Do you guys have "cheat days"?

I have been dieting for 2 weeks and I told myself that every 2 weeks I would weigh myself. If I had lost my goal weight for those 2 weeks (usually 3 pounds), then I would treat myself with a blizzard because I love them oh so much. Well, today makes 2 weeks and 1 day so I was going to get one, but we ended up eating at Apple Bee's after taking my father to a doctor's appointment. I had a steak, vegetables, and a potato, rounding out to about 800 calories. So I decided to not have the blizzard and let that be my treat instead. But now, I'm home and craving a blizzard SOOOOOO bad. I'm afraid that if I don't give in to my treat, I will end up inhaling everything around me. So should I still have the blizzard or not?

*I tried eating a piece of chocolate to satisfy my cravings, but it didn't work. It was like my brain was hooked on a chocolate xtreme blizzard.

Should I even have cheat days? I don't know.


  • camillecalmbach
    It's okay to a have a treat once in a while. If you don't, you're gonna be most likely to binge eat at one point. Also, since you're losing weight, you're eating less calories than your body actually needs. Due to this, your metabolism starts to slow down gradually because your body is trying to stay at the SAME WEIGHT. You're also burning much less fat because your leptin (a hormone that is responsible for the fat burning mechanism) levels are lower. With a cheat meal, you'll raise your leptin level back up again, making your body burn more fat.

    So, yes, it's ok to have a cheat meal once in a while, just don't overdo it. You need to have one day a week where you have either a calorie surplus (more than your body needs) or exactly how much it needs. Do this while still having a weekly deficit and you'll be fine! Go get your blizzard.
  • wrxcat
    wrxcat Posts: 2 Member
    I do that sometimes too. It appears after I "cheat" I do not lose weight for a day or two (especially if it is a salty cheat), or even gain a lb. or two, but then get back on track. It keeps me happy!
    I also try to save my cheat days to days that I know I will be burning more calories than normal.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I don't have a cheat day.

    I have been having a junk meal once a week which I try to earn through exercise. This last week we realised that it just wasn't that satisfying. Afterwards I just felt bloated and thirsty. So we've decided to go to having this once a fortnight instead, and make our treat meal something tasty and home cooked, but don't worry about going over our calories.
  • summer92008
    summer92008 Posts: 202
    I don't have a cheat day.

    I have been having a junk meal once a week which I try to earn through exercise. This last week we realised that it just wasn't that satisfying. Afterwards I just felt bloated and thirsty. So we've decided to go to having this once a fortnight instead, and make our treat meal something tasty and home cooked, but don't worry about going over our calories.

    So would you say have the blizzard or not? If I ate a blizzard, that would put me up to 1640 calories. I could have a light dinner and stay under 2000 calories. MFP says in order for me to maintain my weight I would need to eat 2030 calories, so I guess I could be okay.?
  • Kelll12123
    Kelll12123 Posts: 212 Member
    Just burn like 400 calories through exercise and you should be okay.
  • HLSoriano
    HLSoriano Posts: 19
    I don't like the idea of rewarding yourself with food. If you want the blizzard, have it because you want it. Not as a reward.
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    I think it's best to be honest with yourself, not necessarily have a designated cheat day. If you truly want one and feel like you've worked hard and won't be guilty for indulging, go for it. Or, if you know you could easily say no, you know that the next blizzard isn't far away, you'll feel better for turning it down, then don't have one. Over analyzing will drive you batty. Just be honest with yourself and accept whichever decision you make :)
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    You Applebees doesent sound so much of a cheat to me ( unless of course you loaded your potato) so i would have a small blizzard. Its not going to hurt you in the long run as long as you jump right back on track

    I have a cheat day once a week....and sometimes all week lol just get back on track!