My 30 Day Shred Journey!! (Daily Pics)

Hey guys!

I have a goal to get shredded in 30 days, and I will achieve it. Right now im sitting at about 15% body fat and 177 lbs, i want to be 8-10% body fat and 160-162 pounds by August 7th!

I will achieve this !

Day 1 (177lbs - Unflexed)


Day 1 (177 lbs -Flexed)


I hope I can both recieve and give motivation to everyone throughout these 30 days.


- Tyler


  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Have you gotten cut up before?

    Looks like some cardio & dehydration will get you there --- you definitely have the substructure.

    Beastly forearms man!

    What's your long term plan for your traps and delts? ;)
  • ilovemysailorflood
    ilovemysailorflood Posts: 7 Member
    I did twelve years of gymnastics. Best thing you can do is more cardio for that lean muscle. Lifting and building is going to keep you from your weight goal. I would recommend dropping the weight goal so that you can add muscle growth. Muscle weights more than fat so as you build the muscle its going to be hard to lose weight.
    I hope any of that helped,
    you look great keep up the good work.
    add me if you like :)
  • TJT92
    TJT92 Posts: 5
    @Kirkor! Yes I've been cut up before, but I was much less muscular then! I plan to work on my traps quite a bit, and delts whenever possible, as I think my back is more of a priority at the moment!

    @Ilovemysailor I agree working out might keep me from my weight goal, but I enjoy it so much I'll have to keep my diet/cardio in top form to reach my goal!

    Day 3 (173.5lbs - Unflexed)


    Day 3 (173.5 lbs -Flexed)


    Gonna try and update every day, but I might miss a day here and there!
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    If you really want good advice go to the MFP group "Eat, Train, Progress". They know their stuff.

    You're looking good though. I know you'll reach your goal - you seem like a dedicated individual.