What are some easy, quick snack ideas?

Today, after my workout, I found myself extremely hungry after eating breakfast plus pre workout snack, post workout snack, and then lunch. My breakfast was pretty big, nutrients wise. I just had a bowl of cereal, an orange and then a greek yogurt. Then I had another yogurt after my workout and for lunch I had soup.

I'm just scared of carbs. I'm always trying so hard to keep my carb count down, but I can never get it to where I want it to be.

What I'm asking is for easy, snacks that are low in calories, carbs and sugars and will fill me up until my next meal.

Thank you :)


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Eat the carbs. Beans are good.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Don't be scared of carbs. Carbs are great fuel, especially pre-workout.

    Try eating a larger lunch after your workout too. This would be a good time to get some protein and carbs in to help with muscle repair and to replenish the glycogen stores. Make sure you include some healthy fats too - this will help with satiety.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    Bananas are a great post workout snack.

    Or you could have avocado or something re healthy fats.

    Don't be so afraid of carbs remember you are working out and need the fuel.
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    Cottage cheese is filling and loaded with protien. I also hard boil a bunch of eggs and peel them then put then in the fridge. Easy snack loaded with protien
  • pastybuns
    pastybuns Posts: 81
    My daily intake is composed of 80% carbs (mostly fruits/veg), so I would encourage you not to fear them.
    However, here's some options that are low carb, low calories if that's what you prefer:

    > Veggies with greek yogurt dip
    > Egg white scramble - high protein, less than 20 calories per egg white
    > Hard boiled eggs
    > Salad
    > Shrimp - also high protein low cal
    > Tuna
    > Lunch meat & lettuce rollups
    > Flax seed crackers
    > Flax seed meal - kinda like oatmeal, you can use almond milk or coconut milk with it. Top with fruit if you don't like the bland flavor.
