When does it start feeling like enough is enough?

I bought and use a Nutribullet -- Protein shakes on weight mornings -- Fruit/vegi blends on run mornings

I started C25k and though I've only been going a week ( and will be repeating week 1) I can see myself going the distance

I am careful to maintain my deficit, though it's NOT perfect and will sometimes be under or slightly over ( given my exercise calories earned back)

I am currently weight training at home, though it's very moderate. ( Oral surgery in one week...will be joining the gym when the pain is gone)

I am now living the coconut oil lifestyle.

I am drinking more water daily than I ever thought a body could hold.

So, at what point will it feel I'm doing enough to get the body I want? I understand it takes "time" and "patience" and "dedication"...I admit I'm extremely short on patience.

I just can't help feeling I'm not doing ENOUGH, quickly enough.
I don't think I'm really looking for answers, just needed to vent some frustration with the seemingly empty hours of my day when I feel I should be running again, or working out again, or maybe another protein shake to see faster results. ( Really drinking them to meet my dailies....have had a hard time of it, even with eggs and tuna)

Any insight would be appreciated though, or feel free to vent YOUR frustrations.


  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    It's only been a week. Just keep logging your food and be honest.

    Just drawing from my own struggles, this is the first time I've felt like I'm doing something that could be a sustainable lifestyle for me in the long term. In the past 10 years I've gone from 210 to 135 to 160 to 140 to 180 to 150 to 176 and now 154 and still chugging along, hoping to get to my goal of 135-140. The most important thing for me is accountability. I've incorporated fitness into my life, not just cardio to burn calories like I have in the past. I also used to tie exercise into diet, so if I wasn't eating at a deficit for a day, I'd skip exercising with the mindset "what's the point of working out if I'm eating way too much?" The point, is that I am currently losing weight eating about 2500 calories a day. This is after eating 1600 for a while, then switching to 1800, and 2200 and so on. I've gradually increased my intake while lifting weights and am now more interested in body recomp than weight loss.

    Figure out some fitness goals for yourself, ones that require commitment and practice. Lift weights. Eat food. Be awesome. Drink water if you're thirsty, don't just cram it in because you're "supposed to." Give yourself 4 weeks on your plan and then look back at what you've done.

    Serious question: What's the coconut oil lifestyle?
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    It's only been a week. Just keep logging your food and be honest.

    Just drawing from my own struggles, this is the first time I've felt like I'm doing something that could be a sustainable lifestyle for me in the long term. In the past 10 years I've gone from 210 to 135 to 160 to 140 to 180 to 150 to 176 and now 154 and still chugging along, hoping to get to my goal of 135-140. The most important thing for me is accountability. I've incorporated fitness into my life, not just cardio to burn calories like I have in the past. I also used to tie exercise into diet, so if I wasn't eating at a deficit for a day, I'd skip exercising with the mindset "what's the point of working out if I'm eating way too much?" The point, is that I am currently losing weight eating about 2500 calories a day. This is after eating 1600 for a while, then switching to 1800, and 2200 and so on. I've gradually increased my intake while lifting weights and am now more interested in body recomp than weight loss.

    Figure out some fitness goals for yourself, ones that require commitment and practice. Lift weights. Eat food. Be awesome. Drink water if you're thirsty, don't just cram it in because you're "supposed to." Give yourself 4 weeks on your plan and then look back at what you've done.

    Serious question: What's the coconut oil lifestyle?

    I have replaced ALL oils and butters in my home with coconut oil, from cooking and baking to hair treatment, skin moisturizer, etc. Coconut oil is fabulous and has a billion and a half uses that are fantastic for your health and body.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I use coconut oil, too, but not exclusively. It has too low a smoking point to fry anything :bigsmile:
  • Tla0126
    Tla0126 Posts: 207 Member
    My advice is to calm down.

    The thing that has helped me the most in this go around is to just keep going and realizing that, for me, this is forever. I'm never going to be done, so why am I in such a damn hurry!!! Before I knew it, I'd lost 65 lbs....

    It's hard and I had a lot of anxiety at first, but when I finally calmed down, that's when it started to flow.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I bought and use a Nutribullet -- Protein shakes on weight mornings -- Fruit/vegi blends on run mornings

    I started C25k and though I've only been going a week ( and will be repeating week 1) I can see myself going the distance

    I am careful to maintain my deficit, though it's NOT perfect and will sometimes be under or slightly over ( given my exercise calories earned back)

    I am currently weight training at home, though it's very moderate. ( Oral surgery in one week...will be joining the gym when the pain is gone)

    I am now living the coconut oil lifestyle.

    I am drinking more water daily than I ever thought a body could hold.

    So, at what point will it feel I'm doing enough to get the body I want? I understand it takes "time" and "patience" and "dedication"...I admit I'm extremely short on patience.

    I just can't help feeling I'm not doing ENOUGH, quickly enough.
    I don't think I'm really looking for answers, just needed to vent some frustration with the seemingly empty hours of my day when I feel I should be running again, or working out again, or maybe another protein shake to see faster results. ( Really drinking them to meet my dailies....have had a hard time of it, even with eggs and tuna)

    Any insight would be appreciated though, or feel free to vent YOUR frustrations.
    My question is are you planning on doing this for the rest of your life? Not to put a downer on you I've seen this quite a few times on MFP. Someone decides to change absolutely everything and it just ends up as unsustainable after the first few weeks of eagerness it slowly slips. Small changes that are sustainable over the long term and limit the chance of reversion. I hope you do manage all you wish for but would caution you to just take a breath and slow down. Have a look around the boards see what the successful people are doing and just have some patience

    Good luck with your goals
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    It's different for everyone. I'm on my last set of pounds to lose but I feel in ways that it's been enough already because I'm short and overweight and getting sized out of all the reasonably priced stores. I had an easy time getting shirts when I was 215 and now if it ain't used I'm screwed.
  • lms0017
    lms0017 Posts: 5
    GIVE IT A MONTH of working out 3-4 times per week and keeping calories around 1500. I'm on my second weight loss journey, and both have been pretty much the same. My first significant weight loss was in 2000 when I was 32; I lost 60 pounds in 4 1/2 months by restricting calories and running. Simple as that. I kept the weight off for almost 8 years before I had some major life changes and gained it all back, and then some (I gained over 100 pounds). On April 1st 2014, I weighed 254 pounds. I decided to change my life and implement a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise. The first two months, I could only walk, and it would take me 20 minutes to walk a mile (I'd walk 3 miles per day). As the days went by, I began to walk a little faster and by the third month I was even jogging some. Today I'm running over a mile without stopping and have gotten my mile time down from 20 minutes to 12 and I've lost 45 pounds in the last 3 1/2 months! Now I jog 3-4 times per week and work in two other workouts in between (elliptical or kettlebell). Am I where I want to be? NO! But I look at how far I have come in such a short period of time and I have a hard time being discouraged. As far as dieting goes, I keep my caloric intake under 1500 cal/day. I don't swear off carbs, I eat pasta and bread, I eat desserts, but I log EVERYTHING I put in my mouth in a food journal and stick to the 1500. I have even gone 'all out' on a couple of special occassions and ate whatever I wanted, but was back to the plan the next day. I too am VERY short on patience and am constantly 'beating myself up' for not losing more or being able to do more exercise (i.e. run father, run faster, lift more) than I currently can. I get discouraged all the time but I refuse to let the negative talk get back into my head! I have about 60 more pounds to lose before I reach my goal weight but I know I will be able to do it before the end of the year if I just keep moving forward. Every step, every day, every bit of effort makes a huge difference. Maybe not immediately, but collectively!

    Don't give up!
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    My advice is to calm down.

    The thing that has helped me the most in this go around is to just keep going and realizing that, for me, this is forever. I'm never going to be done, so why am I in such a damn hurry!!! Before I knew it, I'd lost 65 lbs....

    It's hard and I had a lot of anxiety at first, but when I finally calmed down, that's when it started to flow.

    Thisssss. I just do the calorie stuff in the background and don't try to think about it too much or I would go crazy. It just happens without you even realising sometimes XD but It's better that way, I'd rather it come off gradually than to have it done really fast and having exerted myself too much to get there, that sounds hella stressful :/ It will happen, but you have to accept it will take time, and more often than not, that's a good thing. :smile: