
mwery88 Posts: 22 Member
Hi all,
So I've been steadily working out three days a week with rest days in between. I find myself being extremely sore those rest days and was wondering if anyone had ideas on how to minimize this. I know after awhile it will go away, but it's pretty bad at the moment.

Any help is appreciated!


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Just powering through.

    If it gets to me, I take some aleve.
  • suiteblooms
    suiteblooms Posts: 100
    A couple things that are crucial:
    1) Drink Plenty of water after... this will help the body not build up the lactic acid.
    2) Protein and Potassium after... these will help the body to repair.
    3) Use pain relievers sparingly (only when you can't walk / pick up your bottle of water etc)... your body needs to heal in it's own time.
    4) Stretch your muscles lightly before and AGAIN after your work out. It's easy to think that you can skip it, but your muscles benefit from getting extra oxygen.
    5) Foam Roller... it's at your gym and it will go a long ways towards your recovery. Trust me people that roll after are less sore and more ready for the next work out.
    6) EPSOM SALT BATH! A 20 min soak in a hot tub of water with at least 3 full cups of Epsom salts will let your body soak up needed magnesium. (I also add 1/2 Small box of Baking Soda.) Take the time to read, give yourself a mani/ pedi whatever you enjoy, but let the salts do their work.
    7) Lastly, wake up and stretch again. Gently and slowly, but all the muscles that hurt need to get moving to make them stop hurting.

    PS... the extreme pain does go away eventually, but if you are working out your body, and your body is benefiting and making the desired changes, it will always be sore after a good workout. If it's not, your body is too used to your work out. Do these things and eventually the feeling will be less painful and more fulfilling.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    If you're always "extremely sore", you're probably either doing too much training volume (for example, doing hundreds of repetitions of squats) or you're working each body part only once a week, in which case i would switch to a full-body workout done 3x a week (doing 1/3 the training volume at each workout).

    There are other possibilities, but those are the most likely reasons.

    If you need more help, describe in detail what your workouts involve, down to the weight, reps, and sets.
  • mwery88
    mwery88 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm going to try several of these. Thanks for the tips.