eggless breakfast ideas

lwgal Posts: 1

I'm interested in some breakfast ideas that aren't sweet, and don't use eggs. And no carbs, or low at least. I've been eating plain greek yogurt with blueberries and some walnuts, and two pieces of bacon. I miss my eggs, and gluten but I'm abdominal pain free after 10+ years of sever stomach problems. So staying away.



  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    1 cup of almond milk, 2 tbsp of chia seeds, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 package of stevia. Create and sit in your fridge over night, eat the next day
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    granny smith apple and cheese (i like spicy cheese) you can put peanut butter (all nat) on the apple too but watch the amount
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Black coffee
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    I'm allergic to eggs, so I'm a pro at this one.
    Protein shakes--there are a million recipes out there.
    Low carb tortilla with cream cheese, veggies and breakfast meat.
    Cottage cheese w/ veggies and meat.
    Celery and peanut butter.
    Bacon with pretty much anything.

    Also, you mention wanting low carb and avoiding gluten. I think you can still have carbs on gluten free--just not carbs containing gluten. My limited understanding of "gluten free" would lead me to believe that you can have oatmeal, quinoa, and potatoes. So those would be great options too.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    arent there gluten-free breadlike options?
  • Snoozypaws3000
    Snoozypaws3000 Posts: 133 Member
    I make BLTM wraps, grill the bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms [I sometimes dry fry the mush and toms in a pan with a splash of Tamari/soy sauce and a teaspoon of water] then I wrap them up in a lettuce leaf with some HP sauce [like A1 sauce] and eat it like a regular tortilla wrap

    I also like to do a big cooking apple and stew it in a splash of water with raisins, cinnamon and serve it with a dollop of low fat Greek You sprinkled with a few nuts and a drizzle of honey if I have the calories spare.

    Finally, when I have the time to cook I sometimes have a piece of smoked haddock that I steam with fresh asparagus, or wilted spinach [and a sprinkle of cheese ... if I have the calories] - a large flilet is about 150 cals

    Hope that helps and glad to hear that your change in diet seems to be having such a good effect on you
    Sky x
  • Drevious
    Drevious Posts: 69 Member
    Quinoa is great for gluten-free people (I'm not but love eating it anyway). My best friend is Peruvian and that's what everyone eats for breakfast there! Check out these receipts: (Sorry there are receipts with eggs. Just skip those)
  • massivediet
    massivediet Posts: 54 Member
    This morning for breakfast I had a filling breakfast of fried eggs with the rest of the plate filled with sauteed mushrooms and strips of sirloin steak, tomatoes, and a little shredded cheese. I think that would have been just as good without the eggs.

    If you can have potatoes, a scramble made with a few of those and a lot of meat and veggies would be great.