip on my health without the parental figure imputing their options. Well, then I realized a habit grew with me over the years. The minute I had food, I wanted to consume it because if I didn't, I wouldn't get any. Having roommates only affirmed this. Anything I had in the kitchen would be gone before the time came that I really wanted to eat it. I tried writing my name on the food, hiding it, etc. Nothing really worked. When they honored that it was mine, they expected me to share when I made it because food is scarce. Being the only full time worker in the family to make up rent (sister works part time and has several of her own bills she is paying), I'm looked upon as a caregiver. And I can't let my sister or her roommate/boyfriend starve so I just give and give.

When they would leave the house, I took advantage of the time alone. I ate as much as I could of the "good" food as I could because I wanted my portion. After all I paid for it. Now I just rarely keep any personal food at home. Anything I buy is communal.

Well, now I'm paying for it in terms of fitness. The situation hasn't changed much at all; broke, having to afford food for two others, constantly working. I'm paranoid to leave healthy foods at my apartment, so now must choose options I can get during my lunch hour such as the grocery store, salads, or attempt to find quality food at fast food places. I do not have a vehicle so it aids to my challenge.

This is going to be an interesting journey. My health is unacceptable, and I'm done with excuses. I've spend so much of my life caring for others that I lost myself somewhere along the way. No more. It's not my responsibility to care for my adult sister and her boyfriend. I pay rent, I should be entitled to know that my food will be mine. It's time to grow my wings and do what is needed to do to make my life the happiest I can!


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey. I really hope you do take control of the situation and not let your sister or her boyfriend deter you. When I was in college there were 7 of us in a 3br dorm appartment. we had the same issues. There needs to be some communal property. Milk condiments, eggs etc. Maybe for those you should get a weekly budget from them. $25.00 (I don't know where you live) But then set up a cabinet that is yours and pad lock it. YES padlock it. That way things will be there when you want or need it.

    best of luck to you.
  • KittMahan
    KittMahan Posts: 106
    Welcome Tabitha,

    MFP works very well, you can do it. Hoping the best for you and ready to cheer you on!
  • TabbyJustice
    TabbyJustice Posts: 132 Member
    Padlocking may become a necessary tool! I've also been researching cheap mini-fridges that I could store in my room for my own personal portions of things. I'm just really not one to hide food, especially when others are needing to eat, but perhaps this will further motivate my sister and her boyfriend to really start caring for themselves. Eating out is just too expensive!
  • leweverling
    Best wishes on success, and good luck on the entire situation. Way to go for taking steps toward your health!
  • Scarletblue
    I laugh a sad laugh because I know exactly what your saying about when you were alone you wanted to eat what was yours and the portion you wanted, This was me as well I would fantasize about what I was going to eat when I was alone.
    I'm glad you are taking control of yourself now, stick to it, you will fall off, take the temptation, and feel it is all for nothing at times, but your own health is never for nothing even if you don't see results quickly, stick to it.
  • Scarletblue
    I laugh a sad laugh because I know exactly what your saying about when you were alone you wanted to eat what was yours and the portion you wanted, This was me as well I would fantasize about what I was going to eat when I was alone.
    I'm glad you are taking control of yourself now, stick to it, you will fall off, take the temptation, and feel it is all for nothing at times, but your own health is never for nothing even if you don't see results quickly, stick to it.
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    It seems like this , having to share, hide right your name so other people in the house do not eat your food can be a good thing buy some super healthy stuff. what guy really goes yummy look at that spinach or broccoli, or no calorie this or that, this way maybe they will back off and you will only have good stuff around? Idk, but that would be really annoying to have to go thru all that effort when it comes to eating what you buy. It should just be addressed and that should be that!
  • TabbyJustice
    TabbyJustice Posts: 132 Member
    I know, it is a crazy situation. I really appreciate all your replies!

    Scarletblue - Glad to know there is someone else at there that understands that so well. Plus, time alone is so rare I feel I should splurge in the moment!