7th Week In the Gym

tltate Posts: 20 Member
Well, this is my seventh week of faithfully going to the gym. Today was really exhausting. When I finished I felt like I could have just fallen down. A couple of times while on the elliptical machine I felt like I couldn't get enough air, but I wasn't uncomfortable.

We did some back exercises that really got to me. Especially the straight arm pull down using the cable. That really tightened things up. I expect to be really sore tomorrow.

As I noticed myself in the mirrors there I was disappointed about how fat I had let me self get. My task is very daunting. It may be well over a year before I see the kind of results I want. It was a little discouraging.


  • docc30
    docc30 Posts: 33 Member
    Good for you going 7 weeks straight! I hate all the mirrors in my trainer's gym, but they do help me check my form. It does get discouraging looking at myself in the mirrors, but then I remember that I'm doing something about it. Someone had posted on one of the topics something that I took to heart: Six months from now you'll wish you had started today. Keep at it and you'll get where you want to be.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I looked at the last week and half of your diary. It looks to me like you aren't coming close to hitting your calorie target most times. You might find that eating more would help with the exhaustion. If you are going to train hard, you need to fuel that workout. You sound really frustrated with where you are right now, but eating too low will not help in getting to your goals in a healthy sustainable manner.

    Read through this post, there is a lot of great information in it and will help support you throughout your weight loss:


    ETA: You can do this, it is a long frustrating process, but at some point you will begin having more good days than bad and you will begin to see great results. Have you taken pictures and measurements? Personally, I don't feel much different size wise, I feel more fit, but when I look at my starting pictures compared to current, the difference is more obvious.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I do a lot of working out and my dietician had me increase my protein. Also, I was skipping lunch and she put a stop to that ;-) I only do protein smoothies in an emergency because drinking your food isn't a good habit. I feel so much better making those changes. Oh, and I eat a protein bar after every strength training workout.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Great job going to the gym! I understand your frustration but you will get there! I took a look at your food diary and have to agree with the previous comment, that you may not be eating enough to fuel your workouts. How did you determine your calorie goal? I also noticed a lot of protein drinks and barely any fresh fruits and veggies. Could you substitute a protein like chicken, meat or fish and fresh veggies/fruit for some of your shakes? You may be missing a number of micro nutrients which could possibly contribute your lack of energy. If you don't cook, you could still make salads with canned tuna, ham, etc.

    Good luck!