Loving Insanity but gaining weight???



  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    I too have the Insanity challenge but keep in mind you have put on muscle which weighs more than fat. Also keep in mind that you need to consume your calorie difference because the burn on Insanity is up to 1000 calories per interval.

    ugh *headslap*

    its probably just water retention. remember when you work out you damage your muscles and fluid forms around the tissue as inflammation..there are tons of other factors too. we all vary from day to day with our weight. it could be near that time of the month. you wont gain muscle, cant. and you certainly wont put on 5 lbs of muscle in a few days, weeks even months. and ya, muscle doesnt weigh more than fat..a lb is a lb.
  • i didnt read through everyones comments, but im on week 4 days 1, and ive also gained a couple pounds. but since the workout feels so good, i just continue it and hope by the end something happens
  • halffull10
    halffull10 Posts: 1 Member
    I gained 10 lbs doing insanity, and I was coming off of p90x3 so I'm pretty sure I lost a little muscle durning the process. I was careful to eat enough calories and kept my diet clean. The weight came off when I finished the program and went back to shorter, less strenuous workouts. The workouts were a lot of fun, and I made tremendous gains in endurance, but in the end it was just to much stress on my body. I'm the type to gain weight when I get too stressed out- you may be the same way.
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