Low Calorie meals.......

KimmiD74 Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Recipes
I am very dedicated to loosing this weight buuuuuuuut...........
What else can I eat besides salads and fruits..... I feel hungry often and would like to know what are good healthy low calorie snacks and meals?????
Someone help please before I turn into a rabbit.... lol :laugh:


  • do a search for "low GI foods" . low gi foods burn slower in yr system , so therefore keep yr hunger at bay for longer :) .. things like porridge but im sure if u put in a search it will come up with loads more good luck .
  • penguinfan03
    penguinfan03 Posts: 32 Member
    Find something with lots of protein - nuts, kashi cereal, yogurt, low fat cheese, a little bit of peanut butter on your celery... They're higher in calories than your fruits and veggies, but they'll fill you up longer. And drink your water!! If you think you might be getting hungry after you just ate, take the edge off with a bottle of water. I put crystal light or other sugar free stuff in mine because it weirds me out that water doesn't have a taste, but it definitely helps me eat less often!
  • lanie13
    lanie13 Posts: 55
    for meals i like Healthy Ones, Lean Cuisines, and Smart Ones.
    for snacks I like Pirate's Booty!
  • I love pita bread I can cut it in half stuff it with tuna and veggies in both halves with some lite salt baked bbq chips from trader joes
    it's like eatting 2 sandwiches and all for just under 400 calories and it is filling and delish
    I usually pile in lettuce, onions, green peppers, and apples I love apples and tuna.

    I also eat 100 calorie bagels between this and the pitas it is all the bread I need for turkey burgers, lean beef sloppy joes,
    turkey sandwiches. Whatever fast food binge I feel like eatting I can substitute.
  • snacks for me are 90 calories granola bars usually I tell myself they are the candy bars I want most and are filling
  • Low fat yoghurts like Mullerlight help me keep full for longer
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    Go with lean meats and fish. A 3oz serving of Talapia is 97 calories according to the bag. I usually pair mine up with some whole grain brown rice or salad. You can also make fish tacos, but that's up to taste and preference. Someone suggested Low-GI foods which I also recommend.

    Not sure what calorie range you're looking for but the following are what I use:

  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Oh my gosh, you can have lots more than salad and fruit! Whole grain bread, and rice, lean meats, eggs, granola bars, tuna..I mean the options are endless. Take a look at the recipes on here, there are tons! For snacks though, I do usually go for fruit, lots of people like string cheese. Personally, I still have what I want, as long as it's within my calories. I have chocolate peanut butter granola bars, and maple cinnamon bread and still lose weight. I can't give up everything, because if I did that(and I have) I would give up. That's just me though. Good luck :)
  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
    2 eggs=140 calories
    2 slices of country hearth light 12 grain bread (delish) = 80 calories
    Place one egg on top of each slice of drie toast
    Eat as a sandwich or open face! very filling, good fiber, and good protien, AND GOOD fats for 220 calories! I eat this for a jump start for my day and I don't find myself hungy for hours!
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