two peoples, two diets, is this healthy?



  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I'm confused. He's male. He's bigger than you. OF COURSE he's gonna get to eat more! And especially if he's only eating two meals a day… they are going to be bigger meals. What is so difficult about this for you?

    Not only that…because his goals or his health may be different from yours… the exact same nutritionist could have put him on an entirely different diet than you are on.

    If you are truly friends, how about you communicate with each other about what kind of diet you are supposed to be following rather than assuming he should be eating the same as you? Then, rather than confronting each other… you support each other?
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Tell him to quit bugging you about your meals. This practice can go nowhere fun, as you've already noticed. If he's truly eating just the once or twice a day and can fit the pancakes, then the weight will come off. Else he's only affecting his own diet. Worry about yours for sure. Trust me, you'll have your hands way full if you don't already!
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    I'm confused. He's male. He's bigger than you. OF COURSE he's gonna get to eat more!

    um... how do you know he's larger? It's not been stated in the OP - so there is no 'Of Course' ... you're guessing.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    just focus on yourself.. yes it's annoying men can eat more than you do, but there's nothing you can do about it and all these confrontations.. they will get annoying x)
  • bloodofareptile
    bloodofareptile Posts: 47 Member
    I'm confused. He's male. He's bigger than you. OF COURSE he's gonna get to eat more!

    um... how do you know he's larger? It's not been stated in the OP - so there is no 'Of Course' ... you're guessing.

    It is stated in the OP:
    The reason this upsets me is because I'm on a diet and i'm smaller than he is yet I can't eat as much as he does. I also wanted to know if only eating one or two meals a day is healthy.
  • veramj1
    veramj1 Posts: 1
    Your 'Buddy" is an annoying little git isn't he?
    some people just need to bug other people so they can stop feeling so miserable about themselves.
    Let it go..... tell him to worry about his diet, not yours and you will do the same. Don't fall into his web of making you feel bad and doubt yourself.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member

    It is stated in the OP:
    The reason this upsets me is because I'm on a diet and i'm smaller than he is yet I can't eat as much as he does. I also wanted to know if only eating one or two meals a day is healthy.

    Sorry I missed that .. need more coffee .. my mistake :blushing:
  • katieai
    katieai Posts: 23 Member
    My husband can eat QUADRUPLE the number of calories I consume and still lose weight faster than me. He also has much, much more muscle mass and is MALE! His body is not designed to bear children and breastfeed, like ours are.

    It goes back to caveman days. He needs mass quantities of food so that he can run out into the world and slay Sabertooth Tigers and drag their carcasses back to the cave. All the while, we lady-folk hang out at our cave-homes, barefoot (and probably pregnant), gathering berries, keeping track of our countless children and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our man with the dinner.

    In all reality, you just gotta let it go. Just another reason why men officially suck!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    How about you worry about yourself and stop micromanaging what and how other people eat.
    ^^^^^^ This. You are trying to compare apples to oranges.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    Your 'Buddy" is an annoying little git isn't he?
    some people just need to bug other people so they can stop feeling so miserable about themselves.

    Which is the exact same thing the OP is doing. So if you call Buddy names, then you need to also call the OP the exact same names.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    1. You should mind your own business.

    2. Different people need different calorie counts. He's a guy, it's quite likely that he does, indeed, get to eat a lot more than you do. That's just life. Deal with it.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Your 'Buddy" is an annoying little git isn't he?
    some people just need to bug other people so they can stop feeling so miserable about themselves.

    Which is the exact same thing the OP is doing. So if you call Buddy names, then you need to also call the OP the exact same names.

    I wouldn't because if the buddy started it he must think it's okay to do. Agreed the buddy is a got dang git. Whatever that is :bigsmile:
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    As long as you make sure you meet your caloric needs and all your other dietary needs, then you can eat however many meals in a day you want.

    One, two, three, ... six (sometimes I do 5 or 6 because I have digestive issues and tend not to be able to handle more than 300-400 cals in one sitting!). Doesn't matter. As long as you're meeting your needs.

    Don't worry about how he's eating. Focus on you.