So giving up

I am so close to giving up. I have lost 95lbs so far and have another 50-60 that I want to lose and I am now at that point where its really hard to lose. I seem to lose some during the week but gain it back over the weekend. This has been happening for 2 months now. And its totally my fault. I cant say no to food. I try really hard to eat well but I am surrounded by people who can eat what they want and I LOVE food. So I end up eating what they eat on the weekends. Every skinny person tells me to just maintain then if I can lose anymore but they are skinny and have no clue what its like to be fat and hate it but be stuck this way because you cant stop eating food you love. I am stuck on a stupid merry-go-round and I want to just quit because I am tired of failing and never getting anywhere I want. I still stick to a pretty rigid workout routine but man I am getting really worn down from 2 months of no progress. All the weight my page says I have lost I have gained right back. Its enough to make me want to go drown my frustration in a tub of icecream ...that's not even productive any more :) I need some motivation and help. Please


  • MysticTrev
    MysticTrev Posts: 10
    Don't give up now. What if change is right around the corner? I know youre frustrated and feel like its a never ending journey but you have come so far already! Just think about where you started. That should be motivation enough!

    P.S. sent you a pm.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Don't LOVE food more than you LOVE you. Find something that weighs 95 pounds and carry it around for awhile and see how it feels. I was doing some yard work and had to carry around 40 pound bags of sand. I realized why I was so tired and sluggish before I lost weight. I still have a way to go but when I think about giving up I remember how tired I was after hauling around the bags of sand.
  • Tla0126
    Tla0126 Posts: 207 Member
    I spend 3-4 months toying with the same few pounds because I couldn't buckle down 100% of the time. This April, I finally pushed past that and now when I look back, I am thrilled that I maintained for 4 whole months!!!! I didn't gain all my weight back - I was able to keep myself under control!!! It's going to be a battle for me, I'm suspecting, for the rest of my life. It gave me some hope knowing that I was able to not totally lose control for that amount of time.

    Just keep with it - start over every day if you have to! Enjoy your life, including food, but just keep your eye on what's most important. to you Good luck!
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    You are getting really good advice here from everyone. Could you eat what your friends eat but just smaller portions? Amp up your workout a bit on the weekends? I know it seems so unfair when people around you don't have to monitor themselves like we do.
    Stay strong - you look so good and you'll be so much healthier in the long run.
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    Don't LOVE food more than you LOVE you. Find something that weighs 95 pounds and carry it around for awhile and see how it feels. I was doing some yard work and had to carry around 40 pound bags of sand. I realized why I was so tired and sluggish before I lost weight. I still have a way to go but when I think about giving up I remember how tired I was after hauling around the bags of sand.

    I have experienced that at times myself! It is crazy when I carry 50lbs and im like: "how in the world did I even walk?" Your right I got remind myself of these things.
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    You are getting really good advice here from everyone. Could you eat what your friends eat but just smaller portions? Amp up your workout a bit on the weekends? I know it seems so unfair when people around you don't have to monitor themselves like we do.
    Stay strong - you look so good and you'll be so much healthier in the long run.

    I have tried the smaller portions things. I go into beast mode and there is no stopping me haha. :) thank you for the encouragement.
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    I feel that way too sometimes, but we can't give up! Add lots of positive people and post whenever you need some encouragement! You're too strong to give up now :D
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    This is the perfect time to really get into the excitement of everything again!
    Maybe you need a fresh start! And maybe you need to stop expecting results - reduce your stress :)
    You can do it!

    But, make sure your calorie goal has been adjusted to your new weight. And try adding in a new kind of exercise. But choose something exciting and new - kayaking maybe?
  • RawIndian
    RawIndian Posts: 90 Member
    I recommend that you take a look at eating raw vegan food. Cravings will disappear and the weight loss is undeniable.

    Plus you will feel awesome.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Watch this and see if you are motivated...
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    I recommend that you take a look at eating raw vegan food. Cravings will disappear and the weight loss is undeniable.

    Plus you will feel awesome.

    I was just thinking yesterday how hard I have been trying to like vegetables...especially raw. Its impossible :)
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    Just remember that doing the wrong thing on the weekends is what causes you to feel the way you do now. Don't give up the things you like, Just watch your portions and keep your self control in check then by Monday you will feel really proud of what you accomplished over the weekend by sticking to your guns.
  • meanpooh
    meanpooh Posts: 10 Member
    Have you tried weight training? I think that should be something to look into. Don't give up.
  • TheNewMe99
    TheNewMe99 Posts: 24
    You can't quit now! You are way into this. You had some fun with food for 2 months now back on track! Don't know what your program is like but you may want to try a Paleo diet. Lot's of recipes on-line too. The premise is to eat like a caveman lol. Read up on it. I try to eat as clean as possible. :)
  • dogluvr_2014
    dogluvr_2014 Posts: 54 Member
    Please don't give up. Keep reminding yourself that you are worth the fight and yes, this is a fight. If you feel like you can't eat smaller portions or control yourself with your eating when you are around those people then you might have to limit your time with them... at least for eating. Life is never fair but we have to be honest with ourselves on what will make us succeed and what will make us fail. I believe you can do this and you need to start believing it too. You are on this site for a reason and I think your victory is right around the corner. Hang in there my friend. God Bless!!! :smile:
  • 7seas_sailing
    7seas_sailing Posts: 224 Member
    FWIW, I'm having a similar issue. Dropped 27 pounds since December, but now I'm hovering between 197 and 202. If I weight on Friday I'm looking good. If I weight on Monday, I'm back over 200. It sucks. I have no support at home, and they eat what they want. It's something that I'll be addressing in August. I'm looking forward to dropping the last 15 pounds.

    With all of that said, You and I are both doing well for maintaining instead of gaining back 10 or 15 pounds. That can happen way too easily. I know I can do this, and I believe you can too!
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    When was the last time you took a break? This summer, with all the outdoor parties, fairs, and other events going on, I sort of hit a wall. I hadn't really fallen off the wagon, but I was having more cheat days than I had before and every time I felt a little guiltier. Recently thought I took a planned break because of life events, where I didn't even intend to attempt counting calories for about two weeks.

    I set a date to get back on the wagon, and reminded myself that two weeks was not going to magically make all 95 pounds come back on. I did get some water weight, which has been creeping down now that I'm doing well, but nothing big. It really helped me to remember why I'm doing this and how good I feel when I keep myself under control and exercise regularly. I still tried to make good choices and stopped eating when I was full, but I didn't count. Sometimes you just need to take some time to not worry about it in order to remember why you're doing this in the first place.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    There is no end to healthy choices and lifestyle. Just adjust the path, foods and exercises, a bit at a time and you'll get there.
    Not going to happen overnight or quickly.
    Giving up is easy, staying the course is strength. You got this!!

    Best of luck
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    I recommend that you take a look at eating raw vegan food. Cravings will disappear and the weight loss is undeniable.

    Plus you will feel awesome.

    Worst idea ever.

    If I went raw, I'd last 4 days and fall into a binge of candy covered steak stuffed with fried chicken.

    Eat what you like. Focus on only calories in vs out. If you eat the food you like, it isn't so bad and you get used to the smaller portions. Possibly sub in some healthier *kitten* so you can feel fuller.

    If you are stalling, try zig-zag intake or other variations to mix *kitten* up but make sure you track portions and weigh food so you're right about your numbers. Do you workout?
  • takydawa
    takydawa Posts: 6 Member
    Don't Ever Quit