Cramping in one calf muscle when running

Hi guys. I had a quick question regarding when I try to run. I try to run as much as possible but with a full time job and full time girlfriend - I rarely have a lot of time to exercise. When I run I try to go as far as possible in about 45 minutes. 90% of the time after about 1000 feet, I get an awful cramp in my left calf. I have tried stretching more, drinking lots of water, walking before running and nothing helps!

It is super strange because it is only in one leg, my left, and my breathing seems to be on par.

Any ideas on what could be causing this?


  • andibenoit
    andibenoit Posts: 71 Member
    Potassium? I'm prone to cramping in my left leg, also, but I have some plantar fasciitis issues going on and you'd probably know if that were it.
  • hwmbrogden
    Hmm maybe it is potassium but I tend to eat a lot of bananas and potatoes. Very strange. What exactly does that condition entail?
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Could be your shoes. I have always had problems with my calves cramping up, usually after I wear heals during the day. But, same as you, it's only my left leg. I recently went and got fitted for new running shoes and it turns out my left foot is a 1/2 size bigger than my right. I had been wearing size 9 sneakers, but my left foot is a size 9 1/2. I haven't had any problems since getting the right size shoe. Something to look into anyway.
  • Navymustng
    Navymustng Posts: 79 Member
    I have delt with a problem in both legs from time to time. One or the other. When I changed shoes it started back about 6 months ago, then got better. But I get them sometimes either chagning distance or pace. I have moved over to wearing the compression sleeve and has worked great.

    I drink plenty of water and running consistently. I have started stretching alot more before running as well. I was having trouble at the 2 mile mark in the run. Hope this helps.
  • hwmbrogden
    It's possible. I live right near the beach so often times I attempt running on the sand bare foot and that seems to help things just a bit.
  • ironman1431
    ironman1431 Posts: 22 Member
    Without being able to assess your calf it is very difficult to determine the cause of the cramping.

    1. Potassium issues etc. is very unlikley. This is typically a diagnosis of exclusion once everything else is ruled out (and would likely be bilateral as opposed to unilateral.

    2.90% of running "injuries" are from doing too much too soon. Overloading the tissues without adequate adaption to said stresses typically causes tissue breakdown, inflammation and pain.

    3. Try this: Do a one leg calf raise with your knee straight. Do about 30 reps. Does this reproduce the pain? If so, it's likely a strain to your gastroc. Think of the gastroc like your body's primary spring when running. If no pain, try doing the same but with your knee bent. (like a seated calf raise) Does this reproduce the pain? If so, it's your soleus (deeper calf muscle, slow twitch fibers, postural)

    4. Try adequately stretching it adequately:

    5. Your injury sounds biomechanical. If this doesn't solve your problem, seek a qualified health professional (physio or similar).

    Hope this helps.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Try stretching your left calf every single hour for a minimum of 20 seconds, and post your results.

    Calf stretch: