cheese sandwich - how many calories??????



  • kernowboykuwait
    kernowboykuwait Posts: 6 Member
    Can't believe how many replies I've had. :-)
    I don't have any scales. Never have. So I have no idea how much delicious mature somerset cheddar cheese I put on it. Was hoping for an answer along the lines of "man sized cuts = ??? cals" " thin cuts/slices = ??? cals"
    Maybe even a link to some pics of typical cheese sarnies and their calorie counts.
    Similarly I have no idea regarding butter. I spread it thinly. Hate spread/margarine.
    My problem with grilling was that 99% of the returned google search results have grilled in their result. We rarely do that in UK. we have simple tastes.
    Hence picking out a straightforward, non-grilled cheese sandwich (without ham, chicken, turkey etc...) became a tedious task.
    Thanks for all your help.
    I'm still not really sure, so I'm going to use 500 calories as an overestimate.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Could be 200. Could be 1000.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Don't log it as a sandwich you log the bread, then the cheese, and the butter it's not difficult and not time consuming.

    But you should have grilled it and added bacon
  • VTRutz
    VTRutz Posts: 52 Member
    We love grilled cheese in the 'hood!

  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member

    What does being American, or grilling the sandwich, have to do with its calorie count?

    Grilling does not magically add more calories to an item of food. One method of cooking vs. another (or NOT cooking, in this case) does not make a difference in the number of calories it has. Neither does being American....:huh:

    I'm not American, but I do grill my cheese toasties... Mmmm :bigsmile:
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    pick up a food scale.. its the accurate way to get an answer to this..

    as far as man sized slices and thin slices... to each their own. good luck.
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    Can't believe how many replies I've had. :-)
    I don't have any scales. Never have. So I have no idea how much delicious mature somerset cheddar cheese I put on it. Was hoping for an answer along the lines of "man sized cuts = ??? cals" " thin cuts/slices = ??? cals"
    Maybe even a link to some pics of typical cheese sarnies and their calorie counts.
    Similarly I have no idea regarding butter. I spread it thinly. Hate spread/margarine.
    My problem with grilling was that 99% of the returned google search results have grilled in their result. We rarely do that in UK. we have simple tastes.
    Hence picking out a straightforward, non-grilled cheese sandwich (without ham, chicken, turkey etc...) became a tedious task.
    Thanks for all your help.
    I'm still not really sure, so I'm going to use 500 calories as an overestimate.

    Speak for yourself...I don't eat cold cheese sandwiches much and I'm English :P
  • crystals5984
    crystals5984 Posts: 3 Member
    Love the grilling with the iron! That's the way to do it!
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    My problem with grilling was that 99% of the returned google search results have grilled in their result. We rarely do that in UK. we have simple tastes.

    I'm from the UK and I grill my cheese sandwiches!! Cheese toasties are pretty common in the UK as far as I'm aware...!
  • kernowboykuwait
    kernowboykuwait Posts: 6 Member
    Not if you're a vegetarian
  • VTRutz
    VTRutz Posts: 52 Member
    Not if you're a vegetarian

    last I checked griddles are not a meat product...

  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Not if you're a vegetarian
