Starting over -- again



  • cinebibliophile
    cinebibliophile Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all so much for the support *(and the friend requests!!)

    I'm very much hoping that come this holiday season, I'll be able to add some kick *kitten* "before & after" pictures to this site! :)

    I went out today *& walked a 5K .... I contemplate jogging it for about a split second, but the heat was just too high (89 degrees, with a "feels like 97" according to my weather app). Opted for lots of water and a brisk walk instead. Felt good, but also wow -- -are my leg muscles tight! I need to get in some better stretching, or I'm going to hurt myself!

    Finished my food journal with a few extra calories left over! :) What a great feeling!

    I hope that you all had just as good a day as I did today! :)
  • jodis319
    jodis319 Posts: 21 Member
    It's nice to know you're not alone in your weight loss journey. I sent all of you friend requests, hopefully we can all help each other out and stay on track. 1 day at a time. .. Remember, we eat to live not live to eat...
  • kirstenbrunelle
    Me too. I always get pumped up for starting a new workout plan or routine, but then I either don't do it or I do, and then don't continue. I have about 50 pounds to lose and I'd love to help keep you motivated. Maybe it will help me too. I'm still in high school and I'm sick of being overweight and I want to wear cute clothes instead of hiding myself.

    Good luck to you and if you want to add me as a friend, that'd be cool :)
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Here are a few tips that I found to work for me:
    1. Make MFP your home page
    2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it.
    3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweeks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt load of change all at once
    4. Always be honest. We all fall on our way to the top, be honest, no one is judging you here... we all support eachother
    5. Keep trying new things until you find what works for you (It took me a while to find my plan and it works great for me but I wouldn't push it on anyone else)
    6. It's easier to lift weights than the burdens of carrying weight.
    7. Take it one day at a time.
    8. Have a cheat day or meal, where you eat what you want
    9. Try to talk to yourself as if you are talking to your child or loved one. Often times the thing we need most is to be a better friend to ourselves.
    10. Smile
  • bmjeffri
    bmjeffri Posts: 6 Member
    I am starting over. I weigh about 270 lbs and this is the heaviest I have ever weighed. To top that off my waist is 42 in. I am looking at myself like a bad photo shop job. My health is becoming an issue and I am only 28 years old. I have decided that I want to live and see my children grow up. My hubby is super supported of whatever I do, but I know that he deserves better. It feels great to talk to someone about this so now I can make room for healthy affirmations. I am excited to embark on the challenge. I have got to shed 90 lbs and I know it will not be fast but I am willing to put in an honest effort and keep it off. Its time for a change.
  • jodis319
    jodis319 Posts: 21 Member
    It's nice to know you're not alone in your weight loss journey. I sent all of you friend requests, hopefully we can all help each other out and stay on track. 1 day at a time. .. Remember, we eat to live not live to eat...