Starting over... again ;)

So last year, about this same time, I finally hit my goal weight (lowest since before my 3 babies, who are no longer babies ha!!). Then I proceeded to gain it all back in the last few months because of a change in lifestyle, work, and just poor habits in general. :`(
But I'm determined to get back there, and know I can do it!
I'm back to teaching Zumba a few times a week, and attending other Zumba classes the other days. I will soon be back to lifting again as well, I always notice faster weight loss when I get those weights in!

Feel free to add me, the more friends the better, I feel more accountable!
I'm also using the Pact app, it's fantastic if you're money motivated at all... (you get paid to keep your workout/eating pacts, and PAY money if you don't!).


  • tcanniff
    tcanniff Posts: 2 Member
    I just had my #3 in February but my other two are a bit older. I am a zumba addict - was glad to see you are an instructor. Before my 3rd I was able to get at least 3 classes in per week. Now with a new baby in the house, it's all about time management (negotiation) with the hubby. I am at least getting Zumba in every Saturday morning and I go to Yoga on Monday nights. The rest I have to do at home while the baby is sleeping or when someone is around to keep an eye on them. We will get along just great! lol. I still have about 10lbs to go but for me it's mostly about toning and feeling good. My belly is jelly like you read about.
  • birdette79
    birdette79 Posts: 2 Member
    ha I'm lame, I just now saw this post from you! Zumba is the best huh... I'm lucky because my kids are older and in school so I can go just about whenever, which I used to take advantage of, now I need to get back in the habit after slacking for a couple months, ugh!
    Now back to bed ha (my "baby" now is our kitty, who wakes me up every morning at 5 or 6 to watch her eat ((yes, watch *eyeroll*)) and let her outside, she thinks she's a puppy lol.).