Mixed feelings today

I started with mfp on the 23rd June. Didn't have scales until the Saturday of that week so weigh in was 5 days later. Last time I weighed was on my sisters scale about 3 weeks before and I was 346lbs. On that Saturday I weighed 341lbs so put it as a 5lb loss though it could have been more or less depending on my actual weight on day 1 the 23rd. A week later 3 more pounds gone but all week my weight has been up 2lbs. I measure everything and am under my calories everyday by around 20-30. With 140lbs to loose I thought it might shift a bit quicker for the first few weeks and I guess not really knowing my starting weight is making me feel like perhaps I wasn't 346 to start with and maybe had lost a bit. I don't know I get so hung up on the scale weighing everyday and I know I shouldn't but I'm trying so hard so I'm excited about seeing a drop in weight. I'm in this for the long haul and already feel better but I long to see those numbers shift a bit quicker on the scale.


  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    You're doing brilliantly! Eight pounds in just over two weeks is a great loss. Don't feel disheartened, but the numbers aren't going to carry on dropping at that rate - with 140lbs to go, 2lbs a week is a sensible target to aim for. You've made a great start and it sounds like you're doing the right things, but it's going to take a while to get there. Just try and prepare yourself for that, and don't use the fact that weight loss takes a long time put you off.

    Good luck!
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Don't put all of your focus on the scale - it is only one aspect of being healthier. I have decided that I was only going to weigh myself ever other day so I don't get hung up on the scale myself. Be sure to take a couple of before pictures and then maybe once a month take additional pictures to help you to SEE the changes. Also, make sure you are taking measurements.

    I know we all hope for miraculous results from the beginning, but as it has been said over and over this is a marathon, not a sprint!!

    Good luck to you!! :drinker:
  • CleanUpWhatIMessedUp
    CleanUpWhatIMessedUp Posts: 206 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. People may say, don't worry about the scale and just worry about health or just take measurements, but in reality for a lot of us, the number on the scale is important. We don't want it to be and we don't want to obsess over it, but we do and that's normal. It may not be the most productive thing in the world, but it happens. Just keep going. Think about how you're going to feel a few months from now when you have lost 20-30 pounds.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Just be patient. I started out in a much similar boat as you. You have to realize that there is no deadline to achieve your goals. I lost 70 lbs or so really easily, and then things got much harder. If you fret yourself over what is going on with the scale right now, then you will drive yourself absolutely insane later.

    Take a deep breath and just focus on the healthy food and exercise choices that are causing the scale to drop.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    You can't take daily weights as success or failure. They are just fluctuating numbers. You also should only weigh on the same scale every time for accurate readings.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I started with mfp on the 23rd June... I long to see those numbers shift a bit quicker on the scale.

    With 170 lbs to lose, the thing you need most is patience. The only failure you should hold yourself to is if you stop caring and go back to your old habits. Your first step is to make better choices for a week. And then another week. And then another week. And then another week... For, like, 2+ years. You are going to go thru so many ups and downs and emotions... you won't even believe the feelings you'll feel. Anger. Elation. Impatience. Anger. Joy. Anger. Frustration. But the key thing? Don't give up. Patience and getting back on the horse if you fall off are your only two goals right now. Any other goal is secondary.

    Come to us. Vent. Gripe. Get advice. Cry on our shoulders. But at this point, I'm gonna keep telling you "good job" every time you come back to talk about your progress, no matter how slow it is.

  • djprice_69
    djprice_69 Posts: 115 Member
    The way I look at it is this: it literally took me years of just not caring what I put into my body or how little I moved to get to the point where I weighed almost 300 lbs, and it will take me many months of lifestyle changes to undue what I have done.

    When I started eating healthy, I dropped about 10 pounds in the first few weeks. I was ecstatic! But what happened after that is I really had to start working to lose the weight, so I was really bummed when I was only losing a pound or two a week, sometimes gaining, sometimes not moving at all. But I tell you what - between the small amount of working out I had been doing combined with eating healthy, my clothes were telling me the truth while the scale was only being a misleading SOB.

    My advice? Let your clothes do the talking. If you truly do make big changes in clean eating, and even include small workouts to start such as walking, your clothes will definitely start fitting better. If I were you I'd throw the damn scale away. Just my two cents :-)
  • Georgeandme
    Thank you lovely lovely people. I'm very determined this time and will stick with it as you say all those little losses will add up. I'm just focussing on the first stone then i am 10% of the way there :-) I have to focus on how much better I feel. I've been very overweight since the age of about 15 so, over 20 years and I've missed out on so much because of my weight. I long to be slim and lean and wear lovely clothes. One day at a time I guess. My aim is 70lbs off my Xmas.
    Thank you again x
  • JoeCampbell85
    I've learned one thing in this diet. Ignore the scale for the first month or two., It'll go crazy while your body adjust to your eating habit. The first month of my loss (minor) looked like a roller coaster. Now that it is adjusted its like rolling hills :laugh:
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    I started on January 1st, and lost the first ten quickly. Then it all slowed down. But as you said in your OP,
    I'm in this for the long haul and already feel better but I long to see those numbers shift a bit quicker on the scale.

    That's just it. This WILL be a long haul. Just the fact that you've gotten your mind wrapped around that idea is going to make a difference. That's what it took for me. I have NEVER stuck with a diet or "lifestyle change" as long as I have this time. I've never made this much progress before.

    DON'T GIVE UP! Slow progress is still progress! You'll be SO glad you stuck it out. :-)